Sam's Club haul January 2025!

Sam's Club haul January 2025!

Buzz's retirement garage

1 месяц назад

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@nomo9344 - 09.01.2025 04:49

We shop exclusively at Costco because the risk of getting shot at Sam's Club is seemingly exponentially higher.

@kittyhawk12 - 09.01.2025 04:53

If you live in Ohio,Lawsons chip dip has always been The best,can only get at Circle K gas station at$4.29 container!!!!

@judyopp7485 - 09.01.2025 05:07

Nice haul from Sam's! How do you enjoy the chicken legs....baked, fried, etc. Do you cook all at once or do you divide into multiple meals. We really like drumsticks and thighs grilled and sometimes bbq'd but too much ice and too cold here to even think about grilling. We are having a no spend week and eating from the freezer and pantry due to the ice storm here. On the bright side...I think it is only 72 days until Spring! 🌷☀️🐦

@JimsIfitaintbrokefixit - 09.01.2025 05:12

Buzz I love your change of pace channel. I never miss an episode.

@chacod.hastiin3775 - 09.01.2025 05:17

Sup Buzz. Have you tried the Scan and Go App to get your haul? I tried for the first time yesterday. I liked it and saved from getting in line and a quick pass through going out the door. Gas here in ABQ $2.59/gal.

@leisure057blank3 - 09.01.2025 05:24

I don’t know if I could do lime popcorn, lol

@andrewwhite1968 - 09.01.2025 05:30

I spent $100 at my local supermarket yesterday. You're doing better, keep it up.

They had 3 for $5 Progresso soups which I thought was pretty good. Will have to check out Sam's.

@dancurran8977 - 09.01.2025 05:37

Happy 2025!

@joerubalcava11 - 09.01.2025 05:39

We shop at Sam’s and Costco. For only 2 people at Sam’s you don’t have to buy such big packages. She like the fact that you can order online and they come and loaded into your car. It helps especially with the heavy items. If you shop in the store you can pay on your Sam’s app and don’t have to wait in line to pay and you can use it also at the gas station. Costco doesn’t have that. We do get our prescriptions at Costco.

@todddunn945 - 09.01.2025 05:47

Looks like cat food was your most expensive purchase, as it should be. I went shopping to Hannaford yesterday while my wife was getting her monthly eye procedure done and also spent $160. My haul included 40 cans of Friskies Pate for $30.39. A bit more expensive than what you got but "the Beast" demands that food. I did supplement that with 10 cans of Fancy Feast as treats. My haul was more staples and included 18 pounds of frozen vegetables, 2 pounds of bratwurst (from Germany). That was pricey, but my wife likes it. I also picked up 8 lbs of boneless, skinless chicken breasts for $16 and 5 lbs of boneless center cut port chops for $10. Both the chicken and pork were on sale. The only other big items were kitty litter and TP. Man paper products like TP are expensive. I did splurge on a half pound of Cambozola cheese from Germany at $20/lb, but hey why not. I also bought some ice cream, but only because I had a dollar off coupon. $1.87 for what they sell instead of a half gallon seems like a good deal. Of course I remember when you could get an actual half gallon of good ice cream for $.89, but I try not to think about that sort of thing.

@OhRonaldo - 09.01.2025 06:11

Awwwwe #4 was a sweet deal!

Thank you and a happy and healthy New Year to you 🐝 (close as I could get to a bzzzzz) and to Mrs. Buzz. ❤

@bobbiemoser14 - 09.01.2025 06:38

Happy New Year to you Buzz too!

@amy11228 - 09.01.2025 06:39

Great haul, Buzz! Thanks for sharing. Wishing you and Mrs. Buzz health and happiness in 2025!

@angelawatkins2637 - 09.01.2025 07:08

Happy New Year! You made me hungry! I can't believe you're a square box lover, I avoid those! I just did a Walmart pickup tonight and it was slooooow, people are going nuts because of the snow coming in. Looks like we might actually get some Friday!

@JasonFinney-q5h - 09.01.2025 07:31

Hi, Buzz. Being a few years from retirement (hopefully) I really enjoy your videos. Wishing you and yours a fabulous 2025!

@davegass1650 - 09.01.2025 07:33

Thank God chicken prices have gone down . I love chicken in tacos and on top of salad . You have a very enjoyable channel buddy . 👍

@mikecliffe4809 - 09.01.2025 07:45

Love the grocery haul and the positive attitude. Happy 2025

@Trading_cards_and_more - 09.01.2025 07:47

All popcorn is non gmo fyi

@joeo9082 - 09.01.2025 08:26

You got out of Sams Club for under $200. Very impressive Buzz!!

@corinabecerra953 - 09.01.2025 08:26

My tree is still up too🎄

@FailureatRetirement - 09.01.2025 09:44

Onion pudding 😂🤣😂
I feel like you stole that gas, we are happy that it’s $3.85 at the casino.
Man, I coulda had a V8! Haven’t had one in years. Definitely getting one tomorrow.

