Has The Situation In Manipur Reached The Point Of No Return? | News Today

Has The Situation In Manipur Reached The Point Of No Return? | News Today

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Has The Situation In Manipur Reached The Point Of No Return? | News Today
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@vaipheisuantakthanglet9718 - 20.11.2024 16:54

this is not a security challenge but a BJP failure of governance and agenda of Mr N Biren Singh and his militias

@Idk12ikaan - 20.11.2024 19:17

Paolienlal's mindsets, his community and his allied communities are putting things always in communal portraits. Their minds are fully packed with communalism. Hence, they view a Cheif Minister as communal chief minister.
These communities always want to snatch lands from Manipur, whole of Mizoram, some parts of Nagaland, Myanmar and Bangladesh in the dreams to create KukiZoTerroristsLand, ZalengamTerroristLand and blah blah blah... even before the crisis. They were peopling in Manipur for decades illegally along with poppy cultivation and smuggling of weapons in order to strengthen their terrorism so that they can blame the state and acquire Separate Administration which later on will further fight for converting into Christian country exclusively.

@jaykumar8956 - 20.11.2024 19:41

Modhi is unfit & hypocrisy, to continue as PM in India !
Modhi is stoped the war in between Ukrain & Russia ;
But why pm is not possible to stop the Manipura perscuation still going on ? Modhi is unfit , tears of crocodile Drama , no humanity only wicked work in his Govt .Please get lost ! So far he is not visited to Manipura state, but he goes to foreign to show his pose to world !
Does we want such a pm ???

@jaykumar8956 - 20.11.2024 19:48

Modhi is not controlled in Manipura, how it is possible to reign on nation ? Is it possible ?

@Kikikoko131 - 20.11.2024 21:32

After hearing from every angle, at this present situation, the only way to stop the conflict in Manipur is to enforce President rule. If the people of the area wants peace then they should stop keep saying bla bla... from both side blaming one another. Or else, it's going to be very sad story for both the community. May God grant wisdom of peace to both the community.

@tuviahaokip8629 - 20.11.2024 22:18

The manipur chief minister,dnt know how the manipur is form, there is Hilly region M.P. and the valley M.P.hilly region are tribals, there is bjp tribals, and the valley bjp, the dist, of ccpur,has 5 m.l.a , no one has got minister, the tribals ML.A has no bones of M.L.A. just hearing no power to the assemblee, lagislative, this is the chief minister biren power ,the style of dictator.thankQ.cont..

@LalneilurKhawbung - 21.11.2024 06:09

Its very simple to solve the crisis.if the meiteis withdraw their demand for S.T status,then automatically normalcy will return.

@nrg1323 - 21.11.2024 06:38

Its really pathetic that this beautiful state of Manipur is being torn apart from the internal strife for the past.2 yrs and central govt is still dithering. I fail to understand why Modi govt is not taking any proactive steps to de escalate situation there. And why he is not visiting , what he is afraid of, when he could visit kashmir several times, why not manipur.

@menmeiaventh2036 - 21.11.2024 06:56

Until public from both side comes together with forget and forgive policies concerning the situation in manipur and the future of youngsters...no more trust should lay on govt either cntr or states.we are praying for peace in Manipur,

@hesemaiahiangrai4084 - 21.11.2024 07:52

Media and individuals should not show hate and arrogant speeches towards each others

@AkimKipgenKipgen - 21.11.2024 07:58

Uncountable innocents Kukis died from the initial what about them?

@MaryChhangte-c2q - 21.11.2024 10:23

May peace prevail soon🙏🏻… A country where lots of blood shed is bad omen… I’m aware the wrath of God befall on our Bharath…Our leaders need to take immediate steps to stop violence for both sides without favouring any community…

@Wickfall9013 - 21.11.2024 10:23

Bjp government both state and Central are responsible for all this menace there is hidden agenda which has not come out or it has nat attain that agenda that's the reason violence is still prevailing in state

@cashcore - 21.11.2024 12:01

Indian is a thief country

@THOM600 - 21.11.2024 15:47

Pak u channel holder

@WawaBo-i5q - 21.11.2024 16:32

Once Stocking stop, Everything will stop in Minutes. Nothing more. !

@psychoishebella - 21.11.2024 17:05

The whole northeast India is totally neglected not only Manipur, you know the Government of India did not keep interested in North East India. This is very clear the face of Indian people outside of this North East India fully insults to the people of Northeast. They differentiate us because we are not belonging to the Indian Hindus. We are all Tibetan Barman tribes of Chin people so our Appearance are also not same with the other Indian.

