Eichler Homes Pros and Cons | Things You Need To Know Before Buying An Eichler Home

Eichler Homes Pros and Cons | Things You Need To Know Before Buying An Eichler Home

Bay Area Living and Real Estate - Bojie He

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@tlipizy - 28.06.2024 20:48

My brother in law had 2 of them. Thise home are extremely nice and open. At least the 2 I been in you open the front door and walk into a courtyard , the glass sorround the courtyard offering tons of light. I like the design. This was in orange county So-cal. I live in Colorado and this type of home is my favorite style the mid-post modern styles. Both homes had a kidney shape pools and cart ports no gareage. He is a well known architect and buys and restores homes with architectural value.

@swswgg9911 - 28.06.2024 21:05

Didn't realize these homes were developed by and named for a single person. Crazy that starter housing built for middle-class families is now selling for $3 million.

@jayumble8390 - 27.08.2024 21:03

I enjoyed this video very much and I'm a big fan of Eichler. Thank you, Bojie!
