ASEAN explained in 5 minutes

ASEAN explained in 5 minutes


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@kingofthemultiverse4148 - 11.06.2023 11:27

ASEAN- Association of small eyes asian nations

@venatorclass9334 - 13.06.2023 05:08

A coalition of western puppet states

It's true

Except for Thailand

@PhuriphatKraikoom - 25.06.2023 06:41

Power of SEAS
The rich : Singapore🇸🇬
The veteran : Thailand 🇹🇭
The patriot : Philippines 🇵🇭
The largest : Indonesia 🇮🇩
The rice : all of us

@ralphskielarrakov1597 - 26.06.2023 08:07

Full of disputes

@พูลรัตน์ปัญญาวงค์-ฬ2ฃ - 27.06.2023 17:32


@jigyasajivanamsathi9635 - 02.07.2023 09:06


@airamgatuslao45 - 27.07.2023 05:53

Proud to be an ASEAN..Philippines❤.

@King_Joppa - 01.08.2023 16:16


@elgad82 - 08.08.2023 12:24

Sri Lanka, papua new gunea,and Timor Leste should join here.,

@ronykroy5766 - 10.08.2023 10:51

BRICS should learn from ASEAN !

@lyya8883 - 28.08.2023 16:20


@BOBClanOstBefs - 10.09.2023 01:57

Why did you show the Flag of Taiwan as the Flag of Myanmar?

@mohasro9238 - 11.09.2023 01:47

Asean puLau AustraLia Nusantara itu miLik Jawa Surabaya indonesia

@ttranpphu0212 - 14.09.2023 14:03

When you blame Laos for Vietnam water problem, you immediately lose you credibility.

@xoconat - 16.09.2023 09:26

We all eat the same food (rice), culture is almost the same, skin color and facial features are almost the same too, Has a strong relationship from the days of the Hindu-Buddhist kingdoms. We are one family 🇮🇩🇲🇾🇹🇭🇻🇳🇱🇦🇰🇭🇸🇬🇧🇳🇵🇭🇲🇲

@tango2usa1 - 23.09.2023 00:36

ASEAN is often seen as lacking the ability to effectively counter China in various situations. While synergy is typically viewed as a means to combat bullying, ASEAN’s unity seems more recreational than purposeful.ASEAN should disband.

@forsxcs7 - 13.10.2023 16:38

perme lang may mga lato lato nga laro diri sa pilipinas! and the vid is 5 minutes and this was 5 years ago

@lsokheang - 23.10.2023 14:55

It worng Cambodia join ASEAN in1999

@Nghiatr07 - 19.11.2023 11:36

Vietnam ❤❤❤

@francishubertovasquez2139 - 22.01.2024 19:19

All other alliances who want to transact or exert business influence in ASEAN region, you abide by the rules of the ASEAN and no puppeting of the ASEAN countries otherwise access trade route denied for you and the dissolvation of your alliance instantly destroying and disconnecting your chemistry connectivities and altering your polarity to be scrambled spiritually, Your Boss speaks and orders understood. Let it be

