Richard Jackson: Outside of the Realm of Acceptability

Richard Jackson: Outside of the Realm of Acceptability

Hauser & Wirth – Art Gallery

2 года назад

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@sesvaoffice8331 - 22.10.2022 01:37

good to hear his comments about art's sameness. being different and original can be a disheartening battle

@KyleS6347 - 23.10.2022 06:22

Wish this was about two hours longer. Super inspiring.

@valerie_ellis_fine_art - 06.12.2022 20:18

He has the spirit to be an artist, the temperament and attitude. He's very creative and interesting and his work is accessible. I hope we meet one day.

@transformtransmitt - 11.05.2023 17:16

Hi Richard. 30 years have flown by. Dreamed of you last night. Love you, Quazzar

@user-lu4sr9nd5k - 20.11.2024 02:54

I did not know that the death of painting was still a thing. I thought we moved on to the death of art. You and the painter are both believers, you just worship in different ways. One is a Mormon , Catholic, Protestant etc. and the other is take your pick. In the end I don't think it matters how the paint is applied. You are not really that different from the traditional painter, you both show in galleries and make money off the art world. You have the same compulsions to make art. You say ‘I don‘t care about the results with the art, ‘It's going to look like whatever", but it always ends up looking like art. You can only say what the language and the times allow you to say. You have been in the game too long, you can't quit. You will die a believer.