@peacefulindian318 - 21.11.2024 17:24

The PM goes to Nigeria and Brazil, but didn't visit Manipur.
Please solve the Manipur crisis! 😭🇮🇳

@Asta-Blackbull - 21.11.2024 20:00

The state government has been giving help to displaced meitei of Jiribam whereas no help has been given to the Kuki-Zo-Hmar displaced from Jiribam. So it is clear to see how bias is the govt of Manipur.

@pewdhar9529 - 22.11.2024 00:33

Why questioning so much...? Just go and help Manipur..

@Lhangsing-z7c - 22.11.2024 00:43

It's the failer of the center govt.because of divide and rules policy has beenexisted from the center govt .within the two community.

@lalbiakhlunaralte9727 - 22.11.2024 06:41

The govt of Manipur will be responsible if the state of no return reached

@AnilSingh-iq6nm - 22.11.2024 10:42

Dont bring binalaxmi in any discussion.. She is full of shit

@rmawblei5478 - 22.11.2024 16:26

Yes, president rules.

@TheLordismystrenght7 - 22.11.2024 18:12

Send meitei back to burma then all will be well.

@LukhoiHeikrujam-dw8ot - 22.11.2024 19:32

It is time to look manipur who is right or rong between meitei and kuki if not india must leave manipur free from India's trape

@LukhoiHeikrujam-dw8ot - 22.11.2024 19:35

What are doing mr muiva means naga you mute leader but you belong to manipur

@LukhoiHeikrujam-dw8ot - 22.11.2024 19:36

Paoleilal haokip you are stupid like jakal I hate your manner😊

@LukhoiHeikrujam-dw8ot - 22.11.2024 19:38

Come poamilal haokip I will give you a slape

@LukhoiHeikrujam-dw8ot - 22.11.2024 19:43

Cutekuki Shakthu how are you sakthi try to sleep in cophin sakthu kashubi macha kuki

@LukhoiHeikrujam-dw8ot - 22.11.2024 19:46

Haokip is nonsense huithu Hui chaba huithu haokip shameless jungalee

@LukhoiHeikrujam-dw8ot - 22.11.2024 19:47

Why kuki blame to india they are not indian citizen shameless annimal

@LukhoiHeikrujam-dw8ot - 22.11.2024 19:51

No tribal blame to meitei but you chin foreigner kuki blame shamlessly why you kuki ask your mother you are belongs to which clant

@LukhoiHeikrujam-dw8ot - 22.11.2024 19:52

Paoleilal haokip has no answer so he try to liar is not it

@lungdumtu_vawksa - 22.11.2024 20:27

What is the Central govt doing???

@PurnachandraThoudam-l4q - 22.11.2024 20:51

The Centre shall take into consideration the speech by Mizoram CM at USA.. This shall be nipped in the bud.

@PurnachandraThoudam-l4q - 22.11.2024 20:55

Kukis are in line with Mizoram CM. Haokip there were several Naga Chief Ministers, even Muslim Chief Minister. Stop the idea of Poppy plantation.

@ShaileshKumar-io2zn - 23.11.2024 00:28

Anti national channel and ratdeep sardesai continues his daily 24 presstitute proxy war against mother india like army says 😂 Vande Mataram

@ambilunhaokip9077 - 23.11.2024 00:34

Long Live Pu Paolenlal Haokip❤

@michaelhrangkhawl443 - 23.11.2024 07:35

Due to political gain the pm of India is not visiting Manipur.

@rksilas6321 - 23.11.2024 12:38

My heart bleeds when l read about the condition of Kukies in Manipur. Dear GOD ALMIGHTY please do justice.

@welleslynsyiem4567 - 23.11.2024 14:56

Pm n chief minister cannot even handle this civil war...... what if world war 3 comes

@sunnylucky9081 - 23.11.2024 18:46


@tluongahmar3475 - 25.11.2024 02:43

Seperation is the solution,

@johnsangma2609 - 25.11.2024 03:02

It is strange and sadful that inspite of such protests and and destructions in Manipur ONLY due to Biren Singh the Centre seems to support him blindly for further destruction of Manipur. He should have been rejected long before in the interest of the country and Nation.

@johnsangma2609 - 25.11.2024 03:05

In the matter of present situation in Manipur the Centre seems to follow the Ostrich policy. Very harmful, indeed !

@khangembambirensingh9705 - 25.11.2024 11:37

These violences are Engineeried by state agencies

@elwintombing4304 - 02.12.2024 07:45

Meitei Pangal clash, Meitei Naga clash, Kuki Naga clash, Kuki Meitei clash - no outside or external involved, it's only within India

@takhelchangbamrajen5282 - 09.12.2024 05:47

He's repeatedly twisting the facts.

@yumlembamsurjamani6882 - 17.03.2025 09:15

Manipur is 90% hill and 10% plain. Manipur should be declare as hill state like adjoining state Nagaland and Mizoram. Logically nobody will deny it. Next give ST status to all indigenous peoples. Problem solve.
