14 Questions with Rita and Stephen who make People of Lisbon

14 Questions with Rita and Stephen who make People of Lisbon

People Of Lisbon

3 года назад

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@formxshape - 15.07.2021 19:13

Not a couple? But so cute together!

@otukdojoao9206 - 15.07.2021 20:12

What impressed me the more in you is the perfect team work.

@EU-PTJourney - 15.07.2021 20:12

This is a great project. It was really cool to learn more about the creative team behind it! 😁

@michaelanothdurfter2501 - 16.07.2021 16:46

One of the best videos you ever made. ;)
Love you guys!

@merwis1 - 16.07.2021 18:47

Good stuff you two!

@dg883 - 17.07.2021 18:54

Congratulations on one-year and thanks for your fun content. We are hooked on your videos. Love learning about Lisbon through the eyes of others.

@daviddittman - 06.08.2021 00:00

What a joy you two are. Love the project and Lisboaaaahhhh!

@chibu2010 - 17.09.2021 15:54

I love Lisboa (it’s one of my favourite cities) and I love your project, Stephen! Im going to watch all the episodes. You always have interesting ideas. Keep doing great work!

@luisv8431 - 27.09.2021 11:29

Congratulations, for your project

@miguelcoelho3877 - 04.10.2021 17:42

Not wanting to be nitpicking here, Stephen, but I sincerely hope you have stopped pronouncing "Miguel" as "Mig-Uel" by now. The "U" between a "G" and the vowels "I" and "E" is silent in Portuguese -- just as it is between a "G" and an "A" in English.
Remark aside, I came across your channel this last two days, and I quite like this "breezy" approach. Succinct and direct to the point. Keep it up!

@sarademello4319 - 27.11.2021 03:11

Love the idea!
Instantly subscribed to your videos. I understand it is becoming a vibrant city that has embraced various nationalities.
The innovative professions that have come to coexist in this beautiful city are very well highlighted.
Parabéns e boa sorte!

@jorgegomez524 - 30.01.2022 18:47

Keep the good work. Don’t give up.

@sannefridolin - 01.04.2022 07:22

This is my new favorite channel

@TWHawk - 02.04.2022 14:47

What a great creative team and (non) couple who complement each other in magical ways that result in the alchemy of People of Lisbon.

@fernandacardoso3732 - 14.12.2022 19:02


@fernandacardoso3732 - 14.12.2022 19:07

Muito Simpáticos...adoro os Sorrisos😊😄

@jaymax2884 - 04.01.2023 21:35

Hi from Ireland 🇮🇪 and congratulations. I've been to Lisbon twice and loved it, it's a special city and probably my favourite.
