The Watchers: The Angels Who Betrayed God [Book of Enoch] (Angels & Demons Explained)

The Watchers: The Angels Who Betrayed God [Book of Enoch] (Angels & Demons Explained)

The Legends of History

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@YAH-1 - 11.08.2024 23:05

God is Pagan 🙄 TMH has a name 🙏🏾🤎

@RebeccaG-vb6wy - 29.08.2024 10:52

I don't know about that but I sing however it comes out because it's all my traumatised vagus nerve will allow.

@RebeccaG-vb6wy - 29.08.2024 10:53

I think that religious extremists in power in my city are deranged and deluded and it is a concern of mine that they are taking advantage of people who are and have been unconscious to it thinking they know better. It's quite alarming actually.

@Ghost_Viewer - 02.09.2024 08:07

They are in Sheol the place of the dead. They come as our love ones at times they are demons

@raviraja12 - 03.09.2024 11:21

Second death will seize all the fallen rebels. Their savior the damn messiah will be decimated in second death.

@dsp5328 - 09.09.2024 23:39

So the eternals then

@SuperUnknown-y3h - 15.09.2024 20:09

the watchers are not betrayals , they are just lonely disgusted tasters of this insanity. when my job will be done believe me my superior will have a hard time with me

@servicepilot6342 - 28.09.2024 19:01

The Watchers: they like to watch. In college I dated a freaky coed who used to bring over her sorority sisters to watch. It was weird at first, but I got used to it.

@Jehovah77 - 03.10.2024 13:18

Love God.......

@Whispers-8.9 - 06.10.2024 14:28

Are the Nephilim the ancestors of the Germanic race?

@liveeternity6202 - 15.10.2024 03:57

When has God called an angle his son or has called the angles his children in the Old Testament. The children spoken of the lol… 😂

“Then the Lord said, “My Spirit will not contend with humans forever, for they are mortal; their days will be a hundred and twenty years.””
‭‭Genesis‬ ‭6‬:‭3‬ ‭NIV‬‬ were does it say his angles are his son!

@The-Harpy-Slayers - 16.10.2024 11:28

I can understand why they were tempted by women. I feel prior to Adam and Eve i dont think females excited. Because no where in the Bible does it talk about female angels.

Theres that one case where the women had wings of a bird and floated up to heaven carrying a basket, but it didnt say they were angels specifically.

To think so many men have fallen from grace simply because of women lets me know that if they tempted heavenly beings they can temp anyone....

I dont mean to sound sexist but i understand the dilemma here.

@thedude101proof1 - 18.10.2024 17:04

That was absolutely FANTASTIC! Ty!!!!

@flightlesslord2688 - 19.10.2024 05:02

im glad the movie showed this stuff. Its also interesting how like the Prince of Egypt, God, the 'creator' isnt necessarily shown as all good, despite what Christians would have us believe. I appreciate the nuance.

@mypoeticodyssey - 24.10.2024 02:23

This proves God is not perfect or supreme.

@dougstobaugh376 - 29.10.2024 09:37

Thanks for your educational experience and resources. it is very educational and well explained there is spiritual warfare going on in the world with similarities at the US military government level where political power and control over honesty lies narcissism is extremely prevalent along with the spiritual warfare that's involved in narcissism and the evil jealous greedy lying narcissistic tactics that's involved in narcissism and targeting empaths where The US government and other countries participate in narcissism and the spiritual warfare goes into our communities and throughout the rest of the world population. Psalm91 and psalm23 are the most powerful prayers for protection against evil adversaries that steal kills and destroy. God-bless.

@johnsonani-p7w - 07.11.2024 07:19

I really like it

- 24.11.2024 22:39

When are Jews going to publicly apologize for their genocidal teachings in their book of Leviticus?

Which is the source of all homophobia in Western civilization.

Which is the only reason why the President of Uganda is sending all of his LGBT citizens to prison and now worse… execution. If Jews would only publicly apologize for Leviticus perhaps he would stop.

Perhaps everyone would stop.

