The glorious Peak District
Ответить0/10 didn't build a canoe.
ОтветитьEwan McColl makes reference to the white hare in his song "Manchester Rambler", written after "The Great Trespass" in 1938.
ОтветитьAppalling quality @ 360p. Unwatchable.
ОтветитьThanks for posting this!! +Shawn Nac
ОтветитьThanks for the upload - Ray is the best.
ОтветитьThe last fellow talking about the cadis larvae being like the canaries in the cages is expecting history teaching to be much better than it really is today - so for context the miners used to take canaries in cages down into the coal pit and if there was a build up of toxic gas the Canary fell off its perch before the gas could suffocate or blow up the miners and they knew to get out of the pit until the gas had dissipated. So as the Canary told the miners the air was polluted the health of the cadis fly population tells you if there is pollution in the water.
ОтветитьStrange he went up Wynnats Pass to Stannage Edge when it's in the opposite direction hahaha. Great program 👍
ОтветитьThe animal. Life on the moorland the Peak District great to view and savour love the heather moorland when it blooms..great tour today thanks for your show today Ray.Most informative as usual thanks.Ann Deakin Warwick.
ОтветитьI'm sad to see Ray defending burning, its so damaging and artificial. Gamekeepers are destroying the land, not managing it.
ОтветитьWhat about the human history of the Peak District, never mind the sheep etc
Ответить'Such an inoffensive animal. They just want to get on with their lives.' I'm pretty sure all animals want to get on with their lives. I don't really hear of any cows, pigs or chickens interfering with our lives or being offensive.
ОтветитьWhat a contradiction : I'm less than 2 minutes into this video, where he's going on about the amazing uplands habitat we have here....but he's driving right over the heathland in a great big Range Rover!
ОтветитьIt’s astonishing, after watching seasons and seasons of TimeTeam archeology show and know just how much physical land gets swooped up and stamped “National Heritage” , (in some cases devastating human lives), yet no organization jumps in to do the same on natural resources that ultimately AFFECT US ALL GLOBALLY. Unlike Roman mosaic floors. WTF people!?!? WTF!?!?
ОтветитьYou know what I don’t understand.... after watching endless episodes of the TimeTeam archeology show, how is it English Heritage can swoop in stamping some poor farmers land “an English heritage site”, sometimes devastating the owners human lives to protect Roman mosaics that won’t ever be seen!!!!!YET!?!??? There is no organization equally as powerful that can make such decisions THAT ULTIMATELY AFFECT ALL OF US “GLOBALLY”!?!
ОтветитьI think if Ray were an animal he would be a Badger.
ОтветитьRing Ouzels are lovely
ОтветитьThanks for uploading this.
ОтветитьWhy is this man not Knighted yet.
ОтветитьGet out ya car m8,stretch ya legs don't be a dick wtf ray
ОтветитьIf its their home their nursery why you driving about in it lol
ОтветитьI thought more of you Ray than driving about my gosh lol
ОтветитьAs I start my journey to the Eastern parts in my jeep lol
ОтветитьYeah get into the the mind of the animal by driving in your car,your not like this Ray why this time 😒
ОтветитьAhh the old we burn swathes of heather so we can charge nobbers to kill the grouse. What a piss-poor excuse. Then there's the snares to 'control' the foxes, and poisoning the birds of prey to protect the grouse to be shot.
Funny thing is nature does a fine job of balance without intervention.
If what you say is true about heather, then it is one hell of a lot rarer than rainforest by a factor of many thousands to one. The Amazon rain forset is still so large it can be clearly seen from space, and this is not the only rainforest in the world. Is the Peak District clearly visible from space? I suggest not? Stop playing the GCC game, we need truth not evermore mindlessly self-interested scaremongering directed mainly at young and innocent minds
ОтветитьHe possibly went over mam tor and round that way not sure why he would but perhaps it wasn't filmed in order
ОтветитьRay....enough said...
ОтветитьSome interesting mushrooms in the Peak District
ОтветитьI'm a big fan of Ray Mears...the dislike was for the 360 resolution.
Ответитьpresenting great, landscape bleak to me,
ОтветитьThe upland Peak landscape is not biodiverse or wild, it's managed by Gamekeepers and sheep grazing in a very detremental way for the environment. Ray seems to ignore this while driving past fencelines on the moorland and valleys which would natually be forested.
ОтветитьDitto the previous comment. This video is your typically British cobblers. Its fences and paved roads all over the place, hardly a tree for miles upon miles. There would be forests for miles as far as the eye could see if it even remotely native ecosystem, and which was what it was before the imperial barons and their indentured peasantry clear-felled it all. They even to this day run sheep and goats and sometimes strategically introduce deer to keep it free of trees, just to maintain the " quaint " aspect. .
Ответитьlived there for 17 years
ОтветитьDid Ray mears give us the first ever yeboiiii and we didn’t even realise it
ОтветитьYou'll see a lot more if you leave the car behind Ray! ;) A good deal of camera trickery going on there I'd say :D
ОтветитьHopefully next time I'm up there I won't get run over or have to breath the fumes not to mention the noise. Maybe get some of his mates up there with their 'off roaders'.
Ответитьexcellent, thank you for this episode
ОтветитьAre there any wallabys left in the roaches and up on hens cloud?
Ответитьdid you drive over their nests ?
ОтветитьCan't believe he's 60 now, still the daddy 🤣🇬🇧👍