The immigration requirement to heaven is Jesus Christ, people out here being petty smh, hell sure has open borders.
ОтветитьTruth Hurts
ОтветитьWhy cant you believe it? I think it is great.
ОтветитьPeople ain't got nothing to do.
ОтветитьPoor libs are in complete meltdown mode.
ОтветитьThat sign is 💯 Truth!
Anyone upset over it might want to open a Bible and actually read it 🙏🏼
ОтветитьSame folk who want participation trophies 🙄
ОтветитьUnbelievers are blind to spiritual things. I'll be praying for the church that they'll stay strong and for the unbelievers that God will open their eyes. Jesus is coming soon. Amen.
Ответить_ so they have found a loophole to their final judgement fears -- gotta love 'born againers' !?!
ОтветитьDumb people don't get it.
ОтветитьI love the message , don't take it down. The truth will piss you off before it sets you free.
ОтветитьPreach, Preacher!!! You can't save everybody, especially those who don't want salvation. Don't allow the criticism of heathens to deter you.
ОтветитьThe border of Heaven is very strict in order to cross. According to the scriptures of the Holy Bible.
The border of Hell is very easy to cross. According to the Scriptures of the Holy Bible.
Choices are made every day of which border heaven, or hell that we would like to cross.
PS, how can a black man be a white supremacists? This non-fact does not compute.
What's wrong with it? It's true. And it makes a great political message. Get over it, Karen. This is nothing more than Christian persecution, and it's infringinging on the Constitution.
ОтветитьDid they lie?
ОтветитьTRUTH !!! I LOVE IT
ОтветитьIf you are a sinner, hell awaits. Simple as that.
ОтветитьIt is impossible label an Freedmen/Foundation Black Americans as an white supremacist when Freedmen/Foundation Black Americans is the victims of the system of white supremacy which is an global system of economically oppression backed by an military force, I voted for Trump and the Republican administration, Trump and Tom Homan is doing exactly what they said this courageous administration set out to do and the main one is to secure the borders, our continent of United States of America don’t gain any benefits from open borders allowing illegals in just so the American Citizens taxes dollars got to pay for these illegals handouts out like USAID and FEMA economical gains and benefits, these illegals come to USA broke and through those governments programs illegals get any and everything !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ОтветитьIt does, its called heaven and hell
ОтветитьI would have kept it scriptural, like just put up Matthew 7:13-14. Anywho, that's just my 1/2 cent opinion🙂.
ОтветитьThere's no inclusion in the God of the Bible's Heaven. Period. There's only REPENTANCE that leads to RELIANCE on Jesus Christ as Savor and Redeemer; that's why He gave His precious life on Calvary's tree. No one .. I repeat .. NO ONE .. enters through Heaven's gates sans repenting of sins. Not one LGBTQ+ .. not one adulterer .. not one liar .. not one fornicator .. et al (you get the picture) .. enters God's Heaven without turning away from one's sins (according to the Bible) and accepting Jesus Christ as Savor. Period.
The problems are, many ministers are corrupted by Satan. They are his agents of lies, heresies, and rebellion to truth and obedience to God's laws and commands. They are being exposed and removed from pulpits all over the country. Praise God!
I love this pastor …righteous are bold as lion
ОтветитьThe message is correct, no translation needed. The Bible states we are to enter in the straight gate. There will be no jumping over the gate, no tunnels dug to get inside, no protest, no demands for entry.
However, hell is open to all sinners. Its road is wide and winding, it doesn't have boarders. You can jump the line straight to hell, no deportations, and you can cry, gnawing of your teeth.
The message is quite clear, enter the country the right way!
That is grotesque. It does not do anything to further share the good news of Christ. It doesn’t foster love or gospel conversation. Yes, politics are part of life, but Christians are supposed to remember that the good news of Christ far supersedes country politics. If one care more about expressing their political beliefs than remembering what their purpose as a Christian is, they’ve lost their way. I myself am guilty of this, and I have to constantly reframe my life around it. But I urge Christians to think very hard before putting something like this out into the world.
ОтветитьThe Bible says obey the laws of the land. ❤
ОтветитьThe truth sounds like hate to those that hate the truth
ОтветитьNo hate like Christian love. Christianity has no moral compass left.
ОтветитьTruth sucks. 😊
ОтветитьLmao look at all the kkk maga in the comments,jezus wont save these idiots.😂😂
ОтветитьPreach it, if you’re upset, wake up! It’s a Spiritual message!
Ответить“The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God. -Leviticus 19:34” is what the Bible says about immigration btw. One of many verses
ОтветитьHe will go straight to hell.
ОтветитьThe religion of slave owners 😊
ОтветитьDid you skip the part where Mary and Joseph snuck into Egypt? 😉 sill crazedtians
ОтветитьJesus parents were illegalls Matthew 2:13
ОтветитьFreedom of religion in America
ОтветитьChristian’s don’t keep the Torah sin is not keeping Torah
ОтветитьOne of the many reasons why I questioned and left the Cat-lick Cartel.
ОтветитьI doubt "people are stopping to figure it out." People aren't that stupid. The message is obvious.
ОтветитьBoycott. Walk out. Call them. Report them. No Christian message.
ОтветитьThey scram when I bring up the fact Jesus folks snuck into Egypt and hid from their president at that time king Herod lol😅
ОтветитьMaybe the Women’s don’t read their own bibles,
Which is hilariously Funny,
But there’s plenty inclusion in HELL,,,
Hey here’s a thought maybe these Womens that are upset ain’t really inclusive in there own stinkin’ thinkin’ maybe that because they’re really Witches
I mean, it's not wrong
ОтветитьAre you kidding me seriously you’re a Christian church you’re black man whose family used to be enslaved and you have the power and use it like this. You’re a disgrace to the community.
ОтветитьThis is all about politics and you should be banned Taxes shame on you. This is not what Jesus would do. It’s about fear.
ОтветитьPastor Pittman... 🤡
ОтветитьSmart people know who's going to HELL 🔥 they will be there with their Ancestors
ОтветитьLeviticus 19:34