Fractal Audio: FM9 Amp Modeler / FX Processor

Fractal Audio: FM9 Amp Modeler / FX Processor

Brett Kingman

3 года назад

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@JayTheLane - 30.09.2021 03:21

$1600 😭

@tonystees - 14.10.2021 17:53

Great NoNonsense Demo !!! You let us see what we need to see while giving us the crucial info on the unit. Great Job !

@matevosin - 24.10.2021 10:50

Good afternoon. This can be connected to the Marshal amplifier

@OliverAndTheTwist - 09.11.2021 15:37

Hey I’ve been battling this dilemma forever - would appreciate some advice! So I am both lead guitarist and lead singer in the band (I also play flute and a bit of sax) so my choices are between this and a Helix Floor. Obviously this has more DSP and as a new model coming out vs an aged flagship model this should sound better, but does the Vocal functionality of the Helix make it a better choice as in all-in-one (considering I could use the Helix to add Vocal Delay+Reverb for a flute solo) or should I be focusing on buying a dedicated guitar processor for my guitar and then leaving VocalFX management on the mixer? (Can I route Fractal to control my mixer’s mic effects via foot pedal? Or can I use a tablet or iPhone to wirelessly control my mixer via bluetooth? That would mean I basically supersede the vocal benefits of the Helix.

Would appreciate some input as someone who gigs ~200-250x a year and is new to modeling but not performing

@fretkillrlives - 16.11.2021 15:58

16 hundy and get on the waiting list.

@FastRedPonyCar - 18.11.2021 03:41

RIP Quad Cortex…at least for a while. They got a lot of work to do on that unit IMO. I spent 2 weeks with one and liked it but no editing software and bare bones effects was disappointing and also no easy to find user profiles like that insane Kemper library.

@MrDavemiley - 01.12.2021 02:06

Does everything except a really good Clean tube amp sound that breaths . . . I wish they would make the clean amp sounds much better as well as a much better compressor pedal Effect. No doubt they have the overdrive & distortion sounds just killer and well as all the other Fx. I spent a week with the AXE FXIII , never could get a clean amp sound I could live with.

@doughboypow - 30.12.2021 01:21

My big question about this and similar units is what to route them through in a small live setting.

FRFR speaker? Can they give the thick thump of a 4x12? Maybe a small FRFR can give the cream of of Blackface combo? I must admit I'm dubious about FRFRs as I have no experience with them.

Buy a solid state power amp to drive one or both of my 4x12s (stereo?)

Use my Dual Recto as a power amp to drive a 4x12?

@stan2211stan - 06.02.2022 11:11

There's too much learning the ropes. Plus $2500 US is @ minimum 100 cases of very high quality BEER which would last me a minimum of 400 Saturdays. Who's supposed to learn it, the soundman? Makes me appreciate the Thunderbolt's 2 knobs. My brain hurts Burgs.

@terrydoylemusic - 15.02.2022 01:27

Great review .. demoed lots of sounds, gave us the low down on possibilities, more demos ... Thanks for putting this together.

@flytebandtampa2499 - 20.03.2022 17:59

Great vid Brett. I downloaded your rig1 patch as Inwas fortunate to grab an FM9. The patch will not load rather saying its in buffer?? It's the patch from your live show demo.

@shellsjoint - 30.03.2022 01:33


@dannyraysmusicproduction6604 - 07.04.2022 23:52

At bedroom levels what about at some stage db’s?

@leo777lee - 21.04.2022 09:12

Hi Brett, you always have great advice cheers mate sincerely, lm looking at purchasing a fractal either the fm9 or axe - fx 111 unit not sure which one, can you please advice me here, also a powered GRFR. ? ? atomic ? ? Or LG-12

@planetxlr - 15.06.2022 05:49

We come in search of the holy grail! Well, its over there and it was $3 grand the whole time.

@danielleelizabeth9417 - 20.06.2022 07:42

I want this so bad!!

@Mat0Guitar - 27.06.2022 17:18

Hello Brett, it is possible to add external pedals to FM9?? Thank you very much

@Dwoed - 21.08.2022 12:40

The thing is, you hear its a fractal Just like you can hear its a Boss multi unit no matter how your setting are. I will stuck to my stompboxes, no one has the same pedals and pedal order like I have-)

@davitofarito - 10.09.2022 12:08

Very impressive unit, but I could never justify the $$$$ when the only gigging I do these days gets me free beers and a few bucks on top of that. I watched your video on the NUX Amp Academy. Now that's a unit I would like to check out for running direct.

@JahmanBrahman - 12.09.2022 08:39

Awesome video!!!! Thank you! What’s the best option for the compatible expression pedal?

