That very last clip was from an episode of Roseanne, in which Roseanne had a dream I believe, that they were all actual castaways on the island, at the very end, in a surprising twist, The castaways themselves, came back and play Roseanne and the others characters in the last scene.
ОтветитьDon't forget that Alan Hale Jr was also in Wild Wild West and they did a cute tie in at the end of the episode to Gilligan's Island
ОтветитьI’m in my late 50’s. Until watching this video, I literally thought the Harlem Globetrotters playing against a team of robots on Gilligan’s Island was just a false memory from my childhood imagination. Unfortunately, I used to think the same about “The Star Wars Holiday Special”. Turns out that was also real.
ОтветитьThanks for a guide to all of the Gilligan' Island shows.
ОтветитьThen there was "Dusty's Trail" starring Bob Denver and Forrest Tucker doing Gilligan's Island on a wagon train lost in the old west. It lasted 1 season (26 episodes back then) but recycled too many jokes/scripts from Gilligan for it to last any longer.
Ответитьyou missed, Back to the beach movie
ОтветитьThere's a fan theory that Gilligan is an evil genius who deliberately sabotages their rescue efforts. He only acts stupid.
ОтветитьI think one of the last Gilligan related thing Dawn Wells did was a commercial where she plays Mary Anne suggesting that she married the Professor.
ОтветитьYou missed back to the beach, where Gilligan was featured on there for brief time
ОтветитьThe Professor could repair a WW2 era plane with, what, seashells and coconuts... but couldn't fix a hole in a boat.. whatever ❤❤❤
ОтветитьI’d pop Maryanne and Ginger.
ОтветитьYou need to do the seven deadly sins of Gillian’s island. Gilligan is the devil.
ОтветитьNever understood how the girls never ran out of makeup.
ОтветитьI think Tina Louise , survived. The rest of the cast drowned in nonsense.
ОтветитьReminds me of California
ОтветитьThe spinoff did happen. Fantasy Island.
ОтветитьThey all die of exposure in the last episode. Then sand crabs carry their bodies away into the sea.
ОтветитьGinger or Mary Ann?
ОтветитьGillian’s island is now being used as a “home base” for researchers trying to create a type is coral that is heat resistant. (Fun fact: it only takes about 20 minutes to get there by boat. It is in the north side of Oahu.
ОтветитьGinger or Mary Ann?
ОтветитьIt drove me nuts watching this show because of the extreme stupidity of Gilligan. Even worse was how the others could be so stupid as to trust Gilligan to do anything correctly. If only they had tied him up to a tree or locked him in a bamboo cage, they could have been rescued a long time ago.
ОтветитьIf I'm a guy on an island with Mary Ann and Ginger, my desire to be "rescued" would be extremely limited. 😎
Ответитьi would like to be stranded with mary ann.
ОтветитьThere's a theory that each of the characters are one of the seven deadly sins. Skipper is gluttony, Ginger is lust, Thurston is greed, etc...
ОтветитьToo bad they didnt have any of Billy Mays duct tape to fix that hole in the boat
ОтветитьThe show ended by Giligan revealing himself as the smoke monster
Ответитьeven if they never got rescued. there are worst way to go.
ОтветитьAh, so it was canceled due to wokism.
ОтветитьI'm a mary ann guy not ginger
ОтветитьGilligan AND the Skipper had a cameo in a movie with Anette Funicelo & Frankie Avalon.
ОтветитьRescued? There were 5 TV movie followups.
ОтветитьMary Ann tho... 🥰😍❤
ОтветитьGinger or Mary Ann???
ОтветитьThe Truth of Gilligan’s Island is they all died at sea and the entire series was just the Skipper’s fleeting imagination of their survival due to his guilt for killing them all as he drowned. Later remade as Lost. 😎
ОтветитьWithout the excessive makeup, Ginger was...meh. Without makeup, Dawn Wells was still gorgeous.
ОтветитьCorrection: Thirston Howell III not 4th.
ОтветитьWith Ginger and Mary Ann. Get rescued from what?
ОтветитьProfessor gained weight, lol.
ОтветитьI've never seen "MEGO" What? When did MEGO air lol?
ОтветитьThe series had no official ending: it was canceled after the third season, apparently unbeknownst to the cast. There was a "rescue" TV movie in 1978, which ended with them returning to the island because they couldn't handle the way the world had changed in the meantime.
ОтветитьI know the meme is every episode revolves around Gillian screwing up their attempt to get off the island, but when you actually look at each episode’s plot, only 30ish percent of the episodes are about getting off the island.
ОтветитьAre you a true Gilligan's Island fan, or do you just like asking stupid questions?
ОтветитьThe Flag at Half-Staff
In the opening sequence of Season 1, the American flag is at half-staff in the background as the Minnow leaves port, filmed shortly after President John F. Kennedy’s assassination in November 1963.
They did in fact get rescued, but then they got lost again and ended up on the same island.
ОтветитьWho's your favorite Gilligan's Island character?