I admit I was quite surprised by the decition on the videogame this time. I have never heard of Evil Genius prior to now, but your video was an interesting introduction and analysis.
I liked your angle to take the game through the efficiency of the gameplay that the player strives to achieve vs what the developer appeared to have intended. It's always those subtle feelings that one gets by actually immersing oneself in a game that many reviews lack. It is a very specific way of thinking that each game puts you through and its vital for how a player experiences it.
What I mean to say is, you gave a very good impression of how it would be to play the game after four playthroughs, which is a very good and distinctive point to your videos and something I specificaly like very much.
Great analysis, man. Awesome video as always.
But I have to ask: how did you come to know this game andd why did you decide to make an entire video out of it? I dont want you to think I'm complaining, because I enjoyed from the first to the last minute, I'm just very curious.
But I'm just a dude in a comment section, don't feel pressured to answer if you don't feel like.
Nice work as always dude! :) If I remember KOA is next! Genuinely excited for it myguy!
Ответитьthis is really cool. I was going to play this game soon after fully beating AC odyssey and I love ur critiques <3
ОтветитьLove your long videos, i always feel like you explore almost every aspect of the games, and I always come out knowing if the game would be really appealing or not to me.
Evil Genius 2 was one of those games i wanted to buy in the release, but the traps felt a littel "wonky" in those gameplays pre-release, easy to pass and hard to catch the agents, so I waited for the reviews in steam because i felt something was off, the mixed reception made me wait to see if the game gets better. Seeing your video now i understand the lack of balance between the different investments you can put your money on, doors not being worth hit hard to me because i like rooms. ¿Was the music and special effects good enough to make you feel inmersed as an evil genius?
Very well put together video, touched on all the aspects on why I am so disappointed by that game, and yet enjoy it. Too much padding, and repeating mission components, the worst one being 'Own an item and press a button on it and wait three minutes', because not only it wasn't that interesting, most of the time it didn't even have a unique animation. :(
The only incorrect thing in the video was that Investigators leaving does not generate heat, but rather increases the chance of a thief or saboteaur wave, but, the game never tells the player this, I have only learned this two months after finishing my Max playthrough, from a dev blog post. I was really confused why I have never seen those agents type outside of side stories.
Also, for me the most confusing story section was when Max had to execute ten minions, with no explanation at all. I understood later that it was to justify the Minion Rebellion that broke out in the following mission, but it didn't make sense when it happened in the first place.
Great video! I loved your critique and it was very interesting to watch
While there were a couple of wrong/outdated things here and there, overall you were on point
Rebellion (Evil Genius 2) are doing an amazing job at listening to the needs of the community, with every patch fixing/adding a lot of things people wanted to make the game better
Evil Genius 2 is one of my favorite games I ever played and I think it has unreal potential to be the great sequel everyone wanted to the masterpiece EG1 was
I'll do you one better, I've clicked on the sub button AND I'm stating that you're definitively doing something right. Thanks for the content !
ОтветитьGood video, saw this posted on a thread in the steam forums, Earned a sub!!
ОтветитьFunny enough, I ONLY want the Evil Genius devs to buff the damage of traps. That is IT!!!
Just like you said, the trailer tells you the game is focus on the use of traps. Traps are meant to be fun.
But on game play, they just don't do enough damage and worse they can easily break (that low durability) / get easily disable by anyone (even the agents grandmothers).
To me this game will be perfect for me to enjoy at least, if they make Traps USEFUL.
Glad to see an indepth video that isn't pure hate for the game like a lot of the Steam reviews and forum posts. Hope the issues get better with updates!
ОтветитьThis is such a well thought, empathetic, critique of this game.
You really deserve so much more views on this.
At least, the Henchman are Balanced now.
ОтветитьThank you for your videos and the other channel recommendations!
ОтветитьI’m always glad to find another long-form analysis channel who doesn’t pad out their videos. You definitely deserve more subs!
ОтветитьI seriously feel this should get mod-friendly openedness to it. Cuz I bet mod-community would expand on starting bases, new Evil Geniuses, a change to various mechanics, addition with new/more stuff to do, etc.
I seriously feel that earlier agents shouldn't stick around long, and thus the 'fake access point with fake stuff' would be useful, as well as the distraction tools of gambling tables and such. Only the real true super agents should be the types that more or less walks through the traps with ease, sticks around for LONG, and might require you to try and take them out if they begin finding something they shouldn't.
Noticed you haven’t posted in a bit, hope all is well. You’re an amazing critquer man, I haven’t even played some of these games and I still watch the videos. Keep up the good work
ОтветитьOh man, was that a Nebuchadnezzar footage snucked in? I'd love to hear your critique on the game.
ОтветитьUnlocking rooms and items is tedious
ОтветитьNo it's still shit.
Ответитьthe traps were really powerful in the first game, so the best way to deal with agents were to set up effective trap rooms and lead them into it, often by hiding them behing the most secured entrance which they would naturally gravitate towards. so they obviously wanted to focus on that more in the sequel, but nerfed the traps too much.
Ответитьalso god damn you really have a powergaming problem, is every one of your critiques like this "I found the loopholes and couldn't help myself abusing them"
ОтветитьI love the evil genius franchise. This video absolutely needed to be made.