The Woodlands High School Marching Band - 2013 - Crossing Boundaries

The Woodlands High School Marching Band - 2013 - Crossing Boundaries

Rhythm Walking

4 года назад

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@BluRPulse13 - 02.02.2021 12:19

Any way you could upload Tarpon springs 2014? Marcus marching band in 2009?

@Adrian_Cruz_21 - 01.07.2021 09:11

Definitely Top 5 BOA favorite production

@bagellio2166 - 09.10.2021 04:12


@billthorn1604 - 28.10.2021 22:45

Such a great show, love the ballad especially

@aidenschwartz8371 - 25.02.2022 08:15

Bd 2019

@r8escjohn - 03.05.2022 00:15

I remember seeing this show live 3 times that year and that Finals performance that night was off the charts !!! During finals at the closer those kids seriously kicked that energy level up by like a factor of 100!!😎😎 the energy was so so high I really thought an Silver Streak Amtrack train was going to bust thru the LOS walks !!!!🤓🤓

@takigan - 13.10.2022 19:46

Definitely about trains

@justamaninTN - 30.08.2023 05:20

Greatness!!! A privilege to watch this live in the stands a decade ago! The best high school show I’ve ever seen. Period. Even my parents, who never did marching band, were speechless after this performance. Looking back at the person I was 10 years ago, it’s insane that you can get high schoolers to perform at this level, especially freshmen (if there even were any on the field).

@kiriash_ - 04.03.2024 08:27

This show still is one of my favorites. That first hit never fails to give me chills

@benjiii7943 - 16.03.2024 01:28

I did not just get a mid roll on a woodlands show

@MoniNaha-b2x - 28.08.2024 01:22

Lewis Helen Martinez Steven Williams Patricia

@organboi - 31.10.2024 08:17

Ugh. ADAM Khachaturian? It's Aram. How careless.

@organboi - 31.10.2024 08:25

Awful camera editing. Not nearly enough high POVs essential for a group this size. The whole thing looks messy to me. Not sure what I'm seeing. Why are they all crammed together? Seems a poor use of resources. Sorry, not seeing the "best high school performance ever. Period." I've seen much more impressive beautiful drills from many schools.

@ashleyw.6126 - 03.11.2024 21:47

My daughter was a part of TWHS marching band.. what a AMAZING year for them.. total domination! Still gives me goosebumps watching them perform

@JakePresnallPercussion - 30.11.2024 08:17

This program came out from nowhere and shocked the world.
