Idk what a bil is tbh.
ОтветитьLiterally another rich boy getting away with SA. Eat the rich, my dudes.
Ответитьthis video was really engaging and well put together, great job! i have to admit, though, that i’m a bit skeptical about the whole "dark plans" angle. sometimes it feels like people exaggerate on these platforms for clicks. i wonder if there’s more to the story that isn’t being shown. what do you guys think?
ОтветитьGreat video! I really appreciate the insightful storytelling. However, I can't help but think that invading someone's privacy, even if it's family, crosses a line. What if roles were reversed? How would you feel if someone dug through your personal stuff? Just something to ponder.
Ответитьthis video was really well put together, i enjoyed the storytelling! but honestly, i can't help but think that digging into someone's private life like that crosses a line. wouldn’t it be better to communicate openly instead of playing detective?
Ответитьgreat video, really engaging storytelling! i have to say though, it seems a bit extreme to go through someone's personal accounts like that. i understand the concern for family, but shouldn't there be a boundary when it comes to privacy? feels like a slippery slope to me.
ОтветитьWow, this video was really intriguing and well put together! I love how you brought the story to life. But honestly, I'm a bit torn about the whole situation. I mean, shouldn't we respect people's privacy, even if they're family? Sharing these kinds of personal revelations can feel a little invasive sometimes. What do you all think?
Ответитьwow, this video was really interesting and well put together! it definitely got my attention. but honestly, i feel like some parts were a bit exaggerated for dramatic effect. it makes you wonder if there's more to the story or if it's just a way to get views. what do you all think?
ОтветитьWow, this video was really captivating and well put together! I can’t help but feel like some of these Reddit stories get a bit dramatized for views though. Like, do people really have such sinister plans? It kind of makes me question how much is real versus for entertainment. Just a thought!
Ответитьthis video was really engaging and gave me a lot to think about. but honestly, isn't snooping through someone's personal account a bit of an invasion of privacy? i mean, we all have our secrets, right? what if the tables were turned? just feels like a slippery slope to me.
Ответитьwhat are all these comments😭
Ответитьthis video was really engaging, you did a great job bringing the story to life. that being said, i can't help but feel like the whole situation is a bit overblown. i mean, isn't it possible that he just has some harmless interests? sometimes i think we jump to conclusions way too quickly without knowing the full context. what do you all think?
Ответитьthis video was really engaging and thought-provoking! i have to say, while some might argue that snooping through someone's online activities is a breach of privacy, i think it can be justified when you're trying to protect your family. what do you all think?
Ответитьwow, this video was super engaging and really kept my attention! but honestly, i can't help but feel like invading someone's privacy like that, even if it's a family member, is a bit over the line. i mean, should we really be digging into other people's private lives? it’s complicated… ��
Ответитьthis video was really intriguing, you did a great job unfolding the story! but honestly, i can't help but think that invading someone's privacy like that, even if it’s family, feels a bit too far. i get wanting to know what's going on, but maybe confronting him directly would’ve been a better approach? just a thought!
Ответитьthis video was surprisingly engaging! you definitely kept my attention throughout. but honestly, i can't help but feel like maybe invading someone's privacy like that, even if it’s family, crosses a line. isn’t it a bit unfair to expose someone's thoughts without their consent? just a thought!
Ответитьthis video was really captivating, and it kept me on the edge of my seat! but honestly, i can't help but think that invading someone’s privacy like this, even if it’s a family member, might actually cross a line. sure, what he’s planning is questionable, but wouldn’t a direct conversation be more constructive? just my two cents!
Ответитьwhat a fascinating video! i really appreciate the storytelling and the way you kept us engaged throughout. but i can't help but wonder if invading someone's privacy like that, even if they're family, is really justified. i mean, does anyone else think that maybe pushing boundaries like this could cause more harm than good? it’s such a gray area!
Ответитьthis video is really intriguing and well put together! I appreciate the effort you put into sharing these stories. however, I can't help but wonder if going through someone's private account, even if it's a family member, really crosses a line. I mean, shouldn’t we respect their privacy, regardless of the situation? Just feels a bit unethical to me. what do you all think?
ОтветитьIs the comments high?
