Viva Dr. Greger!
ОтветитьGreat, great, great production! Just interviewed him and he mentioned this video so I'm linking it in video interview that I'm publishing today.
Ответитьgreat vid
ОтветитьLove love this guy!
ОтветитьThank you Dr Greger, for a great lecture and your humor as well. I am certain that everyone whom takes the time to listen to your lectures and videos, will enjoy them as much as I.
ОтветитьAlthough this presentation appears to be sound and based upon reputable science, I fear it isn't put to its best potential use. Once again, we have Dr. Greger preaching to what I presume is a metaphorical choir. I suspect the vast majority of the audience, both in the auditorium and online, are health-conscious vegans. This sort of presentation would be of much greater benefit if presented to the general public. I would like to see Dr. Greger bring this excellent presentation into more hostile territory, such as Paleo conferences and Crossfit gyms. By the way, I am currently experimenting with the Ornish diet and hitting new PR's in the gym. I would be very interested in a quality clinical study that pits vegans versus omnivores and tries to figure out whether or not there is evidence that meat improves maximal strength, as is generally accepted among athletes.
ОтветитьDr Michael Greger is my Superstar him, he is the BEST of the BEST!!
ОтветитьExcellence in an example of the true meaning of the word 'doctor', which originally meant teacher. Dr. Greger, if Mr. Pritikin were here to see what you are doing, he would be astonished and pleased.
ОтветитьOne of the best overal health videos on the internet, period. Dr Greger is one of the few that combines open minded- yet critical thinking, with true hardcore determination, motivation and work ethic.
ОтветитьThree years ago, I undertook a dietary change, in conjunction with an exercise program, as suggested by Dr. Gregor. I had diabetes, was on metformin and gliclazide and was on the road to the needle. I weighed 255 lbs. and was, for the most part, sedentary. Because of the indicators that Dr. Gregor provided, I am now 198 lbs., diabetes is gone and so are the medications that I took back then. This man speaks the truth. His information was, and is, invaluable to any and all people who are interested in being well and yes, I am a vegetarian. Dr. Gregor saved my life. How do you thank someone for doing that? I pass it on to others.
Ответитьdr greger, i love you :) thanks for what you are doing to promote the health message based on science!
ОтветитьWhere's the body of evidence? Don't misunderstand, I'm not doubting the good doc, but wouldn't you expect to see hundreds, if not thousands of "cured" patients coming from these WFPB clinics? Not just a few here and there. We've seen the same medical images from Ornish of a single patient for 30 years. Where are the rest? You would assume the media couldn't keep a lid on something this miraculous. We in the US had an entire Time magazine with butter on the cover years ago.
ОтветитьCan we have transcript please? For deaf ppl
ОтветитьLove it !
ОтветитьThe work Dr Gregor and friends are doing is more important than ever in this age of misinformation.
Ответитьwhat a legend bless him
ОтветитьGreat presentation! Dr. Greger is the best :)
ОтветитьIntelligence. Sounds like Jerry Seinfeldt on carrots.
ОтветитьIn 2012, at the age of 51, I was dignosed with fibromyalgia, high blood pressure, and psoriatic arthritis. On a side note, I had then been involved in animal welfare for a while.
I was put on numerous tablets. Also I had suffered from migraine since puberty, and allergies since the age of 19 (starting with hay fever and increasing every year with a new food allergy).
One day in April 2013, as I was pouring milk in my beloved mug of black tea (sweetened with artificial sweetener), it hit me! Hard! HOW, in the name of xxxx (insert favorite deity here), could I consume dairy, when I was well aware of where it came from? And what suffering it caused for the exploited animals? That did NOT go hand in hand with animal welfare now, did it? So from one moment to the next, I became a vegetarian. I have since not consumed any dairy or meat. I'm not a vegan (yet), as I still do eat about 1 egg per week, I eat honey occasionally, and I do eat seafood about twice a month. What has happened since, is the following:
1) The migraine attacks have reduced from about twice a month (severe attacks that left me almost incapacitated for 1-2 days) to about once every 3-4 months (a mild headache which goes away after a 10 minute stroll with my old dog).
