By reading the comments
I am not Islam but i don't understand why peoples dont think for a moment
Some of them are wrecking our country on purpose. We need to fight back, and not let those demons win.
Ответитьmislims will have a chance to leave 1 of 2 ways...Canada is not a islamic state.. islam doesnt allow freedom of anything esp speech and religion or almost anything...
ОтветитьProfessional victims
ОтветитьI mean solution to that as you could just always stay in your country
ОтветитьThey are not the victims, if they are majority they will make you pay taxes and make Islam mandatory, this is dangerous, islam has to be stopped
ОтветитьOh OH Oh, you poor guy. So misunderstood...the religion of gang R,p/e by religous police. Go somewhere else. Like all your dictatorships. You hate our democracy and our freedoms...I'll burn a kor/n for good luck. Take your love of ignorance and the enslavement of women with you on your way back to your violent dictatorships. 300000 dead Syrian Muslims because of Islam. 150000 Iranians since the Arab Spring. 50-75000 dead Yemenis at the hands of the Saudis, The Guardian of the 2 Unholy mosks. Muslims hate women.
Ответить50000 plus Lebanese killed by your coreligionists. Islam is a failure for building prosperous, peaceful nations. So they come here to find a working democracy that protects them from the violence of their homelands. And then they want to destroy our country with the threat of terrorism. Muslims all want dictatorships to replace elections and the practice of gender slavery made legal in Canada. Moslems are the greatest threat to Canadian citizens in our history. We are not enslaving women to make you happy.
ОтветитьCanada is finally waking up. Europe is already doomed
Ответить„If muslims become more than 30%… that Country is in danger“
ОтветитьWell.. they do suck quite a bit
ОтветитьKnow islam, no peace
No islam, know peace
Good, they dont belong in canada, canada needs to adopt a set of strong immigration guidelines, exactly as poland.
ОтветитьWonder why?
ОтветитьNo place in western society for is alarm
ОтветитьYa what about the hate spewing muslims
ОтветитьYou can't blame them tho as a Muslim from an arab county you can't blame them Islam is a thing and Muslims is a whole another thing the Muslims and the Arab wanted that what should I do with them hide My identity not cause if sham or afraid it's because the majority of who having this identity is ruining they're faking having this ID you don't have to pray in the middle of the mall or holding an arab country in everywhere if you're a Muslim
ОтветитьBro, why do people get confused ? The low class low standard people are brown dudes from a arap countries, and India Pakistan afghanistan, etc… unfortunately they happen to be Muslims, which makes other Muslims look bad like Turkish people, balkan people, azeris, uzbeks etc….
ОтветитьThis says a lot about these racists, these are people who have forgotten that they have exterminated the original population or have placed them in reserves, they are so stupid that they go so far as to pretend to be superior
ОтветитьEasy solution for islamists and those who don't publicly dondemn their behaviour : move to the middle east, just pick whichever muslim country you want.
ОтветитьArabphobia is definitely wrong.
Islamophobia? That's another story.
Please do not hate the race , hate the religion which is islam , islam teach them to be barbarian, islam really needs to be banned across the world
ОтветитьWhat a world it is, people have become so immersed in hatred that they have even forgot the basic human rights. Those who used to call themselves "moral" simply forgot the innocent people that are dying in palastine. Just because of few people, Muslims all over the world are getting unnecessary hatred. You cannot blame the religion or the whole community for the crimes committed by few people. But indeed its not the eyes that are blind but the hearts.
ОтветитьShe is right 💯
ОтветитьI dont like muslims either
ОтветитьChuslims playing victim card??
Every religion can live together with secularism except this 👉☪️
Hindus, Christians, sikhs, Jews, Buddhists and even atheists. No problem, no violence, no terrorism.
But this 👉☪️. Wherever it goes, there is no happiness, no freedom, no hope. Only pains. Now Europe is tasting that. They literally know their red flag. But still they are defending their activities.
Their ☪️ancer teaches them to destroy other religions and cultures. Eventually they want to rule the world by only Islam. For that, they are doing many things at every timeline. They want each and every last land and country on the planet as ☪️ancer land.
ОтветитьIslam is not a religion. Islam is a cult who wants to spread terror, cruelty and death!!!🇮🇱free Israel🇮🇱
ОтветитьEveryone sees you for what you are. ISLAM OUT.
Ответитьall religions are pathetic, but islam is disgusting
ОтветитьBoo hoo ...go back to your stone age shithole country. Look at all the places they invaded shithole rape gang religious nutters. The west have had enough and thats it.
ОтветитьGet out of Canada.
ОтветитьVictim card never gets out of stock for these guys.
ОтветитьNo Islam no problem
ОтветитьIt's not a crime to disagree....ffs....hamas are terrorists....the Palestinian protests are supporting terrorists....they need to be deported....islam is evil and preaches pedophilia
ОтветитьSince 1948 Israel been massacring palestinians and when palestinians fought back the whole world became islamophobic, Hypocrisy at its peak.
Ответитьyou know its getting serious when the polite and gentle canadian do that
Ответитьit is heart warming to see canadians stand against the scumbag muslims
ОтветитьDo eat some bacon
ОтветитьGood. Lets get those numbers up
Ответитьjust go home, simple
ОтветитьI am sorry that you feel this way!
However when you look at the facts
About the actual history of So called "Palestine" and the facts around Islam and Your prophet Muhammad. And the fact of what is happening in Europe!
I have have no sympathy!
If you you do not like our laws, our religion and using our Freedom of expression as a weapon to ultimately erraticate are freedoms in the western world,
You need to be deported! Plain and simple!
Oh eff that, muslims suffer tremendously meanwhile I can sit for years and watch you people slaughter innocents in the streets in countless Muslim attacks… spare me the sob story
ОтветитьIslam is a religion of hate
ОтветитьMaybe cuz all we see of their religion and culture is death, abuse and being a pedo
ОтветитьThis isnt islamic hatered stop gaslighting
ОтветитьSome immigrants do not respect Canadian culture or Canadians.
ОтветитьGood. Flush out Islam. Don't stop. It's a vile faith, a war doctrine, a false faith and it has no place in western civilization. Destroy it at all cost and resist sharia law, resist !!