Ответитьwhat is with the comments about the privacy invasion?who cares if he puts it on the net than he has no privacy and he is a danger clear and simple
Ответитьthis video is super intriguing and really got me hooked! i can't help but wonder if invading your BIL's privacy like this is justified, even if his plans seem alarming. it kind of feels like a breach of trust, right? i mean, wouldn't it have been better to confront him first before diving into his online life? just my thoughts!
Ответитьthis video is super intriguing, and you did a great job bringing the story to life! but honestly, i can't help but feel like snooping through someone's Reddit account crosses a line. it raises some serious concerns about privacy and trust. what do you all think?
Ответитьi really enjoyed the storytelling in this video, you’ve got a unique way of keeping things engaging. but honestly, i can't help but wonder if snooping through someone’s Reddit account is a huge invasion of privacy. i mean, should we really be uncovering someone’s personal thoughts like that?
Ответитьthis video was really intriguing, great storytelling! however, i can't help but feel like invading someone's privacy, even for a family member, might cross a line. should we really be digging through personal accounts like that, even if it seems justified?
Ответитьthis video was definitely an eye-opener, really well done! but honestly, i can't help but think that snooping on someone's private account might be crossing a line. i get that it’s family, but isn’t there a better way to address concerns? it raises questions about trust and privacy. what do you all think?
Ответитьgreat video, really kept me on the edge of my seat! but honestly, i feel like the whole idea of snooping through someone else's online account crosses a line. i mean, can you really trust someone after invading their privacy like that? just seems a bit too intense for me.
Ответитьthis was such an intriguing video! you really captured the suspense and emotions. but honestly, i wonder if invading someone’s privacy like that, even if it’s a family member, crosses a line. should we really be snooping through each other's online lives? it feels a bit intrusive, don’t you think?
Ответитьwow, this video is really intriguing and you did a great job presenting the story! but honestly, i can't help but wonder if invading someone's privacy like that is crossing a line. even if the intentions are good, it feels a bit invasive, don’t you think?
Ответитьthis video was so intriguing and well put together! i never expected such a twist from a family member. but honestly, i can't help but think that maybe some of these "dark plans" are just misunderstandings. like, is it really fair to judge someone based on their online thoughts without understanding the context? just my 2 cents!
Ответитьhey, i really enjoyed this video – the storytelling was super engaging! but honestly, i think sometimes people can take their online identities a bit too seriously. like, should we really be digging into family members' secrets on social media? it feels kinda invasive, right?
Ответитьthis video was really engaging and had me hooked from the start! i do wonder, though, if snooping through someone's private online space is really justified? i get the curiosity, but it feels a bit like invading privacy to me. curious to hear what others think!
Ответитьwow, this video was really engaging and well put together! i have to say, though, i found the whole idea of invading someone's privacy like that a bit unsettling. i mean, how would you feel if someone went through your stuff and found secrets? it's a tricky situation that raises a lot of ethical questions. what do you all think?
Ответитьwow, this video was really well put together! I enjoyed the storytelling and the suspense you built up. but honestly, I can't help but think that maybe snooping through someone's Reddit account is a bit of an invasion of privacy? I mean, even if it's family, shouldn't we respect their personal space?
Ответитьthis is such a captivating video, really keeps you on the edge of your seat! but honestly, i feel like the whole situation could've been avoided if the family had a more open line of communication. it just makes you wonder how many secrets people keep, right?
Ответитьthis video was really engaging and the storytelling was top-notch! however, i can't help but feel that digging into someone's personal life like this, even if it's a family member, crosses a line. it makes me wonder if some things are better left undiscovered. what do you all think?
Ответитьwow, this video was really engaging and definitely kept my attention! but honestly, I feel like diving into someone's private account might cross a line. I get wanting to protect your family, but invading someone's personal space, even for good reasons, can lead to bigger issues. what do you think?
ОтветитьThere is so many bots here
ОтветитьBOT comment section with that "intriguing but bla bla bla privacy" talk
ОтветитьThink every comment is a friend of the OP. No way anyone thinks this is true!
ОтветитьAre these bots in the comments? Cause that explains how similar the comments are & how idiotic they are.
