Rimworld Alpha 13 'Let's Play' - Ep2 - Harvest Season

Rimworld Alpha 13 'Let's Play' - Ep2 - Harvest Season


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@joshuafalck_ - 12.04.2016 09:58

Sign me up to be cannon fodder. May my life appease the Great Story Lord.

@samevans6891 - 12.04.2016 10:07

Great episode as always, I think mik's hunger is due to his gut worms

@koekipper3757 - 12.04.2016 10:13

You need to get a door and roof up for the heater to work.

And batteries LOVE being cold - I'd punch in more room at the back of the fridge, room it off, and acclimatize it with a vent, so that the batteries are separate in case something explodes. It'd be good to have three or four of them, to have room to expand and in case of an extra-long eclipse.

One thing I like to do is use a central AC - one side is heat and the other side is cold, so in the winter you can just turn it around for heat, and in summer turn it for cold. Don't think its too efficient, though. Haven't played in a long while.

Oh, and throw Sean into the list.

I like this series, by the way.

@stewb1409 - 12.04.2016 10:29

I like the fact that both our minds went the same way there - Twinkie has been turned into a meal, will the owner eat him? That's some weird kinda love - I love you so much, I will be the one to eat you! :P

@SamaelHellscrem - 12.04.2016 10:35

Close the door W4sted! :D
One Series your complaining about Shak and Morph keeping the door open and now this! :D
It would be warmer to ;)

@BlackSmokeDMax - 12.04.2016 11:23

If you're looking to stop the complaining, the smoothed floors were a much better choice, strangely I think wood floors don't help beauty hardly at all. And the smoothed stone floors are fast to walk on. Just slow to make as you found out.

@Hobbyrepubliken - 12.04.2016 12:53

This game looks so much fun but also very complicated.

@jaybeearzuaga631 - 12.04.2016 13:27

i wanna b in the colony wasted

@Stefleff - 12.04.2016 15:13

I want to be in the colony.

@aucheukyan - 12.04.2016 15:16

+w4stedspace recommend the UI mod to see all the colonist. Also you should uninstall stuff i.e. the chair to save time

@Madman5465 - 12.04.2016 17:42

I'd love to be a colonist!

@DMThorn - 12.04.2016 18:09

"I wanna be in the coloneeeee" w4sted 11/4/16 Monday stream, I don't mind what I get, I'm Thorn from the stream btw :P

@jurgenronaaz4695 - 12.04.2016 18:25

My first episode and a colonist and I'm already losing me marbles! This is gonna be great!
Might be a good idea to put a back door in the base so your dudes can cut through instead of going around the mountain. Also might wanna close the front door, it's letting all the heat out... oh my gosh I sound like my mom...

@danielcraft444 - 12.04.2016 19:35

please make me a colonist

@mikk6845 - 12.04.2016 20:18

i hear that boiled terrier is a treat :)

@cigfran2049 - 12.04.2016 20:32

Might want to bring all weapons inside as they degrade out in the open

@adamcornfield6695 - 12.04.2016 21:11

I-whanna-beeh-ihn-thee-colonee (addy) (my attempt of typing how mack said it on the stream last monday!)

@codename_wolf3978 - 12.04.2016 22:06

that's funny my names wolf and he got captured don't even rename him

@xavierh.5102 - 12.04.2016 22:58

so should i comment on every rimworld video that i want to be a colonist? or just that first one? also, what is the "flick" priority?

@bouncer1463 - 12.04.2016 23:41

how could you kill the dog

@zakiducky - 13.04.2016 03:04

Smoothing stone floors is very time consuming, but uses no material and I'm pretty sure actually has higher beauty value than wood floors too!

Also, with the crashing spacecraft chunks, you can click on the pop up (the words in the top left) and it actually takes you there.

With regards to food, the boomalope provide a decent amount of food, especially when there's a shortage. Of course there's the whole exploding risk and ensuing flames, but the risk of out of control fires is almost none in deserts since there really isn't much that can burn. You can also grow the crops faster by putting a sunlamp outside by them so they grow at night. It does add another somewhat substantial power drain, and they usually have to be covered to prevent rain, but in the desert it hardly rains so there's little risk to that as well. In order to continue growing during the non-growing period, you can build enclosed huts around these sunlamps and put a couple heaters inside to warm it up. This way you can grow food during the winter on natural ground for pretty cheap if you don't yet have hydroponic basins!

P.S. I don't know if these physics apply in Rimworld, but in the real world, cooling electrical circuits too much causes them to drastically lose efficiency and eventually fail and shut down. If you've ever walked outside on a particularly freezing cold day and pulled your phone out, you have have observed the battery power drains within minutes in the cold until it's dead. Moving the phone back into the warmth will cause it to come back to life again with it's true battery power percentage. This is because cooling the circuitry too much radically increases the resistance in the circuit, stemming the flow of electrons and thus electricity. It will literally freeze the battery and electronic to death (at least until you warm it up again). I don't think putting the battery in the freezer will make any practical in-game difference whatsoever, but if it followed real physics doing so would probably make the battery cease to function instead, if it isn't built with adequate insulation.

