My racket choice for 2024

My racket choice for 2024

Tennis with Dylan

11 месяцев назад

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@PV-Anish - 21.04.2024 21:26

Isn't the X version of the pro staff 100sq.inch?

@trentmccormick6171 - 21.04.2024 21:43

I highly recommend you try the Blade Pro from Wilson Pro Labs. It has more power and feel than a normal Blade. Slightly higher SW, too.

@yanjedvlogs - 21.04.2024 22:46

That's true... I have that racket last 3 weeks I bought in ebay. That racket my play improved, there is stability and control, I feel the ball to my topspin and backhand. I love this racket, highly recommend Wilson Blade 98 v9 16x19.

@sjol6126 - 21.04.2024 23:09

Great review , I was deciding between the 3 and have gone with the Blade V9 98 (16 x 19) coming from the ultra V4 100 (noir) which I did not like initially but have grown to love. I do prefer a smaller head size for more control and precision so the 98 falls perfectly between the pro staff and shift. In depth review of the Blade V9 would be great , thanks.

@CH-yp5by - 21.04.2024 23:28

Pro staff should always have gut in the mains if you want more pop, add that and put your alu power in the crosses or for better string retention and longevity use 4G in the mid 40s for tension.

@rsh8057 - 22.04.2024 01:22

How do you like like the Alu-Power? People say it's good but only for an hour? do you restring often?

@cekinekshn - 22.04.2024 04:07

Badosa and Raducanu are using Steam 100 with Blade painting.

@rcyc - 22.04.2024 05:09

Are u sponsored by Wilson?

@Badickerson1990 - 22.04.2024 07:16

Are the orange string the RG version on your blade??

@progressivedemagogue8480 - 22.04.2024 17:01

315 is a gimp weight for a pro staff. Should be 340 at least.

@BillyWander-k4m - 22.04.2024 23:45

Massive risk buying 18x20’s as the swingweight qc is so so bad as you may end up with thors hammer

@shrinandperumal186 - 23.04.2024 03:04

the ps X version is 100 sq inch, the one ur holding is just called the 97

@PatrickBernabe-s2z - 24.04.2024 04:42

Please review the "Wilson Ultra Pro (97sq inch)"......thanks!

@revio000 - 24.04.2024 19:18

Wouldn't it be better to use thinner string in 18x20? Youd get even more feel

@ThesGt - 26.04.2024 07:54

Wilson Pro Staff X, top 3 racket from a wilson list of 3 rackets xD

@skl17 - 30.04.2024 18:10

I demoed the Wilson Blade v9 18x20 from the USOpen proshop and really liked the control and feel of the racquet so I bought one. The proshop strung the demo racquet at a whopping 58lbs. Really not sure what string and tension to get for my new racquet so I went with your exact configuration (ALU Power Rough @54lbs - first time using these strings; typically I go with Solinco Confidential @ 52lbs). Unfortunately, I've noticed that I'm not getting the same control and feel as the demo. Unlike the demo racquet, the ball launches a bit higher (less ball pocketing?) and long when I fully swing out. Do I need to break in the strings? I also feel a bit of arm discomfort (golfer's elbow - inside tendon and a little tennis elbow - outside tendon) after playing out a full match. (I'm in NYC and play both indoor and outdoor.) Do you feel anything similar with your Blade? Do you have any suggestions on how to dial in the power? I was previously using Ezone and it was too powerful. Later, I played with the Head Extreme Tour with a bit of weight added at 12 o'clock and really liked it. Also curious what you think about the v9 after a few weeks of play. Thanks!

@osteouk - 22.05.2024 09:04

TLDR: the new clip grommets are rubbish. I switched from a V8 18/20 to a V9 16/19. Demo was fine, the one I bought felt horrible. I tried different string tensions, lead tape set ups, overgrips and even a replacement grip. The feel was still horrible. Then…. I placed it head down on my floor and thought I heard a vibration. Checked my V8 to compare, and the V9 definitely had a small vibration. I could only find V7 grommets and bumper pack, so tried that in desperation. And the racquet finally feels normal.

@johnmarano6933 - 11.06.2024 04:54

Dylan, do you use an overgrip on most of your rackets? Really curious how you fit your stock grip, along with overgrip ? Thanks,

@rob-bu3yw - 12.07.2024 11:24

how would you compare the 98 blade v9 18x20 with the wilson ultra?
especially in terms of power?

@SaqibSheikh - 16.07.2024 14:56

i currently use the yonex v core pro 97 but thinking of switching to blade 18/19 or pure aero 98. looking for a bit more power and spin

@Redrover53 - 05.08.2024 04:09

I have been using the blade v8 18x20 for a while and it feels to stiff and doesn’t pop the ball as much I as like what would be a better fit for me in the Wilson line up?

@wizzle89 - 12.08.2024 23:45

Does the 18x20 feel quite heavy? I currently use the Gravity Pro, I'm finding it too heavy and wondering if the 18x20 Blade V9 98 will feel similar weight when playing?

@wudemaya - 17.08.2024 14:54

I'm a 4.0 player at best. Would you recommend the blade 98 18x20 for more advanced players?

@chadallen3211 - 17.08.2024 18:42

You referred to the Blade that you were holding as a Pro Stock. Was that a mistake? Or was it really a Blade Pro?

@adri.l_9 - 21.08.2024 23:37

Hey guys, Im pretty much new at tennis and Im buying a new raquet since my last one broke.
I dont know if I should pick the Pro Staff rxt 105 or the Blade rxt 105
They are both 85€ not too expensive because im still learning but ive reach a decent level

any advice? which one should I pick between those two?

@eviljohn54 - 27.08.2024 09:58

Totally agree with the Wilson Pro Overgrip, nothing trumps that feeling so far. it's not sticky yet absorbs so much sweat like nothing

@sjowieso7599 - 05.09.2024 22:06

The wilson v14X is not 97sq inch but 100 right....

@ExcuseTheCharisma - 08.09.2024 00:15

Currently using the blade 100 v9 and loving it. Using rpm blast strung at 52. Just got it a couple days ago but we’ll see how I feel a few more months down the line

@tiagomilhazes43543 - 20.09.2024 20:35

I just bought it and tbh it seems to lack feel, or just muted

@Great_better - 27.09.2024 19:56

My Friend 54 lbs main and cross? same?

@kitichachansiri3138 - 20.10.2024 07:05

What kind of strings do you use? What tension?

@little_joakim5920 - 30.11.2024 01:50

I am buying it tommorow actually but he 98 with standard headsize and 18x20 string patern.
I have tested it and its plays soooooooooooooo.... gooooooooooo.....d

@stevenygz - 04.12.2024 17:22

same thoughts on 1619 producing higher angle and preferring 1820😊
