Onarabol oll.
Onarabol trodu.
Canadian hard bader and hard sister.
Water boy bitis colombia qusa.?
Water boy say ?
1st qusan.
Haus bildien or global skill warks
Waths kokien or hiroen or dag haplier.
My cantry one blame or one criem
Or dag saplie one repot have ok
My global bagnas baledar love many
Oll take N.D.P ierland.
Water boy qusan.
No havr 45 yer one blam or crien or dage saplie comlilen have polisestason.
Canada opgison ledar ierland N.D.P
Can blam fien dobol give.
Hoy can blam me .
Im moslim.
Moslim man.
Diglick .alkohol.
Diglick esmoking.
Diglick hiroen or man kill any dag.
Moslim man one man un nacasary man kill
Global oll man kill .
Panist man your my body maker give.
Parfakt moslim
Waths dag saplier
Waths man kill.
How global gelty.
How posback contak 44 mileon.
How global refuge.
Water boy say.
N.D p hoy can simpol global warks or exper entry 2021 posback entarast.
Mor or mor blam
Hoy can onarbol trodu or lebaral
Mambar not blam or no bat comat.
Im rong im dag sapli.blam me.
Canadian oll hard bader and hard sister.
Good man or good maind man good say.
Daty maind man or man mind ensid daty
Anader man kitisaig.or blame.
Im not polatisian.
Im simpol warks.
Water boy s.e.o
Onpag and of page fuly under estadan
I.t saktor im lick markating my hoby warks
Hoy can spking poigon mor ir mor ND.P
Ierland blame me.
Water boy raite
10 dolar boy rait.
Exper enyry 2021
Onarabol oll.
Canada can global top one migason canter..yes.
Water boy qusan.
How pogaive mindad.or ekonomy dablop.
How coyes canada cros coyes.
How man life dablop.coes ?
How mankitesaig.or coys canada cro.
O my canadain hard bader and hard sister.
Your mind aske.
Your maind asked.
Open boder hoy.
Befor 21 yer hoy can not open boder.
Water boy live canada.
Open boder waths ander banefit .im not say.
Open boder .esmagler or dag or mafia
Not cam .your cantry ?
Sore oll onarabol.
Im simpol warks only.
How pogative maindad or ekonomy dablop coyes.
Onarabol trodu pogative maindad..or ekonomy dablop or man life dablop coyes
Yes +
Onarabol trodu evan prim mistar .yes +
Global oll mistar lick onarabol trodu
Canada next banifit.
Evan banifet
+ + = +25 trodu.
Onarabol oll.
How coyes canada cros .
HOY CAN COYES canada cros cantry ?
Evan canada ekonomy dablop
Lebaral next plas + waien yes.
Evan not ekonomy dablop.
Next N.D.P waien
Hoy can nave.
Man kitisaig. N.D.P yes
Men minas maindad.
Waths dablop canada ekonomy.
2.nd how not coys childan halt cay.
How not coys man halp.
N.D.P mam bar not coyes man halp
Man kitesag..yes.
Waths dablop ekonomy N.D.P ierland.
Onarabol oll.
Good man super coyes.
Good man maind good
Man life dablop coyas
Onarabol trodu man halp or
Canada ekonomy dablop coyes.
Trodu +25
My rait hand onarabol trodu lage tas
My need only doa.
My rait hand onarabol trodu lage tas
My need only doa.
Canada not excspt my doter halt car no mater .
My no poblam.
But deply anlis your maind aske
How pogative maind.or ekonomy dabol
Or man life dablop coyes
How nagative maind or man kitisaig.
Onarabol oll
Canadian hard bader and hard sister.
Your maind askedim simpol wakrs only.
Water boy
10 doarboy.
Exper entry 2021
Save us grief trudy resign already
Ответитьlol funny how this popped up in my feed…..this was 4 years ago….
When people came in through the legal immigration process it was better….
What do you think now?
The man speaking in the background was accurate.
We have little gaze cities on on university campuses
The call for the genocide of Jews
Halal mortgages
Men in our streets calling for sharia law
Men stating they hate Christians and Jews
Large invasive pro Palestine protestors in every country
They’re well funded
You’re looking at Muslim colonization…
He’s so stupid
Ответить100% correct will not mix
Ответитьlol fleeing religion prosecution ! Never happened during the colonization ! Happening now ,only Canadian citizens are being prosecuted for being Christian’s ! Which Canada was from the beginning of the colonization ! This MP sold his soul to the devil !
