ОтветитьKlept-Crow-Maniac???! Grrrrooooaaaan!!!! Seriously though, if that crow is the Sugar Plum Fairy, I'm the Queen of the May. This was a hoot!
Ответитьso cute!! I like to hear crows!! The little otters sound like squeaky toys!! I love them!!🦦🦦
ОтветитьHope Mr Crow ok . Love KotaHana’s escapades, whether at home or ? Hugs family ❤❤❤❤
ОтветитьHuge fan of all your videos! Love from Las Vegas!❤❤❤
ОтветитьWord’s probably got out amongst the avian community about these strange creatures called Kotaro, & Hana.
ОтветитьIt's always fun to see Kotaro's and Hana's reactions to something new: peek / hide / peek / hide! ところで、The balcony looks very different today. I guess you took down the umbrella over the table, but weren't there some small trees?
Ответитьカー助! カー吉!
あ、カ太郎もコレりきたろうちゃいますよ~ん(。_。) 笑
Это самое прекрасное, что можно сегодня увидеть!!! 😊Маленькие штучки Котарика ❤
ОтветитьI love Hanna and Kataro 🎉❤
У Котаро мордочка такая по-человечески интеллигентная. Кроме случаев, когда он лапку свою занюхивает
ОтветитьKotaro is SO precious when standing up & looking around & sniffing his sweet little paws with a look of wonder & confusion on that precious little face! LOVE it!!!!!!!!!!! 😍 I love Hanna too of course!
ОтветитьYour otters are adorable. I just love watching them ❤
ОтветитьSo many visiting Crows😊😅they wanted to observe the festival😊🦦🦦😍🎉
ОтветитьIs she dreaming ?
ОтветитьWho's got Salmon ?
ОтветитьI’m in Osaka,Japan. How to visit Kotaro and Hana?
ОтветитьOk, so Kotaro is curious but Hana is fearless!! defending her territory no matter of danger., sleep tight Dad, Hana is protecting you!
カラスってホントに逃げないですよね😑危害を加えてこないのはいいけど 近くで見ると大きいし 怖いです😱興味津々なコタハナちゃん達 気をつけてね😊
ОтветитьBeaucoup d'anthropomorphisme pour émouvoir les gens et vendre les produits dérivés de kotaro et hana et faire de l'argent. J'espère que cela n'incite pas d'autres personnes à faire pareil. Les loutres devraient être dans la nature 😊
ОтветитьA festival with Brazilian samba? That's why it was noisy, imagine Lady Hana dancing samba? lol
Ответить다음 동영상은
하나의 생일 에피소드🎉❤😊🎉
Kotaro et Hana sont Adorables Félicitations BRAVO 👏👍 le corbeau est de Passage salutations distinguées de France ❤❤
ОтветитьPlease construct a plexiglass cutout on your balcony so that Kotaro can look out onto the street. 😊
ОтветитьCrows are very intelligent - almost like otters - but only almost. We 😊🐕 have sometimes crows outside our garden. They are looking for a little snack, but Mille chi is very alert and don't want them to enter the small fench. They can use a long time looking at each other, and as long as Mille guards the garden, they don't get in 😅
i love you kotaro and hana you are my favorite otters ever
ОтветитьNovember 24th is Hana's 6th birthday!
Don't miss tomorrow's video!
Mr crow is back! Or at least his much smaller twin!
ОтветитьKotaro não pode ter nada fora de sua rotina . Hana dá pouca atenção à coisas externas . As legendas de papai para as situações são hilárias kkkllllkkkklll
ОтветитьLa traduction francaise est tres bien faite.
ОтветитьMY OTTERS! ❤
Sweet video. Love it. Thank you. 😊😊
ОтветитьMr. Jungle Crow seems like a nicer guest than the new crow. Professor Kotaro and Juggling Queen Hana probably want to vet new guests before committing to new friendships. Hopefully Mr. Carrion Crow will prove himself worthy of that honor :)
ОтветитьWhy are the buildings blurred out?
ОтветитьВороны тоже милые. Я шла мимо и сказала вороне комплименты, а она мне в другой раз кинула кусочек еды сверху - угостила❤. Они тоже все понимают, ждали вкусного - в гости же прилетели.🙂
ОтветитьCorneille pas corbeau
ОтветитьOnce again. I about fell off my couch and North Dakota. When you said Darude “sandstorm.”…. I was like oh no the crow is inviting your otters to the gay white party in Palm Springs for some dancing
ОтветитьCrows love Peanuts
ОтветитьKotaro so adorable looking out the window at Mr. Crow 🥺😍❤🦦
ОтветитьI didn't realize the care involved with your otters. I'm so happy they have you and not someone who would mistreat them. God bless all!
ОтветитьWow I had no idea the artificial bass epidemic had reached Japan as well. Those bass speakers hurt me physically when played by far away neighbouts (I am highly sensitive) and obviously it's mental torture. I wonder if it hurts Kotaro too as he got nervous. It's really awful, when will humans understand it's bad for health, not music. And I say artificial for a reason. Natural bass instruments are divine.