Foo Fighters - Walk (Audio)

Foo Fighters - Walk (Audio)

Foo Fighters

13 лет назад

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@ashleydahlhuston9082 - 24.10.2023 18:00

I lost someone I loved a couple years ago and man he loved Foo Fighters and when I listen to this song it helps me heal thank you Foo Fighters❤

@Dentista_cirugião - 08.11.2023 17:31


@smelliot03 - 21.11.2023 04:19

This is what my childhood counds like 😊

@LilLightInsideMeBroke - 02.12.2023 08:59

Maybe a lot of people need to practice fasting a bit from not just with food as they use as an example of it...everything in moderation whatever it may need pick your poison and don't consume. Me is working on that in my own ways, like my main focus which I shall keep you mind readers or secret obvious spies or neighbors lol sometimes maybe roommates or fam it makes no difference don't mind me I'm just talking to meself, sorry I have a really crazy imaginative brain that has no idea on how to fix me but some shear confidence it can fix everything else...trial 1 will be putting a bandaid on everything, for sure I'm on that level for some reason

@reubengisawa4751 - 20.12.2023 04:12


@aurelienb.3618 - 28.12.2023 23:11

2.46 the drum 🤩

@thomasarchambault9463 - 06.01.2024 22:57

This song makes me reflect on my time in the VA Hospital.

@Sinhadrums-828 - 15.01.2024 20:28

I lost my relationship with God two summers ago because I put a girl above Him. Now I’m finally getting back on track and I’m discovering my identity in Christ. Thank you Dave Grohl for this song. This song has been helpful to me. God bless you guys and never forget Jesus loves you so much.

@simonrodriguezmena5215 - 31.01.2024 09:32

Esta cancion me salvó la vida

@doggg4977 - 01.02.2024 18:34

I got fired today. A joint and this song, let's go.

@snowset675 - 02.02.2024 07:30

Everlong is cool but this.. perfection.

@Octavio12341000 - 12.02.2024 20:55

Learning to walk again after losing my father to drug addiction

@hxbrid.sxldier - 17.03.2024 00:31

Learning to walk again after a 6 year relationship

@lezilucero2599 - 04.04.2024 09:09

Say what u wanna say but this song is about Kurt and how he felt when Kurt died.

@haeleysundin386 - 04.04.2024 16:02

I’ve tried to end my life 3 times. I found this song after the third time, an I just sobbed. I was sob/screaming over and over, “ I never wanna die. I never wanna die I’m on my knees I never wanna die. I never wanna leave. I’ll never say goodbye.” But, not out of devastation. I’ve had to start from rock bottom so many times and it’s absolutely exhausting l. But this song gave me hope; hope and courage to get up and try again like the song was written for me. If you’ve ever hit rock-bottom too, you know how hard how exhausting it is to try to get back up. How absolutely you feel how hopeless you might feel but this song gives me hope again and I hope it gives you the courage and strength you need to look up and start again too.

@simonredshaw3386 - 11.04.2024 20:25

My partner left me to find out what she needed to and 5 months later I opened my to my sweetheart, and she is …… ❤

@TrueBlue170 - 26.04.2024 15:31

I read that this song was written as an antithesis to Nirvana's "I Hate Myself and I Want to Die", and I think that's beautiful.

@carolevans5285 - 06.05.2024 16:11

I sang this after I came out of an induced coma. No joke ❤😂

@Joyandfreedom-mz5nk - 07.05.2024 20:06

This song reflects me and I'm situation I am going through

@Barbara-ig8ix - 23.05.2024 18:43

❤❤❤❤my life❤❤❤❤

@martinshortzenegger - 06.06.2024 00:04

My daughter broke her foot and I play (embarrass her with) this on the way to her physical therapy appointments bc she is literally "learning to walk again" 😂

@nortonnewmann3711 - 08.06.2024 05:48

Taylor Hawkins was a BEAST of a drummer! I'm a lot older, but trying to keep up with this on drums is exhausting! He made it sound and look easy! RIP Taylor!