ОтветитьTrucastro wants Canadians to fight with immigrants and each other. That's why he's bringing Muslims to Canada in big numbers and letting them protest in the streets! Distraction is the name of the game !
ОтветитьTrudeau would Agree with the Terrorists Groups. Wake Up Canada.
ОтветитьHe’s nothing but a damn narcissistic liar!! He’s absolutely sickening!!
ОтветитьThis guys is correct denying is loonecy n ignorance just like trudeau blind as a bat we not need this devisions.
ОтветитьYou will notice everyone behind Trudeau comes from a gated community where they will never have to deal with these immigrants or the crimes they commit. But i guarantee you that without the armed guards they all have and gated communities, they would think very differently.
ОтветитьVery true people came for a new life but these people come to be taken care off. Most that came before Trudeau worked took jobs nobody wanted abd worked up the line ti become good canadians. Now they get everthing for free and we the tax payers have to pay for them. They dont want to be canadaian they want there own country within canada. Thats the differences
ОтветитьI luv this man
ОтветитьWhat a self serving liar , he wants to let as many people in so they will be grateful to the liberal party for letting them in , just like his self serving prick of a step father, wake up. the liberals are tearing down this country.
ОтветитьThose muslims are not with sharing the culture of Canada, other religions, humanitarian, LGBTQ rights, tolerance of other religion, asking for shariah law, increasing their number. Look at UK, look at germany. We are proving Tax and you are spending that money to unskilled, unassimilated persons who dont have no moral values for other religion. Wake up. Wake up
ОтветитьIts not about other religion. His question was presice but your answer unfortunately was not..
ОтветитьIslam is not a race or nationality, it's a belief system that runs counter to the Canadian Constitution.
ОтветитьIf I was pm I'd remove all Muslims from Canada they want all non Muslims to die and want to rape little boys and girls
ОтветитьTrudeau is a wa.ker
ОтветитьThank you Mr.Trudeau
ОтветитьTrudea is out of touch with the reality of the Islamic dangers. Early Immigrants were of Christian origins and cant be compared with Islam.
Trudea is allowing Shurie Law into our legal system which will push all non Islam citizens out or kill them. Germany & The Swiss are smart! Trudea is stupid and does not care for Canada.
You stupid a.. Trudeau! Multiculturalism works with Christianity in common but not Islamic states! Two opposing civilizations!
Get out of politics you woke dupe.
This guy is living in a dreamworld. What a deep state puppet. Sad.
ОтветитьThis video will age like sour milk after Islam destroys Canada, and the multicultural lovefest becomes a nightmare.
Ответитьhistory will prove this man destroyed Canada by inviting invaders who are absolutely not interested in integration
Ответить"Security checks"
ОтветитьCan you believe it? "Canada has very good security checks"
ОтветитьYou cant be this pathetically dence. No islam in most cases is violent and if you havent read the koran .. step off. And yes imagration built north america but those imagrants wernt differnt in culture and religiously violent. Or those peace words for Isreal that Palestinians are screaming with the help of radically bizarre students. Sit down tard
ОтветитьI could see why the gentleman might fear Mulims, due to the current misinformation on main stream media. However, there is (perhaps bombed by now) an old Christian church in Gaza. 120 years ago, Palestine was overwhelmingly Palestinian with a few Jews and Christians. The Muslims have been good neighbours, despite what the MSM says. I have spent time in parts of Canada where many Muslims live and I would be comfortable living in such an area.
ОтветитьTrudeau you sold out our country to the Satan and were probably paid handsomely by your billionaire Muslim friends. You should be in jail for treason. Islam is not a religion ... it's an ideology and you need an education.😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮
ОтветитьOf course they DO NOT MIX!
Islam declares where ever its people go, the ground they walk on is muslim land. But
What do we call their prophet mo out on, well,
He was 54 when he consumated his marriage to little child 9 year old Aisha...
Look at ISIS, Al-Qaida, Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Taliban, Hezbolah, Bokhuharam... If only 15-20% of openly radical muslims is all were worried about you dont understand Jihad,
but Just so you know, That percentage adds up to approximately 300 Million....
