The Third Person Mod makes Payday 2 look like a Kayne & Lynch spin-off
Ответить* sad Consol noises *
ОтветитьIf the Lo Wang mod doesn’t have voice lines from the classic 1997 Shadow Warrior, the devs are missing out big time
Ответитьyeah remember the good days? when we thought update 200 would be some huge stuff, and we got infinite grind rewarded by smallest things ever
ОтветитьIf i made a custom heist based in my country (Chile), it would be like that in a search for new oportunities the payday gang is arrived with the consideration of stealing a super High quality Chilean wine, a kind that is stated, only politicians and millonaries get access to, and they say that this one is made at a far away location south of santiago, but the security is gen sec approved due to the gangs shenanigans in the world, but the money offered for that wine is too much to be rejected, so they accept it.
(Stealth is possible)
Guys, the Mods
Go get it!
Gettin that £25 subscription. Good content.
Ответитьlast thing i need is a dozer sprinting towards you and then drop kicks you to the ground
Ответитьrestoration mod?
ОтветитьSo its been a year...
ОтветитьThe april fools Gudako mod made me chuckle. Ngl.
ОтветитьTruth is cloaker, the game was rigged from the start.
ОтветитьPPK moaning has been removed, my day is ruined
ОтветитьAny one know the name of the intro song?
ОтветитьImagine going on White House and doing the secret ending, and one of your teammates is freaking Rayman
ОтветитьWhat in the god damn?
Ответитьwhat skin is he using for his home menu?
ОтветитьWait, HoxHud is dead?
I was a dirty Pirate Perfection kiddie when that was taking off
i all installed but i cant play with friend whyyy
ОтветитьNeed a coupon?
Ответитьthe amount of stuff i downloaded.
ОтветитьVoid HUD
Wolf HUD
"And making firefights more immersive"
UNtil you shoot your 5/7. Literally a piston.
So much degenerate weeb shit
ОтветитьI saw a weapon mod for Payday 2 that adds a Neopup grenade launcher, and I wish Overkill added it in vanilla
ОтветитьHere for the rayman mod
Ответитьvirus its a virus for fuck sake
ОтветитьThe games was rigged from the start Dallas
ОтветитьWhen the pager operator says "I'll see you at the game later" after I killed the guard I feel so many emotions
ОтветитьGordon Ramsay in payday 2? Sign me the fuck up.
Ответитьits unbelievable how people just take a finished game and push it beyond limits, amazing job to every modder out there
Ответитьok so project deadlocke is broken there is a fixed version but if you place an ecm jammer your game will crash
ОтветитьWat da Ramsay doin
ОтветитьAnyone else find it crazy he still has that 2014 lets-player looking camera to this day
Ответитьfor the mod adding gordon ramsay they should make him shout "ITS F***ING RAW" when using a flamethrower (or any other incindiery weapon) yes i know im commenting on a 2+ year old video and there is little chance anyone will see this but i dont remember asking
Ответитьthat bulldozer retexture mod 'bouta turn hell's island into bain vs. bane
ОтветитьFor third person can you toggle it?
ОтветитьIs there a mod that tells me how many orphans I create
Ответить"Someone tipped the cops off about suspicious activity at the safe house! Grab your guns."
ОтветитьHalf of the mods are some soyboys wet anime dreams. Wtf people, the market is oversaturated with it.
Ответитьits a shame in 2023 the game doesnt work :(
ОтветитьThe truth is cops the heist was rigged from the start
Ответить"i've tried ppk moaning" that's not good enough, someone has to make akimbo jacket's piece moaning
ОтветитьI'll be around on the Discord later to chat with you guys! Get settled in and give me feedback on any features you'd like to see in the meantime!