How’s the recoil? I am about to get a super redhawk .44 magnum. 9.5 inch . But I think I will pick up one of these BFRS also in 44 magnum. Great review by the way .
ОтветитьI have an earlier BFR in 44 Magnum with the 4.5" barrel, and five-shot cylinder. It also has the older Super Blackhawk-style hammer, which I prefer. I replaced the OEM grips with Hogue hardwood finger-groove grips which are a nice improvement. It's strong, robust, tightly-fitted cylinder with .002" BC gap, and firm lockup. It's like a Ruger SBH on steroids!
ОтветитьI have the 44 mag bisley one with white grips one.The craftsmanship is superior here.
ОтветитьDid you measure cylinder gap? Many Ruger single actions are excessive
ОтветитьWith a price tag of 12 hundred bucks, it better be buttery smooth. And, maybe a stupid question: why shooting soft rounds with a 44 mag? Get a 9 mil!