Drug Dealer's and Corporation’s bear responsibility for the toxicity of their product. And when your genocidal teachings pollute the entire world. You should be moral enough to accept some personal responsibility for all of the human damage.

Even Roman Catholic's attempt public apology for their genocidal teachings. Like their apology attempt for the Roman Catholic Teaching Of Jewish Deicide in the 195O’s. After the Holocaust which it produced. As well as Pope Francis' current attempts to apologize for the Roman Catholic Doctrine Of Discovery.

The source of the genocide known as Colonialism.

When will Jews practice some Tikun Olam and help put an end to all of the suffering they have caused the LGBT population of planet Earth?

Please apologize and stop all of the pain.

Obviously anti-semitism is not the oldest hatred in the world. The oldest hatred in the world is clearly Jewish genocidal homophobia.

And if one is LGBT there simply is no real difference between the Jewish book titled Leviticus and the German book titled Mein Kampf.

So please have a heart.

The Jewish Tanakh is a genocidal text. I know because it calls for my genocide in Leviticus. A teaching so hate filled that it turned me into a carcinogenic alcoholic by the time I graduated from High School.

A teaching so ugly it is an abomination against all of the Gods.

And the story of Noah And The Flood is just about the single most sadistically genocidal narrative the human race has ever created.

Genocidal teachings produce genocidal people. As the nation of Israel is currently demonstrating every single day.

And as the entire world understands genocide is never ever self-defense.

Nor is ethnic cleansing.

And isn’t Idealism always, always, always, based on Denialism? 💙

@prompthorizon_12 - 29.11.2024 01:22

Man this is some interesting mythology, who ever wrote the book of enoch is an amazing fantasy writer.

@RussUlmer - 01.12.2024 19:10

So it's pretty much true that the Bible is plagerised from the ancient Sumerians/Annunaki because the names have changed though the story stays the same.

@ricardobarbosa-by4gz - 05.12.2024 01:45

Now we know where most of the germ methodology, this also reminds me of the film Constantine

@lowrider81hd - 16.12.2024 01:23

Oooohhh pillowtalk, such naughty angels. 😁

@delarosa6254 - 17.12.2024 21:54

i like your video more than others coz its not so heavy on the magic and do da but on the motives and behaviors . in essence i could clearly understand now why these creatures and so on is so pissed to this day about there suffering . but God being Perfect and holy can not allow these things coz in its own would have caused imperfection into the high haven . is this not the same reason we got the hole Jesus saga to prevent the same out come for humanity for sum what the same behavior just because of our own human behavior. so in its self God needed to make a sacrifice Himself in human form to give us the choice of each persons personal final destination . gives new meaning to the words in Him is all the power and might . Enoch writings serves basically as the biblical summary . with the Jesus saga as the mod to littrely prevent everything going to hell as the saying goes.

@nickneimha - 18.12.2024 17:06

All that cause they wanted to clap some cheeks

@ashtonhammond1302 - 21.12.2024 01:31

Seek forgiveness for the sins in your life. Hell is forever torment, so repent, or else. Obey the ESV Bible! Help your fellow man do good. End Days are upon the world. Patience aids in personal growth. Master it daily with endurance.

@ashtonhammond1302 - 21.12.2024 01:31

Quit pork has worms in the meat. Deworm the body research it! Turkey, and chicken grown right. Also beef grown right. Suja apple, and coconut, almond milk non sugar! No aspartame, and no monosodium glutamate! Fresh fruits, and vegetables!

@JesTo6s - 05.01.2025 05:33

It's pretty terrifying that even among the celestial beings the fight for power is still important.

@trey854 - 09.01.2025 16:43

I’m a Christian but what I don’t understand is why god sent watchers to watch us but yet they turned on god and created more problems like out of all the planets to send them to he sent them to earth seems to be god would have known that was gone cause problems and just leave us alone !!