Diversity is your downfall. When all immigrants came from Christian nations, it worked. Uslims font eant to assimilate, they want to subjugate. Look at Great Britain. Parts whereuslims live are uninhabitable to snyone else...fue to crime and hate against non- Muslim
ОтветитьCANADA is turning ISLAM!.
Trudeau is simply running Canada and every Canadian into the ground so that we as a collective will beg the WEF to save us all thereby selling each and everyone of our souls to them. And all throughout this torturous process Trudeau grows ever increasingly rich thanks to the WEF. And Jaggy too!
Gee Bolt is nuts and his one and only concern is to CONTROL each and every person on EARTH. I'm not kidding folks! Gee Bolt and Trudeau have their eyes and hearts set on taking over the WEF Kingship from Klaus Schwab. These two want to RULE the World!!! Its all about ABSOLUTE CONTROL!!!!!!!! And Freeland will be Queen!!
Jaggy! What you apparently fought for are of no concern for suffering Canadians. We want fiscal responsibility not reckless spending. The issues you think Canadians want are complete and total non issues. Throw them out and focus on inflationary policies that are suppressing our ability to get ahead, to pay our rent and mortgages, pay for fuel. Issues that affect each and every Canadian. Stop attacking the food suppliers. Attack the carbon tax. Get real with real Canadians that need costs reduced by eliminating the carbon tax that is pushing Canada into bankruptcy. Wake up to the reality that real Canadians are dealing with on a daily basis. You better not vote for this Canada killer budget!
Here we are! A nation called Canada, that has chosen to allow two people in Ottawa to tell each and everyone of us how it is going to be. Telling us the direction that this nation is going to go. Even including what will be done about a select few that HAVE broken the laws of Canada in the most treasonous manner. Not ALLEGED! But HAVE broken the law!! These reported members of Parliament ARE LAW BREAKERS OF THE WORST FASHION when it comes to democratic activities. They HAVE illegally shared information with foreign countries. HAVE influenced our democratic processes in unnatural and illegal manners.
These 11 members of Parliament that were elected to serve their particular constituents from ridings all across this great and wonderful nation no longer care about you and I, the electors. And the few that think they have the right to hide these names need to be called to account by each and everyone of us that live here. That work here. That pay taxes to run this country. That care about this nation.
Of these potential 338 people, a minority, I presume, have chosen to ruin this once great nation to simply further their own selfish ends. Or are they doing the bidding of their leaders? Do their leaders have dirt on them? Why do these two people, Singh and Trudeau, have so much influence over their party members? Why are Singh and Trudeau so capable of controlling the members of their parties?
Have funds been guaranteed for the NDP and Liberal party members that hush up and allow this train to keep on rolling along? This train that is headed for a precipice. This once great nation was pulled together by the building of a national railway many many years ago. From coast to coast to coast. Many pulled together to accomplish this impressive task. Well, it is time again for many to pull together to get this nation back on the right track.
To take this nation from the brink of destruction from the hands of a few in Ottawa, we need to make our needs known now before it is too late. I believe it is Trudeau’s and Singh’s intent to destroy Canada. They must be stopped! Canada must be saved by those of us that care about Canada. By those of us that long for decency and democracy, common sense, and the common good of ALL Canadians. Justice must prevail!
Irs happening to Canada. Trudeau is again manipulating this situation. Stop.laughing.peopke Theynhave said that.
ОтветитьNo I don't you and your bull are bringing it here
Ответить...but not geniuses, please, they are narcissistic...
ОтветитьI am not against Islam, but one day, Canada will regret.
ОтветитьIt will never mix😅
ОтветитьChinese agent, Donkey mind PM Canada.. His relasion with terrorists group. Go to hell 😡.
ОтветитьThats why they moved them in..........................separation at its best
ОтветитьNot like that today 2024 ! We Candians are being terrorized today in our oun streets
ОтветитьThis was clearly rigged trying to make this wack look good.
Ответитьif they don't mix, get rid of the Muslims.
ОтветитьGros malade
ОтветитьTo Whom it may concern when they bring all these People into Canada No Doctors, No Place To live , and when they keep Building for all these People and we are going to be Running out of Land where we grow our Food So where are we going to Grow our Crops and we are loosing land everyday to build for all and i have been watching the News about people trying to get there Family's here and people are living in Tent's at least it's warm there and here when a Person is in a Tent here it is Freezing and that is what i think .