Charlie Wilson Interview

Charlie Wilson Interview

Showbiz Junkies

11 лет назад

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@Kanamit. - 22.10.2018 14:38

The great men in our world leave us too soon including, Charlie Wilson and Gust Lascaris Avrakotos. May they both return in some way, far into the future. R.I.P guys.

@asiehkhaluei5575 - 15.03.2020 14:49

He was a real hero 👍

@GoYardBabe - 26.05.2020 00:07

What Congress can do if it really tries...

@Ohmfish - 07.05.2021 05:18

Guys ....... 911. ? ......... Jihadi ....... proxy warriors ...... countries destroyed - Afghanistan / Libya / Iraq / Syria .... Europe flooded by angry young men from these country's .... ????? ...... Death Destruction ..... massive debt to International Bankers????
