Photographing Meerkats at Nwetwe Pan, Botswana

Photographing Meerkats at Nwetwe Pan, Botswana

Anuroop Krishnan Nature Photography

2 месяца назад

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@SumeetMoghe - 12.12.2024 17:24

Beautifully done mate. Some of those wide angle clips are amaze 🫢🤩

@fragIife - 12.12.2024 17:54

Broooo the alpha male eating the lizard shot was insane🌟

@VinMan123 - 13.12.2024 07:30

Such a nice video. Looks like you had lots of fun. I use to wonder how these meerkats not afraid to come near humans. Got the answer today.

@anilnadgeri7034 - 14.12.2024 19:32

what a evening it was 👍 Beautiful clips and shots

@subratseet6836 - 17.12.2024 18:41

Another incredible episode. You took me almost there to the meerkats. I was there with Gweta guys. Planet baobab is better atleast the guide keep track of the meerkats. We too slept on the pan and was an incredible experience. Thank you for sharing.

@doitrahul - 29.12.2024 12:08

Incredible. I like the Alpha Meerkat's body language. Very Nicely Shot and explained.

@Nirupama1994 - 29.01.2025 13:46

After watching some of your videos, I'm realising how much research must have gone into making The Lion King.
