#First_time_in_Chicago #2024_Democratic_National_Convention #DNC_vlog #Congressional_Black_Caucus_Foundation_fellowship #Back_to_school_bookbag_drive #Exploring_Chicago #Jazz_club_and_dinner #Kamala_Harris_nomination #DNC_roll_call #The_Obamas_at_the_DNC #Chicago_travel_vlog #Behind_the_scenes_at_the_DNC #Democratic_National_Convention_experience #Chicago_sightseeing #Beauty_and_Brains #Brelynn_Hunt_vlog #What_happens_at_the_DNC #Chicago_first_impressionsКомментарии:
Omggg you were able to go to the DNC!! How cool ! This is so cool and it’s nice to relive the excitement of this time in history thru your vlog
ОтветитьI knew who it would be as soon as you said someone special. Love Caylah!🥰🥰🥰
ОтветитьI canvassed for Kamala so I'm disappointed how it turned out.
ОтветитьI have visited someone in school in Chicago a couple of times and the city has been pretty clean, at least the places we went. It would be quite a coincidence if I run into Caylah one day when I visit again. She seems like a friendly person.
ОтветитьI am so glad you experienced the DNC convention. You look Great! I was so Happy to see your Dance Sister Cayla’s. Chicago is a neat city with so much to do . I am glad you purchased my Favorite Popcorn GARRETs . Our Graduated Pan- Hell work so hard with Voters Registration. Plus. Getting voters to the Polls. You know I was ready to rent your place for the Presidential Inauguration. I have to get out of my Depression to attend My College Homcoming. You are a Blessed Young Lady and I cannot imagine all the things you went through . But you will always Remember hearing the Speeches and State Roll call. As always I am Proud of You Brelynn thanks for the Convention vlog.
Ответить** Inserts the throwback Caylah segment transition 🤣🤣
ОтветитьWhat a wonderful opportunity so happy for you!!! And you be killing the outfits sis ❤️🔥
ОтветитьI really enjoyed this vlog but I wish it didn’t come out not after the election. Now I feel sad and hurt about the election all over again 🥺
ОтветитьThanks for making so much effort to vlog while attending the DNC in Chicago. Hooray for your Mahogany Spelman Reunion with Ca-Ca 😅. Listened twice to your soliloquy close out, and felt glad for you and hope that you will find other more meaningful experiences for your further growth and success. HOLD FAST TO YOUR FAITH - ASK GOD FIRST!
ОтветитьTo my beautiful Black sisters,
This video was filmed in August of 2024, a more hopeful time. Now in November of 2024, reliving the hope we once had while now knowing the outcome makes this moment feel even heavier. Once again, the world has told us that our brilliance, our leadership, and our worth are somehow not enough. But let me remind you: we have always been enough. Despite a system that so often undervalues and dismisses us, we rise, we lead, and we transform the world around us.
This election is not the end of our story; it is a chapter in a long narrative of resilience and triumph. Black women have always been the backbone of progress in this country, even when the odds were stacked against us. We carry legacies of strength, wisdom, and vision that no election outcome can diminish.
Now is the time to keep pushing, keep organizing, and keep loving ourselves and our communities fiercely.
With love, light and power,