Illaoi tells Miss Fortune the truth about Gangplank - Ruined King

Illaoi tells Miss Fortune the truth about Gangplank - Ruined King


3 года назад

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@gadrielvanorion9872 - 25.11.2021 17:42

before this game

man im not so sure about illaoi, she seems so... idk.

after this game

illaoi is actually a rly nice and cool character

@cptnsquiggly - 25.11.2021 19:17

I wish mf original voice would be on this, but this was isn't bad.

@andrewpenny4676 - 27.11.2021 03:54

50/50 gangplank could be Sarah father in this universe.

@vengefulpianist257 - 02.12.2021 22:21

Illaoi’s muscles…😳😳😳I am looking respectfully

@zeppelincraft1443 - 08.12.2021 13:55

I like how Illaoi who is probably one of the strongest of willpower finds herself in a really tough situation to explain what she had done. I mean, I really cannot blame her.

@meisunebernadetta9868 - 13.12.2021 04:40

So, we got the 4 ships of the party:
-braum and illaoi
-ahri and yasuo
-fortune and pyke on a threesome with killing bad guys
-Charmin Lady

@PedroShaPe - 18.12.2021 06:11

"There was a time I'd put a bullet in you for lying to me, Illaoi"

Is she blind or just really arrogant? She doesn't stand a chance against Illaoi lol

@drwexan7684 - 18.06.2022 07:32

I always forget illaoi is true neutral and just follows her god and that she's not a bad guy she's more of an anti-hero

@vungotranlong4245 - 20.02.2023 08:24

I love how the Sarah Fortune just being Sarah Fortune.

A captain who is consistent with every choices she makes. Her characteristics haven't changed at all, just put more believe in her new friends.

@TheSaladin777 - 14.03.2023 10:10

The writing is so shit

@Bralucum - 31.07.2023 18:01

Its so refreshing to see a confession made without the writers forcing two characters to part ways but instead making them still see the big picture and understand, that they simply cannot afford to loose an ally right in that moment. Truly adds more depth to their characters.

@Vandita3344 - 09.06.2024 18:47

I have no Idea what is happening, but I love Laura Bailey's line delivery.

Thanks for the upload. ❤