@ganthrax7949 - 13.04.2016 03:05

u do know u can move beds right

@barleysixseventwo6665 - 13.04.2016 03:50

Remember to disable non-herbal medicine for gutworms. You'll run out quickly and they're not life threatening anyways. Better he just suck it up and take longer to lose the worms than losing all the life-saving medicine.

@Akuseiko - 13.04.2016 10:59

You may want to try re-engineering your fridge to dump heat into the base using a switching set of chiller units to prevent overheat during the summers.

@MichaelBlokland - 13.04.2016 11:52

I forgot to add 4 names to the list last episode:
Maku, Maus, Abigail, Brian ;)

Great to see you back, and we all love the video's !

@arkdirfe - 13.04.2016 13:43

Lots of new deseases and no good doctor availabe. Miss me already?
In all seriousness, I really like the direction this is going in. I wonder how the colony will cope with the limited materials, especially wood and crops once the colony gets bigger since there is only limited growing space.

@ShrapnelACU - 13.04.2016 16:43

I guess my old nickname is one you could add to the list

@Kie_Wo - 14.04.2016 00:49

Loved the video as always, the character you named after me is still alive which I am overjoyed to see :D lets see how long that lasts haha also I was laughing so much when he was cowering in the freezer definitely something I would do haha also can I suggest putting the chess table against one of the walls in the walk way in the middle between the bedrooms unless you have some other plans for that is

@sebastiantorresvalenta3917 - 14.04.2016 03:22

Add me plz!


@Captain_Razor_88 - 14.04.2016 07:55

Thrumbos are actually pretty dangerous to your colonists. It took me two colonists with power armor and automatic rifles with turret backup to take one down and I almost lost one of my men.

@MarshallWilkins - 14.04.2016 09:10

I'll throw my name into the hat once again as cmcspartan, glad to see this game making a reappearance on the channel!

@YotaXP - 14.04.2016 12:42

Looks like others have already pointed out what I was going to say here, so I'll just volunteer to be added to the name pool. ~Yota

@padrekaz - 14.04.2016 20:50

"Chunk of a spacecraft has fallen from space and landed nearby" just click on that message and it will take you there.

@anixon88 - 15.04.2016 00:13

Can I be a Colonist?!


I'm living vicariously through your series as I'm waiting for steam release (and hours to dive into with), even going back and watching Mountain Base!

@jordanbabcock8039 - 15.04.2016 00:37

hey w4sted can i be in the game

@crisis8v88 - 15.04.2016 03:58

Tamed dromedaries gift you plasteel turrets on occassion.

@nocculum5150 - 15.04.2016 09:07

Don't forget to close the front door, and perhaps pop some doors in that central corridor, that way at least it wont be quite as cold in the base!

@dankusmalfoy8566 - 15.04.2016 20:23

I went to rim world lastnight! I had a right good rimming!

@Blxz - 16.04.2016 11:28

Just so you are aware mate, this video is not currently in the playlist. Only eps 1 & 3 are so far.

@giin97 - 16.04.2016 18:49

So yeah, I had a very similar colony to this going today. About an hour in, a bug hive spawned in my colony. That pretty much ended that run, lol.

@SirAroace - 16.04.2016 22:32

get firepoper, trust me they are vital.

@miller1172 - 19.04.2016 13:11

I would love if you put this name James miller

@OdeeOz - 19.04.2016 23:46

If you have room for a new colonist, I wouldn't mind being Odee, or Oz. A grower, or melee type?
+ Power outside: Could lay a walkway over the cable to keep shorts down.
+ Couple more batteries wouldn't hurt either. Too much juice into one, and it go boom.
+ Yess, yess, front door still propped open.

@joewalkerjr - 27.04.2016 21:50

You keep running out of food because you don't have your best cook at priority 1 for cooking. You have a guy with a skill of 2 as your cook and he gives everyone food poisoning.

@Kadin9973 - 28.05.2016 15:55

you do know you can put chairs in the standing spot of work benches. it reduces discomfort. I know this is and old video but i know you get alerts when you get a comment......... so...........and I guess you can and my star trek online DJ name. DJ Oxix from 1ST Wing Radio Sponsored by 1ST Wing Armada

@WhiteIce2112 - 20.06.2016 05:06

I like how you can easily make things out of steel when 1. they have no way of melting/casting it and 2. steel is an alloy of iron, carbon, and other things, not mined as a mineral.

@pap3r459 - 20.06.2016 21:17

mikk is always starving because he has gut worms so he gets hungry twice as fast its not your fault :)
