Nothing Stays The Same | Teen Mom 2 | Full Episode | Series 1 Episode 1

Nothing Stays The Same | Teen Mom 2 | Full Episode | Series 1 Episode 1

Teen Mom UK

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@xenahex - 30.08.2024 14:44

Jenelle is FOUL and has stayed foul. While still profiting from this fame. The exact reason we shouldn’t platform the lowest of the low but there doesn’t seem to be any hope in that ever changing. Entertainment and $ before morals, right?

@camillelicour525 - 02.09.2024 22:57

I can't help but feel for Janelle.Her mum is a piece of work too.She didn't have the same support as Joe or Chelsea.

@AmadoReposa-k2x - 04.09.2024 01:41

Theron Shores

@RussellBate-q5k - 04.09.2024 08:59

Hickle Gardens

@JoeHolmes-h1r - 04.09.2024 22:05

Hessel Ranch

@kadenhiggins9338 - 06.09.2024 03:15

Janelle’s mom is so toxic. First she won’t allow Janelle to do anything to care for Jace and doesn’t encourage her in any way then she gaslights her and says she’s a bad mother for not taking care of him!! Janelle wasn’t completely innocent whatsoever but the times she tried, and who knows if it was only when the cameras were around, Barb didn’t give her a chance!

I honestly believe if Barb was more understanding, loving, encouraging and supportive of Janelle she would have done so much better parenting Jace. She graduated high school, she got a job, tried going to college, but the trauma and gaslighting her mom was throwing at her constantly was helping Janelle go down a bad path. I say “helping” bc ultimately it’s Janelle that makes the decision at the end of the day how she will live her life.

But, honestly, I feel sorry for her. I came from a toxic, abusive home and still suffer with C-PTSD. (I’m 55. I think there’s some things you just never get over but you learn to manage it)

@2sadto - 10.09.2024 17:21

Jenelle is a terrible mother your life stops when you have kids

@2sadto - 10.09.2024 17:22

Why should corey go to your graduation when you cheated

@cathummingbird6733 - 13.09.2024 17:07

Barb is a micromanaging lunatic lol

@JuliannieTV - 15.09.2024 00:14

Wow I wish Chelsea dad was my dad

@anatinha - 21.09.2024 05:53

i don’t want no cornbread rn 😭😭😭🤣

@tara6460 - 22.09.2024 05:57

Imagine being so spoiled your dad pays your rent

@psychicrenegade - 22.09.2024 16:54

Leah always "forgets" to mention that Corey broke up with her because she cheated on him with her ex...literally the night before her WEDDING to Corey!!!

@andreahoyt7530 - 26.09.2024 00:19

Janelle makes me sick

@cassieball3338 - 29.09.2024 15:48

Jenelle was pushed and pushed. No wonder she was the way she was. Her mom is absolutely ridiculous.

@Kira-iw3xg - 05.10.2024 05:59

Jenelle she just told you then take care of him, why didn't u just bring him with u??

@spike16965 - 15.10.2024 23:40

Barb deff was a control freak and didnt let Jenelle parent him to begin with. She would not let her change or feed him in this video. Jenelle was deff cut out as Jaces parent before she got wild and into drugs

@spike16965 - 16.10.2024 00:48

I wish Leah and cory had worked out

@carissablankenship6538 - 18.10.2024 01:08

Jenelles so.pety and irresponsible

@carissablankenship6538 - 18.10.2024 01:09

At least these other girls try to take care of their babies jenelle does not

@georgeniarowe4879 - 19.10.2024 06:50

My to favorite on here

@elizabethsandoval4983 - 20.10.2024 07:35

I don't like Jenelle she rather wanna go out instead taking care of her son

@noraarellano9325 - 23.10.2024 08:18

I wanted Corey and Leah to work out

@chancyross9126 - 08.11.2024 22:07

Chelsea was so privileged but still so sweet and likable. Adam was such an idiot!! She truly appreciated her parents for her situation. Of course she would have preferred them all be in the same house, but they gave her the next best thing by getting along and staying involved!! She was soooo lucky for the financial support, of course, but how they supported her through everything!!!!

