Retirement BEFORE 60 - What They Don't Talk About (Real Example)

Retirement BEFORE 60 - What They Don't Talk About (Real Example)

Streamline Financial

1 день назад

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@Mr.Anderson - 02.03.2025 22:11

Great video!! Exactly where I am in life and going thru this exact phase of mini retirement at age 56 which starts in 2 weeks.
This helped me conclude I need to do this.

@peterkaputsos4125 - 03.03.2025 01:32

I’m very close to full retirement age but this still applies. Everyone is different. I wouldn’t mind continuing with technical work that interests me and lose the rest.

@ericlaukonen9911 - 03.03.2025 01:34

Perfect match to my situation. In a high responsibility role in a very large space program at 55. Would like to pursue more individual less stressful roles in other interest areas. I now have the means to be picky. Look forward to the journey.

@rheeeliker4513 - 03.03.2025 02:30

Just be aware that it's much, much harder to get a new job when you're older - especially if you're female. Add in wanting to change career fields after reeducation, and you're going to run into employers that don't believe you when you say you're willing to work for less. All of this is much easier if you can have your own business - but it's still hard.

@Joe-gl8sr - 03.03.2025 05:03

Very interesting concept… with AI, it becomes a greater risk… and the ability of these companies to just post non-existent job openings may skew thinking.

@SeekAliveness - 03.03.2025 05:54

I really appreciate these videos that consider the whole person, not strictly financials. I took 6 months off at 39 to knock out a bunch of things in my bucket list. At 42, I’m coasting toward financial independence (currently about 75% of the way to my goal). Because time and compounding growth are on my side, I’m preparing to leave an unfulfilling career to do something more ‘fascinating’ that pays less. And the best part is that I can afford to take some time to explore before jumping into the next thing, a luxury I didn’t allow myself in my 20s when I had six-figure student loans breathing down my neck. Cheers to the freedom and personal growth financial security affords.

@bruced.370 - 03.03.2025 06:39

Good video

@joesph9748 - 03.03.2025 08:19

I think for many it will be very hard to find a job after a sabbatical- at an older age. The market is very tough right now. Even for top performers.

@VeraW.Talley - 03.03.2025 13:12

Amazing video A month ago, my partnership of five years came to an end. The choice to break up with the person I love is something that really gets to me. Even though it's all for nothing, I've done everything I can to get him back, and I couldn't imagine my existence without him. I've tried everything to stop thinking about him, but I still can't help but miss him and think about him often. I don't know why I am saying this here.

@reiniegruber2581 - 03.03.2025 17:33

This is the exact path I have stumbled upon. I am now in my second week of Mini-Retirement searching for the 2.0 career.