2) The almost constant pain from the fibromyalgia is gone.
3) I have no allergies at all any more.
4) My scalp (where I had the psoriasis) is fine.
5) The stiffness and pain from the arthritis is nearly gone (the occasional twinge is still there).
6) I lost ca. 10 kg weight (from 83 kg to 73/74 kg, I'm 1.69 m tall) without any calory counting or watching the amount of food I eat.
I stumbled across Dr. Greger's videos about 2 weeks ago. It only confirms my belief that a vegetarian/vegan diet is the only way to "live long and prosper" (yeah, I'm a trekkie LOL).
I just LOVE the way Dr. Greger presents clear hard facts. THANK YOU for this, sir :D
Dr. Greger may treat some diseases, but humans remain ordinary mortals - I got the power (and everybody can possess it) to stay absolutely healthy all the time and become Immortal without being vegan and any other BS - Any infections, allergies, cancers, diabetes, polio, TB, cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, genetic, autoimmune and any other diseases, known on Earth, will be erased from the face of the planet in just a few days, if everybody (kids and adults) start doing my discovery (just an exercise for a minute a day) - My WVCD - The Weapon of Virus and Cancer Destruction - We humans will stay absolutely healthy all the time, living our Endless Lives, for Infinite Health = Immortality - I will describe my WVCD to the world for 5 billion EURO - Just 25 million EURO per country in the world - For our Infinite Health and Immortality - The Future belongs to us - The Immortal Humans.
ОтветитьI believe he was born for giving lectures! :D
ОтветитьIf you go Vegan make sure you consume flax or chia seeds ground up or eat tons of kale for the omega -3's and take an active B-12 supplement. Dr.Gregor mentions this in his other videos
Ответитьlove you dr. greger, your knowledge is the reason for curing my hormonal imbalance and its consequences..
ОтветитьWe need to see the slides, not Dr Greger! FGS!!
ОтветитьBeing a widow of 15 years, due to all the causes Dr. Greger lists. You cannot help someone who does not want to help himself. In all ways including exercise. The only thing I can fault about this great presentation is the leaning to soy. From what I study 98% is GMO. Only good soy is fermented. Soy is a big no for anyone with thyroid disease. Thanks for opening my eyes.
ОтветитьI was hope Dr. Greger would do one about the UK.
Looking forward to watching this and hopefully getting my mum to watch it.
What a wealth of valuable info with humor. Gracias
ОтветитьThis deserves more views!
Ответитьinformative and amazing
ОтветитьI'm sorry,I really wanted to watch this,but 5 minutes in and I just couldn't take that nauseating, ridiculous,whiningly irritating voice of his any more .
ОтветитьI'm an oncology nurse and I wish more people would listen to him so that the population of cancer patients will diminish. I love this man!
ОтветитьFinally, there is someone telling the truth, and not acting for financial reasons.
Thank you so much for what you do, you contribute to the world by helping people being healthy, I really appreciate it.
חסר כתוביות בעברית.
ОтветитьOnly a food industry profiteer would vote this vid can take an idiot out of idiottown...but they will always be a native..
ОтветитьDr Greger... always excellent.
Button Up Your Overcoat
Button up your overcoat
When the wind is free
Take good care of yourself
You belong to me
Oh, eat an apple every day
Get to bed by three
Take good care of yourself
You belong to me
Be careful crossing streets, ooh, ooh
Don't eat meat, ooh, ooh
Cut out sweets, ooh, ooh
You'll get a pain and ruin your tum-tum
Keep away from bootleg hooch
When you're on a spree
Take good care of yourself
You belong to me
Music by Ray Henderson, lyrics by B.G. DeSylva and Lew Brown. First published in 1928, first performed by Ruth Etting.
ОтветитьJust eat broccoli and nuts !