@violet2023sovereignroyaldragon - 11.01.2025 20:08

Seraphim ophanim cherubim included archangels principality watchers all mystical mythical magical beings all waiting to takeovers hybrids bodies

@CeciliaRmrz - 14.01.2025 02:58

Isaiah Israel Ramirez was only 5 yrs old
Elizabeth Tucker Family law
Take kids away from families and sell them to private agencies.
Dan Jay Rickenbeger

@LT-cf7mi - 18.01.2025 05:55

I always wondered how weapons were created it makes sense now

@Gina-jw8vq - 27.01.2025 23:11

Well done and explained

@DemocratMoron - 04.02.2025 20:49

all religions and stories and ancient knowledge comes from the same source
and i genuinely believe we're about to see proof of that one day THIS CENTURY. i'll be old but ill see it i bet. World Flood type boomboombeat

@HelenN-v8o - 08.02.2025 13:19

So these watchers are demons / fallen angels.
If they're all in chains , then there shouldnt be demons to attack humans eg. possession , channelling , sorcery .. but we know .. demons exist n do evil against humans .. present tense.

This tells me that apocrypha does not speak the Truth .. w is the reason .. they're not included in the bible.

To me .. apocrypha is : sorcery material.

@KyleFrance-u9n - 08.02.2025 15:12


@ChristianArrizon-o6n - 16.02.2025 10:08

They were the first pigs

@anzanmahfuz8008 - 17.02.2025 12:14

Then there was no God, as modern man understand

@peribest4231 - 27.02.2025 01:48

The most comprehensive information explaining Satan, the Nephilim, and the rebellion is found in the Urantia Book.

@AntiFaGoat - 03.03.2025 03:26

The Watchers begging for Enoch to send a message to God is just... cry me a river, dudes. Yes, the whole story is a sausage fest about how having s3x with women is a gross necessity for men and concludes with a message for women to dress modestly at all times so that angels will not be tempted to try again, but I like to think a little deeper than the initial squick:

These angels were essentially babysitters watching over children. They were so much more mentally advanced that only the oldest humans could hope to be on their level. So, when they chose to "take wives and beget children," they were the equivalent of an adult guardian kidnapping and r@ping a child, then giving out forbidden knowledge like it was candy to keep luring their charges in! If you believe the interpretation that the Nephelim were giant people, this also means that the "children" gave birth to monsters that surely killed them in the labor process. It was an utterly shameful and murderous action.

Yeah. No sympathy for these fallen. P3dos go to hell.

@ashtonhammond1302 - 04.03.2025 06:21

Making objectives to solve daily.Wisdom is the best way to live a great life!Knowledge aids in doing the right thing!

@ashtonhammond1302 - 04.03.2025 06:24

Seek forgiveness for the sins in your life. Hell is forever torment, so repent, or else. Obey the ESV Bible! Help your fellow man do good. End Days are upon the world. Patience aids in personal growth. Master it daily with endurance.

@ashtonhammond1302 - 04.03.2025 06:24

Quit pork has worms in the meat. Deworm the body research it! Turkey, and chicken grown right. Also beef grown right. Suja apple, and coconut, almond milk non sugar! No aspartame, and no monosodium glutamate! Fresh fruits, and vegetables!

@AzraelEluiMelkiTzedek - 05.03.2025 08:04

he has had many names, SHEMYAZA -- SSSHHHHHH * MIIIIIII ** AZZZZZAAAAAAA --- My name is AZA --- Zel.

1 2 6 0

@rimshotrez - 05.03.2025 23:07

Very interesting information ! When the statement was made about the Nephalim being alive then, and then again after that. Is it possible that the Nephalim were taken into a spacecraft until after the flood, and then released back onto the Earth as the Anakim ? Nothing new under the sun !

@johnwhyck8545 - 08.03.2025 02:09

You're wrong... Sons of God meant human males. 2 different species will never make babies

@johnwhyck8545 - 08.03.2025 02:09

You're wrong... Sons of God meant human males. 2 different species will never make babies

@timeisrunningoutforthebeast - 14.03.2025 02:45


@ashergoney - 21.03.2025 23:04

Watchers and Immortals Is Where, How , when I Draw My Fine Lines,
