So guys, he said the "bullying" was not bullying but all game play.
...does that mean the attempt of going blackface at that veto ceremony, gameplay too?? >.>
I liked Paul on his last season really disliked him this season
ОтветитьHey Cody is the one who started it all!! Fuck Cody!! Paul beat his ass, Cody shouldn't have even been in that house!!
ОтветитьPaul is a legend!!! Love him or hate him he's awesome!! And you gotta respect his game!!
ОтветитьThis guy still doesn't get it. BRO, people are mad because you didn't own up to it. You owning up to it doesn't mean that you had to "throw it in their faces." You owning up to it as a game would have actually pissed them off less than still lying to them in your goodbye messages.
ОтветитьPaul CLEARLY should have won. Any fan of the GAME of Big Brother knows this..... Instead bitter little high school bitch jury house screwed him.
ОтветитьHe still doesn't get how ugly of clown bitch he is. Cute how the first person he came for is Elena a woman but not cody or mark
Ответитьlol both girls are taller than Paul
ОтветитьPaul has been a genius both BB seasons. If the 500K decision wasn't given to bitter, vengeful former houseguests he would have won the last two seasons, especially BB19 when it comes to strategy.
Ответитьlmao josh on jason’s back and everybodys collectively NO-ING!!! So funny
ОтветитьFucking idiot saying Cody wasn’t a good competitor but you backdoor him?? Fucking dumbass
ОтветитьHe would’ve won if the jury wasn’t so stupid. They couldn’t see a good game if it slapped them in the face. They voted on who they thought was nicer not who played the better game.
ОтветитьYes, he should’ve taken James in season 18. He had poor jury management but I do think he deserved to win 19 Idk about 18. He still won 100k, not bad 😲
ОтветитьPaul is right Cody was a dick don’t know how he got America’s favorite, oh but yes I do stupid baldy Jessica holed out her possible votes or Jason would have won it and he deserved it not Jody
ОтветитьLol he said he never told someone to bully someone. He told Christmas "put the crutches in the way so she cant get through" to Dominique. Thats bullying.
ОтветитьCody was my favorite and I did not like Paul
ОтветитьCody was my favorite and I did not like Paul
ОтветитьCody’s my favorite house guest of all time
ОтветитьJosh with the pots and pans singing in the background 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
ОтветитьPaul is a bitch....
ОтветитьAre you serious
ОтветитьAlex not Happy with for take him to final 2
Christmas and Paul vs Jody
Think about Paul made himself lose the game.If Paul beat Cody in the battle back comp would’ve been a different story
ОтветитьI don’t understand why everybody against Paul. He did what he was supposed to do
ОтветитьBackstabbing and lying to people to get further in the game is what your supposed to. The jury was bitter. Paul played a perfect game. Won 9 comps. Had a hand in every eviction and prevented the block the whole season. And he’s the only vet. I don’t understand what he would have to own up to he didint do anything but play a good game.
ОтветитьSo glad he lost
ОтветитьAs a fan of Big Brother, Paul controlled an entire house like no other! He’s pure evil and one of the greatest players in BB history! He should’ve won based on pure game play. Anyone who says otherwise is emotional 😭
ОтветитьPaul season 19 "I'm proud to come back as a vet". Paul season 18 "Got to get the vets out first, they had their turn." Ok, 18 I don't think is an exact quote but the basic of it. Funny to me how someone SO anti vet becomes one himself.
ОтветитьThe interviewer just accepted everything he said as truth and didn't push back at all.
ОтветитьPaul is a loser. What a jerk
ОтветитьPaul: loses to Josh
Also Paul: I would take Josh he had no chance
paul didn’t own up to his game and encourage bullying. sore loser. glad he lost twice. cody winning afp was justice.
ОтветитьThe Russell Hantz of Big Brother
ОтветитьUnfortunately bullying won't help you win, Paul. So satisfying to watch Cody put final nail in Paul's coffin.
ОтветитьI love the complete lack of self awareness in discussing Cody winning favorite player. I wonder if it ever occurred to him that if the one guy who he and all his pathetic allies hated winning AFP is indicative of anything, its that he was perceived as even worse than that.
ОтветитьLmao Paul is calling Cody rude (Which he was rude) but Paul used black makeup to imitate Dominique and used bullying tactics throughout the game
Ответитьcall me weird but I like Paul
ОтветитьThe worst HG in the worst Season of BB ever! It was practically unwatchable. Josh' disgusting personality was superseded only by Paul's disgusting personality.
Ответить4 years later and people are finally starting to admit Paul deserved to win this season. Clearly comments from 4 years ago were biased and bitter over him, but were probably the same people who praise other evil players like Evel Dick & Dr. Will. Or other problematic fan favorites like Jeff
ОтветитьThe best Big brother player of all time in terms of strategy and actual playing the game... Maybe Derrick but Paul #2. He worked everybody both season. In a way he did it too good to wear the jury got offended that they got tricked so easily
ОтветитьNo paul
ОтветитьPaul had negative game
ОтветитьPaul was not cool. Negative attitude bully..bully....bully....bully.. arrogant..
ОтветитьI'm watching this close to 5 years later. My words to described Paul is conceited bore (His ridiculous stories drove me crazy). I would be the female version of Cody.
ОтветитьPaul 2 time Runner Up.
Cody America's Favorite houseguest.
Cody and Jessica, Season 30 Amazing race Winners.
I say Cody and Jess had the last laugh here.
Cody was the best player in my he house Big Brother giving you four weeks safety was not right you was nothing but a big bully so glad you didn’t win
ОтветитьChristmas did NOTHING she got carried to the end.
ОтветитьAtfter buhzz theevee Atfter buhzz theevee
ОтветитьI remember this season…. Paul should’ve gotten a gold medal for manipulation and gaslighting people.