@francishubertovasquez2139 - 22.01.2024 20:36

Then rise you do to have more rice and other goods and commodities. First what you have to do is to patronize ASEAN first when it comes to business and trade to gain more money. Make solid the ASEAN business persons and businesses then spread the ASEAN business groups to other countries like branches wherein like a basketball with teamwork and communication and augmentation business wise create more business within the South East Asian region by the ASEAN banks and financial institutions whose priority will be ASEAN, by fund raising within its capable member countries by total money contributed for investment banks and financial institutions creation and percentage calculation of investments per country with interest per profit according to agreements between them, dont provide funds for non performing and neglect business persons and in poor business management outcomes, rotate the funds to ASEAN businesses with better profits large or medium size as long as they earn revenues, you can lend money to overseas listed ASEAN businesses if ever they are performing well with scheduled payment with interest per agreement, create ASEAN funds for shock absorber and for future crisis free from corruption, create an ASEAN business monitoring commitee for the ASEAN business and trade performances transparent to ASEAN countries, enter businesses at their levels such as high ticket earning products and items and medium earners businesses and low earner businesses but in quantity, create a survey, the greatest earners and the second greatest earners for the extra profits create an agreement to transform percentage of extra profit to trendy business creation to provision of public services per high sales in businesses and infrastructure construction that can be converted to money making, then save some funds for the agriculture products multiplication, agriculture equipments and materials multiplicaton, agriculture technology addition and agriculture technology know- how experts invitation for synergistic business benefits in connection with ASEAN business groups which can be a big market for them in the long run, then purchase technological know- how to ASEAN allies and non allies at the same time be friend diplomatically and in business trade the non allies to create more influence for the ASEAN, then again when business prospers purchase gold and treasuries for sale to be used as reserve currency and reserved treasury for forseeable crisis usage if ever, transform South East Asia into attractive tourists spots to attract tourist while controlling terrorism, construct manufacturing companies of the ASEANS catering to trendy and envisioned tech products and high earning high value and high earning product sales items such as Aircraft manufacturing of their types, shipbuilding, computers and gadgets of their types and varieties, weapons manufacturing for defense and South East Asian patrols and for sale overseas, space related products such as rocket boosters, space launchers, sensors, laser beams, space navigation equipments, vertical landing technology of space crafts from space flight, space radars, and space shuttles if ever you can already afford to produce that, robotics manufacturing for sale and for forward defense against invaders if ever such as armed robots, satellite parts manufacturing to be accelerated to various satellites for sale and for ASEAN version of Satellite constellation patrol, no monopoly of such products and business within ASEAN region to encourage competition for the better produce but layer by layer or like a stepping ladder indulge each of those businesses and other business you can think of according to capability of funds from joint percentage for business purposes plus invite domestic rich investors and other foreign investors in competition per business type. For your question about rice, the money to be borrowed for rice dificient areas and for rice production and rice supply be shouldered by South East Asian fund for like for a year to lessen the burden, wherein the expenses be refilled by the joiny money contribution by each capable country wherein the money spent for such be repaid with some interest like a bank from the usual ASEAN fundmaking by percentage from ASEAN businesses contribution percentage wherein if a particular country fund in the ASEAN Bank for example had been deducted in their investment at a said amount because its due to capability to invest, their next investment will be offseted by augmentation from other ASEAN country investment in that bank wherein things will be recomputed as the businesses gain profit at the same planting the rice crops in variety depends on soil type of rice and other plantation to be rotated planted for a year as example seasonally annually then you can supply rice type preferrences to other countries with large orders and working your way to make them regular customers or clientile such as Middle East biryani rice, or rice wine for Japan as sake and for their wrapped rice type, business creativity is the key meaning you have to identify first the soil types for that in South East Asia and then fix the irrigation then add the equipments. Meaning there be strengthening of very poor South East Asian country to the poor level as a start then target as goal the middle type level by having economic managers on roving, meaning also there be widespread busy development and business activity in South East Asia of converting countries to earners in business and trade. Rise for the Rice and beyond. Let it be

@Sameyelsomething - 11.02.2024 18:53

The Myanmar Flag is wrong now it's a yellow, green and red stripes with a white star in the middle

@AhKaSoom - 24.02.2024 03:58

Asean이 성장해서 중국을 견제할 수 있는 강력한 연합이 되길 바란다.

@leonwijaya7698 - 30.04.2024 18:38

Penasaran, apakah di Negara ASEAN lain juga mengajarkan sejarah Anggota ASEAN di sekolah ? Kalau di Indonesia, dari Sekolah SLTP sudah di ajarkan sejarah 10 Negara ASEAN sehingga tumbuh rasa cinta dan persaudaraan untuk Saudara Se ASEAN 😊

@MayMyatPhyo-t1m - 04.05.2024 14:51


@panji549 - 10.05.2024 05:08

My comment 3 years ago was very embarrasing

@90taetaeya - 02.08.2024 13:41

Malaysia is an authoritarian country where rainbow watches sends you to prison

@sabawmosakaninteh - 10.08.2024 10:38

educating my self bc it's hot

@Chillwave.o - 21.08.2024 15:16

lets goo

@XJA678 - 29.08.2024 07:00

ASEAN 2001

@Chillwave.o - 29.08.2024 15:48

test tomorrow

@ismotjahan9769 - 29.08.2024 16:38


@DurgaPrasad-o6u - 01.09.2024 05:59

Thank you so much

@Bonkansese - 02.09.2024 04:06

Erm ackhually, its pronounced "A Seen"🤓🤓🤓

@indriadegushanty3859 - 20.09.2024 14:42


@SabrinaDayami - 07.10.2024 13:56

Im here to memorize every single details of Asean

@luisduron2722 - 09.10.2024 03:35


@CHOEKRITHY - 23.10.2024 14:34


@dellakwan7263 - 02.11.2024 15:42

A lot of people do Bones 🦴 and Ho sticks

@dellakwan7263 - 02.11.2024 15:42


@dellakwan7263 - 02.11.2024 15:43


@dellakwan7263 - 02.11.2024 15:44

Like France 🇫🇷

@dellakwan7263 - 02.11.2024 15:44

Canada 🇨🇦

@dellakwan7263 - 02.11.2024 15:46

Pope Roman Catholic Church ⛪️

@Civilghostzero - 03.12.2024 16:42

Welcome to ASEAN, we all argue with each other

@msvishwas5606 - 13.12.2024 09:18

Whole asean countries belong to china 🇨🇳

@Chunkosaur - 15.01.2025 20:52

Here from the confirmation hearing for a nominated defense secretary who doesn't even know these countries exist

@phatdang9355 - 10.02.2025 15:31

cả thế giới đang rối ren mà asean còn đang nhởn nhơ không có tí gì gọi là lo lắng nên chưa xứng đáng được yên bình để phát triển kinh tế kiểu thư thái được
