I Can't Believe this Happened AGAIN | Twin Coast Smoothie Bowl Recipes|* REDO*

I Can't Believe this Happened AGAIN | Twin Coast Smoothie Bowl Recipes|* REDO*

Meg’s Bakery Universe

4 года назад

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@smoothiesjuices5289 - 11.07.2020 19:51

I love this , is simply and nice 👍 I think I will try this one
And i Left you with a red gift, hope you can also do the same, thank you for sharing this with us.

@MarcosEats - 12.07.2020 05:46

Hey Meg, all three smoothies look amazing,thanks for sharing your recipes!!!

@mix3377 - 17.07.2020 00:59

Yum! I subscribed, hope you can subscribe to me!

@anj_tuckwell8865 - 04.08.2020 20:13

U added to much milk that’s why it’s runny and didn’t turn out like the picture not hate tho

@camiporter9411 - 20.08.2020 22:40

Those worked out much better!! Real question is do they taste good??

@simplesmoothies - 27.11.2020 02:39

I love your video yours look so nice I honesty know how hard they are to make I tried a few of there’s a while ago some kinda failed especially since there’s always looks perfect :)

@ellawalsh2594 - 29.01.2021 01:45

If you want a good smoothie bowl get a good blender girl.
