2% Cashback + Crypto Rewards Credit Card | Sofi Credit Card Review (2022)

2% Cashback + Crypto Rewards Credit Card | Sofi Credit Card Review (2022)

Naam Wynn

3 года назад

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@kingdmiles - 28.07.2021 01:24

Your channel is the truth

@Marco3202002 - 28.07.2021 01:34

Been wanting to see what exactly they offered and how it applies to other cards. Semper Fi sir!

@stevealvey3195 - 29.07.2021 06:05

Such cards will soon become commonplace. I recently purchased an ownr prepaid card and it is more convenient than I thought

@shzwon123 - 07.08.2021 10:24

Add chapters to your video! Love you vids!!

@Its-Viru - 23.08.2021 09:01

Important point : Sofi Wallets(actually non wallets - similar to Robinhood) are not staking and cant transfer to external wallets.

@Ms.Ny-Gee82 - 01.10.2021 00:07

Your video help me so much and I'm going to keep watching because I need to buy my house by next year lol. I thank you so much for those great videos.

@nuniesk8s - 11.10.2021 06:21

Thanks for the info. I'm already loving my sofi accounts now it's time to get some rewards!

@andricmartin6798 - 23.10.2021 16:02

What are some other credit cards that only pull from Experian?

@BenBrown8 - 26.11.2021 21:16

Another card to add to my list of cards to get in the future.

@SeeSaw99 - 24.12.2021 19:27

I opened a Sofi money account through Samsung pay last year. I was looking for an alternative to my Wells Fargo savings account. I didn’t know much about Sofi and was getting ready to close my account once I saw the extremely small interest I was earning. Now that I know more about them, boy am I glad I didn’t bail. Just got approved for this card. Great vids Naam

@dennisroseta4545 - 04.01.2022 06:57

Does anyone know what the minimum monthly payment on this card is? Thanks!

@NAvArS12345 - 23.01.2022 05:00

i bought this 1 month,i only bought this for 2% cash back but later realized after talking to customer service that if you use this credit card for 12months with regular payments then your apr after 12months is 1%

@MohammedYTChannel - 25.03.2022 02:20

How about the Wells Fargo cash card which gives 2% cash back and a $200 bonus ? ( it has a foreign transaction fees though) which one would be better?

@theleftofus7222 - 30.05.2022 22:19

Can I earn interest on my crypto for keeping it there?

@officialjaluv - 23.06.2022 21:56

What is the target credit score?

@zairefrench2582 - 08.02.2025 15:27

Cheers for posting! Hoping for some guidance: My TRX Wallet contains some TRX 20 USDT, and I have the backup phrase: clean party soccer advance audit clean evil finish -tonight involve whip -action-. How to handle sending them to Coinbase Exchange?

@NaamWynn - 28.07.2021 00:23

What do you think about the Sofi Credit Card?