Leah messed up losing Corey! I really did want them to work it out!!

@sadiesheahan7878 - 09.11.2024 08:00

Did janelle have a fake id or something. I didnt start goin out till i was ........21 🎉

@stormyg9169 - 13.11.2024 04:24

My GOSH what did Leah see in Robbie, Corey gave her everything even when they were at rock bottom that boy is a 100% keeper.

@BigNick504 - 18.11.2024 05:06

Jenelle is such a trash ball.

@hannahclarke8090 - 20.11.2024 18:40

i fkn hate janelle smm like gurl stop pushing ur mother

@bluebell6684 - 20.11.2024 19:44

The 2000s skater hair looks like mennonite hair 😭

@christinea10 - 21.11.2024 15:54

Looking back, all Jenelle really needed was some love.

@KimberlyTims-y3e - 22.11.2024 07:16

Shoot give me a man like Chelsea's dad

@SassyPatriot1776 - 24.11.2024 04:05

Almost 20 years later and I look back and still cry with them. Being human is hard. Life is hard.

@ElaineSewell - 03.12.2024 12:06

I couldn't imagine my parents allowing someone to stay and hv me uncomfortable and talk about me bc i don't approve. Unbelievableits called the law of reciprocity uncomfortable=uncomfortable

@msbirdy1996 - 07.12.2024 18:00

Janelle needed a wake up call. If you wanna do all this stuff for Jace just do it. It’s like she almost waits to see if her mom will ask her to do it istead of just doing it. And then she gets mad when her mom dsnt ask and she just does it. You cnt wait to be asked when you have a baby. So what if your mom changed his clothes. It’s not worth arguing over. Don’t make a big deal out of stuff that really isn’t a big deal. Life is to short. You spend all that time arguing with her and fighting against her and missed a bunch of his life. When your daughter has a child it should be a bonding time. You need your mother when you have children

@jasmynita - 16.12.2024 06:42


@atlantahawkins9054 - 24.12.2024 11:09

I really hate Janelle's mom Barb. She really should have backed off and let Janelle take care of her son. She was always taken over. I think the reason why she was doing that is cuz she didn't take care of Janelle very well when she was a young child. So she wanted to do it with her grandson Jace. And I really don't blame Janelle for doing what she did or said to her mom cuz she was right but Janelle was a first time mom and it's hard to take care of a baby when your still a child yourself. When I was 15 I wanted to have a baby but then I thought to myself I'm still a child how can I take care and raise a child when I'm still a child. So I waited until I was 20yrs old.

@BrookeSutherland-p2y - 28.12.2024 07:31


@laineylawson1973 - 26.01.2025 15:15

chelsea’s dad was great and all but let’s talk about megan especially compared to macis friends who refused to help or live w her megan is a saint

@laineylawson1973 - 26.01.2025 15:27

jo was so disrespectful

@louisewoodward9147 - 11.02.2025 01:19

Is it just me that doesn't understand why Leah expected Corey to turn up to her graduation, they were broken up.

@tboss3276 - 15.02.2025 07:21

Jesus loves you!😊❤dearly

@DarlingGlitch - 21.02.2025 03:39

Leah yo-yo’s Corey is infuriating.

@iknowyouremad11 - 04.03.2025 00:57

janelle always wanted to be a part time mom. always wanted barbara to take care of jace while she parties.

@OuterBanks-z1r - 12.03.2025 06:10

I hate jennelles mom so much

@jenniferwilliams5478 - 19.03.2025 05:26

Didnt leah and Corey start dating in march 2009? The kids were born in dec 2009. The girls are 7m old and they only dated for almost a year even though they broke up in feb 2010?

@kristinakowalski379 - 23.03.2025 03:02

In some defense of Jenelle, she was trying to take care of Jace and Barbara took him instead. But I understand Barbara's point too, Jenelle isn't there when she needs her to take of Jace the most. They never got along and I think that's why Jenelle would leave all the time! No excuse for it but I understand both sides.
