IWI Arbel computerized weapon system

IWI Arbel computerized weapon system

IWI Int'l

55 лет назад

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@bestboy5381 - 01.11.2024 09:43

I think idf is suffering from wishful thinking.. ans me will it be able to fire dynamic terget in dynamic mood

@victorbostitch2294 - 01.11.2024 10:30

This is just a rate of fire limiter. How about you just get better at shooting and controlling recoil

@jsthecanuck6804 - 01.11.2024 10:41

absolutely perfect rate of fire for an LMG/automatic rifleman and I bet its just as effective at suppressing while increasing accuracy and being ammo efficient. I really wish my C9 had a slower rate of fire.
a lot of armies are switching to just giving a dude a modified issued rifle, slapping a bipod on and increasing the ammo capacity for existing automatic riflemen and ditching the belt fed automatic fire which sucks because 200 rounds per box is freaking awesome

@JinKee - 01.11.2024 10:54

It’s a burst fire limiter?

@JinKee - 01.11.2024 10:55

Does this mean that if an enemy steals your weapon you can send a wireless command to brick it so it can’t fire?

@JFKxprinc - 01.11.2024 10:58

Interesting things for me are what's the added weight and battery life.

@rclsm1021 - 01.11.2024 11:21

Seems like we are a step closer to making the Alien Smartgun a reality.

@Randomactivities2.0 - 01.11.2024 11:36

Carlos Gains plasma/fire cannon might have practical applications in tunnels and buildings as an under barrel attachment.

@さくらzx6rr - 01.11.2024 12:09

The best firearms produced by the line of this company, in short IWI ❤

@mueffe1357 - 01.11.2024 12:33

The whole point of LMG is fire suppression. Not killing. Might as well put the Arbel on a rifle or a sniper. 😂

@GNARGNARHEAD - 01.11.2024 13:52

okay that's kind of geniusly simple

@katoy9976 - 01.11.2024 14:04

Kimbilir kimden çaldınız yahudiler.

@conscarcdr - 01.11.2024 14:07

"Valve Anti-Cheat wants to know your location"

@katoy9976 - 01.11.2024 14:10

Dinamik olarak atış aralıklarını belirliyor isabetli atış için. Savaşta çok önemli olmayacaktır. Askerlerin genelde davranışı düşman üzerine olabildiğince mermi boşaltmak üzerine.

@katoy9976 - 01.11.2024 14:10

Pinti yahudiler mermi savaşta en son dert edilen şey.

@katoy9976 - 01.11.2024 14:14

Ufak bir arızada(internal) tetik de kilitlenecek üstelik. Horozun düşmesini elektronik olarak kontrol altına almışsınız. Sakıncalı bu. Ya farkında olmadan arıza verdiyse? Düşmanla karşı karşıyasınız aniden tak ilk mermiden sonra ateş yok. Öldün. Aferim pintiler.

@dkbros1592 - 01.11.2024 14:27

Best MG i ever had and witness only IWI and Adani from India manufactur this in mass
(It's an common infantry squad MG platforms)

@GmailNexus - 01.11.2024 14:45

Why do corporate videos always need hard baked subtitles 😬

@Ranstone - 01.11.2024 14:56

I have preached this all my life. beyond 400 RPS is a waste. Optimal is 150-250.

@grrrrr7365 - 01.11.2024 15:18

Very clever idea, interesting to see.
What about the battery life?
How long is able to last?
Seems fairly uncomfortable?

@Shitfart_14 - 01.11.2024 16:26

I think this might be better for replacing full-auto on rifles rather than on machine guns because machine guns are mainly mendt for suppression and volume of fire rather than accuracy. while on rifles this can increace full auto hit probability and lower rate of fire which is good thing for making those 30 round mags last longer.

@dirtydub7851 - 01.11.2024 16:28

Real life Aim Assist Lol

@gthreesix - 01.11.2024 17:01

So the first shot marks the gyroscope in the desired position, then the following shots are based on the set deviation from starting gyroscope position while adjusting for change on moving targets based on horizontal movement?

For close targets remember to switch to auto or you will fire really slowly if the target is moving fast?

@marshalllapenta7656 - 01.11.2024 17:16


@B.D.B. - 01.11.2024 18:50

Didn't really explain what it does. Seems like it tracks the avg. orientation of the weapon and only fires when the momentary orientation aligns with the avg. What happens if the first shot was off? Will it "accurately" miss everything else as well?

@LUIZ.527 - 01.11.2024 19:04

Real life aim hack

@icykenny92 - 01.11.2024 19:15

I'm actually surprised this didn't exist! Maybe because of how efficient computer chips have become, you don't really want a empty battery out in the field. Now put it on a long range rifle!

@zordrakxuxu6668 - 01.11.2024 21:24

Amazing 🙏🏾

@papakamirneron2514 - 02.11.2024 00:19

Actually one of the few techs I can see being adopted right now. Appart from some very niche settings I think that this is a straight upgrade to manually adjusting fire rate. Well done guys, I wonder how well this could adapt to other types of weapons.

@ionQagon - 02.11.2024 01:57

Should't the single mode be better?

@ALTINSEA1 - 02.11.2024 13:09

why not just copy M27 Infantry Automatic Rifle from USMC, give it dual stack magazine DT Quattro.

@MrFergusonLawn - 02.11.2024 15:40

Seems to be working well in western parts of Israel today :)

@BrandonL-g1v - 03.11.2024 13:45

Hey, you need American soldiers to defend you? Can you stop feeding us stuff at McDonald’s and Coca-Cola? Can you stop giving us food that is making us overweight and obese and also with the adult film industry can you stop poisoning the brains, our youth if you need our assistance, it’s in your best interest to stop. God’s not playing.

@RizkyMarioMegamodeWRX - 12.11.2024 15:45

Sorry i not buy firearms, See weapon product only, chorme & google internet is not working, thank you🙏🙏🙏

@primaryesthethicinstincts4832 - 21.11.2024 07:51

Unnecessary complexity. It gonna screw with reaction time during ambushes.

@Thebadson81 - 03.12.2024 10:35

Saving ammo, no stupid aiming like the terrorist

@mathildadeer - 11.12.2024 07:04

So it has no cameras, IR sensors, or any other way for the Arbel to actually see the target. It only knows when it's shaking from firing and trips the sear when the user recovers from the recoil between shots. This seems way over complicated for what in practice is just a rate of fire limiter. All these demonstrations show is that the Negev's rate of fire is too high to be controllable in the desired application. If the rate of fire was reduced using a mechanical solution, would it perform any worse than this heavier, battery powered, solution? Would it be better enough to justify the extra weight of the battery? The advantage of the Arbel is that it can automatically adjust the RoF to be more controllable, but how much does it actually deviate from the average? Is it meaningfully faster or slower firing depending on your stance or how it's held? Or, would a fixed RoF from a mechanical reducer, like we've been putting in guns since before WW1, be good enought to do the same thing?

@אריהויצנברג - 15.12.2024 16:40

And israel the innovation nation !!!

@אריהויצנברג - 23.12.2024 15:33

And israel the innovation nation !!!

@degeneffe20 - 29.12.2024 15:18

Fantastic! 👍🏻

@rohayaismail3708 - 24.01.2025 04:09

How is this even osc related

@אריהויצנברג - 28.01.2025 15:11

and israel the innovation nation !!!

@YocsanJoelRodríguezSandoval - 03.02.2025 11:07

Detona todas las nomás nucleares
