How to Set Units in mm in AutoCAD

How to Set Units in mm in AutoCAD

Civil CAD Tutorials

4 года назад

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@pspmhmd - 15.02.2021 10:24

thank you for the quick yet sufficient tutorial

@afbigfish1 - 13.06.2021 17:35

OK, so question. I draw everything in imperial, but sometimes Im taking dimensions supplied in another drawing that is only in MM and I need or want to input a line, distance in MM into my drawing while being set in imperial. So, what I have to do now is take a calculator and convert the mm to imperial decimals and then specify that number in my drawing. IS there any way I can draw normally in imperial but then for instance when I need to make a line or specify a distance in mm by either typing [ ] or some type of short cut key? I notice when I have dimension set to display both " and mm it puts [ ] around the mm dimension. It would be so handy to be able to either type [50] when I want to specify a mm dimension or hold down a shortcut key when inputting the dimension in mm format for example holding down M while typing 50 would make autocad know I wanted 50mm not 50 inches. I cant figure out a way to do it if there is a way but it seems so simple it seems like there should be away.

@ahsanejaz8158 - 16.09.2021 14:03

Very quick solution. Thabku

@ketirevazishvili8240 - 12.04.2022 16:42

thank you so much, it worked

@HimanshuKumar-dl8my - 02.03.2023 17:46

Superb bro👌🙏

@danielveizaga6675 - 11.03.2023 23:30

thanks mister

@Abhi.G99 - 17.09.2023 10:39

Sir mera unit automatic change ho jata hai jb start krta hu to😢

@pavel3218 - 20.10.2023 11:26

most simple and usefull information,
I searched a lot fot his.

Thank you,
Nice video

@farhafathy1782 - 04.03.2024 22:19


@Spectre_Stream - 20.03.2024 10:23

Thank you, that was what i need

@fumurph - 29.04.2024 00:17

Thank you! 🙏

@sanikaraut9502 - 28.08.2024 15:00

Sir your video's always helps me
Thank you sir

@motoanaliser - 08.10.2024 18:57

how change line length with no delete line

@OlakunbiVictor-v5h - 07.01.2025 15:04

But mine is showing millimeters but ain't seeing anything millimeters

@aishaabdu1945 - 27.01.2025 10:27

thank you for your clear explanation it was very helpful and understandable

@zzman1490 - 10.02.2025 07:28

quick simple and to the point. thank you for the video