@Oldfart9 - 09.01.2025 10:05


@miked5728 - 09.01.2025 10:09

BUZZ !!! Skip ALL the items and ALL the prices! I just gotta know ONE thing! Will eating that big bag of "Skinny Pop" make my 15 "Holiday Pounds" disappear?😆🤣😂😁

@giodagrate5369 - 09.01.2025 11:06

Elvis is in heaven 🙏🏻🇺🇸

@jamesp.7496 - 09.01.2025 14:05

Nice work sir…..that’s about what I paid for gas in AZ on Monday. $31.00 to fill up. Happy new year. ❤️🌵

@BudgetStuffSaveRepeat - 09.01.2025 15:09

Hi Buzz… I’m here hanging out as I’m having a slower morning!!!

@SpectralightPhoto - 09.01.2025 15:16

I loved seeing your Christmas tree still on display. When i took mine down last week, I sang the popular song... "No Christmas tree, No Christmas tree, how beautiful were your colors."

@georgeseros9007 - 09.01.2025 15:21

Another great haul Buzz. As always thanks for sharing and best to you and Mrs. Buzz in 2025.

@JTsRetiredLifeandMowTivation - 09.01.2025 16:35

Great vid Buzz!! Always got to keep your eyes open for deals!! Take care

@TimothyDeck - 09.01.2025 16:55

We appreciate you as well. Happy New Year!!

@RetiredLovingIt - 09.01.2025 17:02

Just took our tree down yesterday. We still have the rest of the Christmas decor to take down….maybe today.

@TimothyDeck - 09.01.2025 17:11

You can freeze the English muffins, and they will last a long time. Then just microwave for 15 seconds so you can split and toast. Before we did this, we had to throw out a lot of bread.

@duffyreef - 09.01.2025 17:51

WOW no processed chicken ?

@Vangirhl - 09.01.2025 17:52

Nice haul, Buzz! Thanks for the shout out for Elvis' birthday! May daughter would appreciate that. She went as him for character day at school (he's her favorite), and sadly the millennial and younger teachers did not know who he was. I hope they looked him up!

@duffyreef - 09.01.2025 17:57

Must be doing a lot of crying with all those tissues!

@dennishaas4745 - 09.01.2025 18:31

Hey Buzz, did you get snowed in ? Here in Southern Illinois, I have been iced in for 5 days and getting snow tonight and tomorrow. It's great to be retired and don't have to get out in this mess !

@pamelaking4414 - 09.01.2025 19:36

3. 73 for gas in panhandle Flordia . But best thing we have hybrid and don’t go far in day or no driving at all ! Fill up maybe 1/2 tank 6 weeks or more only if we did any traveling ! Great haul ! Happy new year mr &mrs buzz

@robertanderson5334 - 09.01.2025 20:10

Always enjoy Costco, if not for food and clothes then just walk around and people watch.

@LynnEvans-mz6vl - 10.01.2025 00:12

Happy 2025 to You and your family!

@mikewilloughby1119 - 10.01.2025 01:05

Nice video. I canceled Sam’s , I live closer to Costco. Both are good stores!

@VishusB - 10.01.2025 01:25

I was paying attention! 🙋‍♀️ I was getting a bit worried for a moment. 😂 Happy new year to you and Mrs Buzz! Am I right in thinking that Sam’s Club is like Costco?

@john-o1g9p - 10.01.2025 05:13

more and more ready to eat salads are making people sick. stopped eating them.
wash everything in a vinegar bath and spin em.

@jamiechafi5024 - 10.01.2025 06:14

I like you man you are the best positive man 👍🙏

@annedarrah9117 - 10.01.2025 21:21

Have you guys ever shopped at Aldi? They have some good prices there too!

@keith-pz3uj - 10.01.2025 23:03

I see you have step up to a remote to record! Now we want to have to look at nose hairs!! Just kidding!!! I love the Sams runs! I learn something just about every time!! V8 sodium free..... Didn't know that!! Thank you for sharing and Happy New Year Mr. Buzz! And as always keep them coming!!!

@DanasGardenRetreat - 10.01.2025 23:36

Love all the plants and stained glass 😊

@harveyottinger5572 - 11.01.2025 04:28

Happy 2025 to you and all. I do still enjoy shopping and getting a deal. Eating in vs out means savings a ton of money. Our generation really understand this. Enjoyed the video.

@cablaze1 - 13.01.2025 09:12

The tree looks pretty. I like the Skinny Pop, I have not seen the avocado variety at the AZ. Costco where we shop yet. When I do I'll toss it in the cart. I do feel that Costco offers good value on most items. Happy New Year.🎉🥳

@rallegra - 14.01.2025 03:26

Nice haul. I enjoy watching other people shopping. 😅 that all sounds sensible.
