thanks in large part to our technological advances, electron media inc. is finally now able to offer you instagram for mobile devices on all platforms absolutely free!
There is absolutely no need to pay electron media group inc. because this is a free perk that is apart of our free electron program. At electron media group we formed with the sole intent to create a total an absolute monopoly on the market for electrons, and our growth has been absolutely outstanding.
Earlier this month we expanded this free electron program to the #EU, and we are proud to report an exponential rise in the flow of electrons to that region.
Please stay tuned for more updates and all access free electrons and more !
If you are unaware, electron media group inc. has responded quickly to the growth of the internet by giving away all of its electrons on a conditional basis.
It is important that you receive our free electrons so that we may create a total and complete monopoly, and in this way create a positive and bright future for ourselves and electron media group inc.
#quantum #mechanics #reality #simulation_hypotesis #living_in_a_simulation #holographic_universe #consciousness #10_demensions_explained