Photoshop CRT Retro TV Logo Technique for Type and Vector Objects | Pattern Fill Tool

Photoshop CRT Retro TV Logo Technique for Type and Vector Objects | Pattern Fill Tool

Poster Grind

3 года назад

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@wooflo5345 - 17.08.2021 19:53

I've seen a few rare tutorials for CRT TV kinda style but this one is such detailed.

@renaudst-hilaire7178 - 11.10.2021 18:54

A little tip, instead of creating new layers and then moving the layer with the Move tool, you can just hold ALT while using the move tool and it will create a new layer automatically. Good tutorial!

@ismaelsucks - 23.07.2022 02:40

luv u

@starbunyz - 10.12.2023 01:46

My mind is being blown while watching this, I came to learn about the specific effects and left with a new bundle of hotkeys that I wish I had known sooner. Much love, thanks for the video!

@olivertraschutz8208 - 23.02.2024 00:45

i miss the Scanlines :-) rest is nice. but i realy miss the typical black scanlines effekt with the scanlines it would be Perfekt
