Magnum Research BFR .44 Magnum Review #AddictiveOrdnance #review

Magnum Research BFR .44 Magnum Review #AddictiveOrdnance #review

Addictive Ordnance

6 месяцев назад

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@justinl8455 - 16.10.2024 14:16

How’s the recoil? I am about to get a super redhawk .44 magnum. 9.5 inch . But I think I will pick up one of these BFRS also in 44 magnum. Great review by the way .

@claiborneeastjr4129 - 25.10.2024 23:36

I have an earlier BFR in 44 Magnum with the 4.5" barrel, and five-shot cylinder. It also has the older Super Blackhawk-style hammer, which I prefer. I replaced the OEM grips with Hogue hardwood finger-groove grips which are a nice improvement. It's strong, robust, tightly-fitted cylinder with .002" BC gap, and firm lockup. It's like a Ruger SBH on steroids!

@tommeagle5896 - 16.01.2025 02:32

I have the 44 mag bisley one with white grips one.The craftsmanship is superior here.

@SameGuy875 - 11.03.2025 00:14

Did you measure cylinder gap? Many Ruger single actions are excessive

@Mr_Fu_Manchu - 15.03.2025 17:29

With a price tag of 12 hundred bucks, it better be buttery smooth. And, maybe a stupid question: why shooting soft rounds with a 44 mag? Get a 9 mil!