@eliasaguilar901 - 11.07.2024 00:36

I completely tore my acl and this is on my motivational playlist forsure

@CatherineCampbell-i1p - 22.07.2024 09:51

Would it not it be funny as sh*t to eventually realize that wondering about why the person your obsessed over actually never cared about you at all to start with cause you are such a loser

@mariacaputo3567 - 25.07.2024 15:40


@cindysully4eva - 18.08.2024 06:47

Zeke and Ever and Tre.

@cindysully4eva - 18.08.2024 06:47

And Imani

@gaitsanazmasyakira8563 - 22.08.2024 14:16

i found this song from thor(2011) in bar scene

@LimonYasawe - 27.08.2024 05:12


@Ca-rw8ps - 27.08.2024 18:57

After a major stroke I'm literally learning to walk again

@groofoot - 17.09.2024 23:36

Sure sounds like they sampled that Tal Bachman song at the opening ... or vice versa, lol idk ....

@agoraphobicsocialite6897 - 26.09.2024 11:21

Little conquerer 🤍

@FurinaDeFontain. - 04.10.2024 11:32


@CARSONRose-q3p - 02.11.2024 23:25

Whos here after Thor?

@BlissMusic27 - 24.11.2024 02:39

Song helped me a lot

@FelicianoZúñiga.Rimachi - 24.11.2024 22:47

Esto. Es. Rock. No. Coldplay. Es. Pop

@tomato010010 - 02.12.2024 14:14

I've had problems with my health (nauseous many times every day) and memory (I have a VERY bad memory and I forget things very fast). I even had to stop going to school because I can't remember stuff.
I remember I once was in the school toilet and I started crying. I called my dad (who was in another country for work) to ask him what to do. He told me to just go home in the middle of the day. So I did.
Thanks dad for helping me :') I'll never forget the help.
And I remember one time I started crying heavily at home and my little sisters helped me (calmed me down and brought me paper to blow my nose and wipe tears) :')

@anamelessyoutuber1462 - 03.12.2024 23:07

So I was listening to this song while fighting a final video game boss. I defeated it when this song got to one of its choruses, and it was rad.

@Jason-o5s - 09.12.2024 03:21

Cheer~~~move at a regular pace by lifting and setting down each foot in turn, never having both feet off the ground at once.(all rhythm accompaniment...good)😊

@MikeRiderOOO - 20.12.2024 09:23

I loved listening to this song on the first Thor movie back in 2011 and I loved how it connected to the first movie. I love how it connects to Thor’s journey from being a God of Thunder who thought that he was above all as an Asgardian god but was not worthy of holding Mjolnir but when he comes to Earth and regains his humanity, it makes me feel like I can go through that same process like he did and become a better person out of his experience. And I still get emotional when I hear the last verse “Now…For the very first time…Don't you pay no mind…Set me free, again” that set really hits me where I live. I still can’t get enough of the Foo.

@justsomegirlwithoutamustache - 30.12.2024 05:32


@papertigerworkshop1174 - 30.12.2024 12:23

I had a major, life-changing epiphany that completely upended my life during the 2020 epidemic. This song perfectly described by feelings in the moment and the ambition to go forward I had to adopt to live.

Every time I hear this song, I sing along and it brings me to tears. I love it. It keeps me going.

@stephanieknight9404 - 03.01.2025 06:48

Idk , since he cheated, this hits so different now

@casasmart8631 - 13.01.2025 04:42

Este la canción favorita de de elector

@shannondawn44 - 14.01.2025 23:22

Happy Birthday Dave Grohl Jan 14th 2025 . This is my song lad ...Crank'er

@hourglasspop - 30.01.2025 21:36

Definitely reminds me of transition, if you're trans I'm sure you can definitely see the connection. Both literally for some lyrics and deeper into metaphor.

@IvanaStepanova-hb7wf - 06.02.2025 22:26


@kevinkibble8342 - 02.03.2025 16:42

To me, this song says that only you can be the hero in your life. It's up to you to overcome dark times and build a brighter future for yourself.