@anthonykenny1320 - 25.09.2022 07:18

nice playing brett
like to hear more of the ambient patches

@charliewelch328 - 27.09.2022 12:05

Are these all factory presets

@voltaspeeder17 - 30.09.2022 00:22

Honestly can't say i'm impressed. Sounds basically like any other generic Amp Modeler out there. Except from Kemper with some aftermarket/captured amps or Quad Cortex if you really put the work in. These two sound miles better and more natural when it comes to amps, and Helix is the bomb when it comes to effects. The rest, FM9 included, sound pretty "digital", plasticky and unlike the real amps. Even the effects weren't on the level i would expect from a machine in this price range. Is it just me, or the Axe-FX III and even II sound miles better, although they should on paper sound the same as FM9? Or is it just the presets?

@jongonzalez6917 - 03.10.2022 04:27

Hmmm. I’m not in love with the tones, but I can see this being awesome for a gigging musician.

@MrStorm029029 - 19.10.2022 16:11

What cabinet would you use on stage with a modeler like this that doesn't muddy the tone with its own pre amp? I have a Crate 50w that I use the 4 cable system to bypass the pre amp. Is like to simplify my setup.

@RobertJohnson-lb3qz - 24.10.2022 20:23

Do you know if there’s a Boston or Tom Scholtz setting?

@chrisdaviesguitar - 14.11.2022 23:07

I had to settle for the Mooer GE300

@ignatdumansky - 03.12.2022 23:39

Does it has some delay when you play and swich "bank to bank"? I heard that this problem is in other devices (Axe FX 3 and FM3)

@surfrby8876 - 04.01.2023 21:59

This thing would blow my mind up 💥with my ADD , but I still want it

@clemdog76 - 27.01.2023 10:56

Not selling it 🤷🏻

@6505evh1 - 19.02.2023 23:03

Not one bad preset!

@stephenszklarski5446 - 07.03.2023 23:58


@joeantolak4629 - 25.03.2023 20:31

I liked no more mr nice guy

@grim..sentinel9500 - 04.04.2023 08:18

You sound like a paid actor, reading a script from fractal

@SkylikeGreen - 09.04.2023 01:50

What amp would you recommend pairing with this pedalboard?

@EfrenGutierrez - 23.04.2023 02:34


@JasonMcNamara - 07.06.2023 08:20

Such a magnificent presentation Burgs. I’m on the edge of my seat waiting for my FM9 to arrive. Should be here this week fingers crossed ❤🤘

@Borgz34 - 09.06.2023 18:49


@kamalsinnofilms - 09.07.2023 12:22

That tome before whole lotta love is beautiful

@CryptoDottcom - 20.11.2023 06:48

It sounds cheesy like some of the first processor from the 90s

@leandrobarralessexteto2892 - 30.11.2023 19:12

Suena flojo la verdad

@krishanujoarder94 - 07.01.2024 07:06

Nice demo but sounds so plasticky imo. Nothing like a real amp.

@thedellow2093 - 29.01.2024 07:13

Here’s the problem. No matter what you do, 10-15 years from now this thing’ll be worth $200 and will sound like crap compared to what’s new. Buying digital music gear is like buying a car, you know you’re going to lose money, but you do it anyway. Analog gear and tubes forever 🤠

@1979GenXdude - 18.03.2024 20:11

Just ordered mine. I’m stoked!!

@GuitarTeleMan - 29.04.2024 19:05

Can you please tell me how to quickly access the controls of a Fractal Stomp pedal (i.e.overdrive) without having to go through menus on the units screen. With helix, I just touch the switch and the pedals control's shows up on the screen. On the FM9, I had to scroll, and there is no time for that when playing live. Thanks

@lemaywebdesigns - 26.05.2024 02:43

Can it replace my vintage Zoom 505?

@martinbarnes5704 - 19.09.2024 00:30

Nobody wants to carry an amp to the gig no more,😅

@LouCondon-j1v - 30.09.2024 21:52

Ask your Wife to do more garden videos, my Wife liked those. When she sees these product videos she knows I'm about to spend money. LOL On the FM9 when you plug in your headphones does it kill the sound to your speakers? I was watching a Rhett Schull video and the Axe-Fx III looks hard to select stuff unless your doing it through the editor, the FM9 links much easier to use w/o the editor while playing.wonk  I know you have the Big Brother the Axe-Fx III so is the Big unit have that much more power than the FM9? The price difference is big. To me the only thing you can do is copy your home amp collection on the Big Boy. Is that about right? Sorry for the long winder question.

@Fallowsun - 06.11.2024 01:21

As powerful as fractal stuff is… it doesn’t sound good to me