ОтветитьThere was a bot who commented the same thing twice 💀
ОтветитьHe's a Narcissist and needs to control everything. He thinks he's helping and you'll thank him for "helping" you. He thinks he's being a good guy, but he's just being more abusive. You can't "fix" someone who has been abused. They can only learn to live with the scars. The sister is making excuses for him just like I did when I was married. BIL is lying to protect his "good guy" mask all narcissists have. I didn't realize how abusive he was until 3 months after I kicked him out for cheating. 21 years of chronic cheating, and abuse from a narcissist. I'd love to say he was my only narcissist, but he's not. I've had at least 11, and the last one just kicked her abuse and manipulation into a higher gear.
Ответить2nd story. So what the sister is saying is that if he committed m**Der when he was a teenager, then it shouldn't follow him the rest of his life because he was a kid and hadn't done it since??? It still happened no matter how old he was. He should be on the offenders registry for it. They don't just stop, they just get sneaker about it so they don't get caught. 1000% he has done it to the sister too, but she thought it wasn't a big deal because he gaslit her into believing it. I fought hard against people who said my ex was abusive because he wasn't physically abusive. You never want to see someone you love as a monster....but they are. If you keep telling her to leave him, she'll only dig in harder to hold onto him. I did. She has to come to the realization for herself without people pushing her. It may seem scary to just let her stay with him, but if you keep on her about it, it will only take her longer to leave him. One day, she'll see what everyone was telling her, and a switch will go off, and she'll be done with him. He's most likely a narcissist since he gaslit her, so just try to stay in her life without talking about him or the abuse. Don't let him isolate her because they do that so they can Amp up the abuse, and no one will see. A narcissist has a "good guy" mask they wear during the day. They pretend to be this great, salt-of-the-earth, do anything for anyone kind of person. They can't pretend for long, though. So they come home and take it out on their carefully chosen victim. They're very insecure about themselves and everything they do, and the only way for them to feel better is to abuse their victims. My ex would be this great guy during the day, then come home and be a monster to me and our kids. He never liked our son and avoided him because he proved to be more intelligent than my ex at 2 yrs old. Their egos are very fragile. The only time he spent with him was when he was trying to best him at some game like chess or at math. All of his victories were short-lived, so now he barely speaks to him. He only speaks to him to maintain his narcissist mask, though, because you can't be a great guy and a horrible father in people's eyes. Narcissists are evil people who pretend to be a good person, but they're really a monster. Unfortunately, they're good at manipulation, gaslighting, and lying so the victim doesn't realize they're a victim for a while. Also, all narcissists are chronic cheaters looking for validation and attention from someone other than their victim. All of the affairs are short-lived because they can only pretend to be who they aren't for so long. My ex cheated at least twice a year for 21 years and even brought me home a "gift" from a trip once when I was 7 months pregnant then tried to gaslight me and say I must've cheated or I got it from a toilet seat. I knew he cheated because one abusive thing he did was call me after he cheated no matter where he was in the world (and long distance overseas was expensive). He'd tell me in detail how he was propositioned and then said he didn't go through with it. I kicked him out after he cheated with his "one who got away." I always knew I was a replacement for her, but he tried to say he didn't love her and would never leave me for her. The second she found him again, they picked up where they left off. They're married now, but karma got both of them because they're both chronically cheating and abusive narcissists, and now they treat each other exactly how they treated their previous spouses. They can't leave because they crafted their narcissist masks around each other by saying how much they loved and respected each other, etc. all over social media and to anyone who would listen. He portrayed me as the evil one when all I did was do everything for him, the kids, and the house while he cheated and ignored us. I'm sure she did the same thing about her ex-husbands (3). She left him after getting pregnant and married his BF instead of him and named the baby after the BF. Left him for the next and him for the next and him for mine. She tried to gaslight me and say she would never dream of leaving her husband because she loved him so much. I knew she was lying. I tried to get him to stop talking to her, but then he did it in secret. He still thinks the daughter is his. Everybody told him to get a test, but he refused. She had probably told him she'd do it, but no matter the outcome, she'd leave him for not trusting her. He had waited for her for 17 years and couldn't let her get away again. Now the couple who said they loved and respected each other barely speak except to put each other down and fight, and they both chronically cheat on each other. You reap what you sow. Narcissists belong with other narcissists.
ОтветитьHe should be jailed for underage sex and rape
Ответитьis this real?😳