19. DJI OSMO Mobile Support - Epic Guide to FiLMiC Pro

19. DJI OSMO Mobile Support - Epic Guide to FiLMiC Pro

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@barckcce - 15.01.2017 04:46

Absolutely love the videos.. Can you take pics using the filmic pro app and the dji osmo?

@StargazerFS128 - 17.01.2017 23:07

Perfect Thx!!

@banez152 - 25.01.2017 04:06

What are you using to connect the osmo to the tripod at the end of the video?

@jbx907 - 03.02.2017 06:11

it just sucks on android , im using the s7 edge octacore, no 60fps, and always hunt focus when the is no contrast, i dont think the focus does not use dual pixel focusing, keeps on hunting in low light, and also hunts when in normal lighting if there is no contrast. it looks like they're using old modes of focus. DJI aps focus way better like the stock aps. Filmic pro has to adapt their aps to use dual pixel focus which s7 uses
it lack a lot of features that are in ios, ois switch, slow mo, higher frame rate. the ap is still low tech and unusable when we android paid for the same price with lack of features

@hhanger1 - 03.02.2017 19:46

Is there a way to use the zoom function using the osmo joystick vs. having to adjust it by touching the phone screen?

@mrait - 17.02.2017 16:35

unfortunately i cant pair note 5 withe osmo mobile in filmic pro, doesn't show up

@perrypelican9476 - 25.02.2017 20:11

I use filmic and it's obviously a winner. I was wondering if you have tried a relatively new app for pro film makers called Mavis? I don't like to switch apps every time a new one comes out unless it has features that I want that are not available in the app I use. I saw a video on Mavis and it looks like a serious contender. I did not really see anything that would make me switch but you never know. I like to be open.

@fotojaap - 10.03.2017 22:29

If I pushing the video button on the Osmo, the volume level of my iPhone 7 plus comes up and no video capturing, whats going wrong??

@AmyiReport - 22.03.2017 07:46

why can I not using selfie mode (clicked three times on the front trigger) when in Filmic Pro? Thank you!

@thechosenone6324 - 23.03.2017 15:40

Can the osmo follow the main subject when using filmic pro like it can do in the dji osmo app?

@frandubon16 - 24.03.2017 03:53

we need a review of osmo pro with z axis, that will be awesome

@ngarseelam5435 - 24.03.2017 09:40

What about the ActiveTrack?

@rysko - 28.03.2017 08:56

Thanks for your video. Question: has a Filmic Pro "Motion Time lapse" function for Osmo Mobile (like DJI Go app)? I use Android phone.

@davidsanchez1 - 28.03.2017 17:14

Yeah! Good review, maybe the best!

@kenwilton8051 - 28.03.2017 21:03

You talk WAY TOO FAST. Slow it down so we can follow what you're saying.

@dyowannah - 29.03.2017 02:39

Is this the same functions for the latest filmicpro version 6?

@ovideo100 - 01.04.2017 21:02

Hi- I love your tutorials- I must have missed this- can you zoom with FilMiC Pro on osmo mobile with the trigger button?

@StonnieDennis - 05.04.2017 00:14

Thanks so much!

@bishnugaire9859 - 12.04.2017 09:47

how can use with sound osmo which phone best for vediography with osmo mobile iphone 7 plus good or not

@martinshek2157 - 24.04.2017 22:26

Hi Elliot, great video, I just wanted to ask have you used any other gimbal before the DJI Osmo? if yes which one and how was using it with Filmic pro?

@erod707 - 24.05.2017 06:51

Does it only work with the osmo? Can I use other. Rand gymbols?

@udoheinl - 25.05.2017 14:26

Compliment and heartfelt thanks for the excellent video.
Currently I use for my iPhone 6s Plus the DJI app, unfortunately with few adjustment possibilities. Furthermore, with lateral movements a tremor in the video.
For the first time I learned in this video that Filmic Pro fully supports the Osmo Mobile. So also start with the record button of Osmo Mobile and many more functions. I hope that the tremors in the video recording is also missing.
Do you have any experience regarding film quality compared to Filmic Pro and Osmo DJI App?Your detailed explanation of the functions has convinced me very much. Thanks again!

@mikefisher84 - 26.05.2017 00:20

Do you know if you can control Filmic like this with the Zhiyun Smooth-Q?

@udoheinl - 26.05.2017 10:36

Very well explained. Yes, Filmic Pro is the best app for DJI Osmo Mobile. I've bought it yesterday.

@The.Incliner - 28.05.2017 16:07

With this software can I switch from front camera to rear camera without shutting camera off like I have to with DJI app?

@rowanstrang8072 - 08.08.2017 05:04

do you have to calibrate the horizon in the DJI app each time you use the OSMO Mobile or do the internal sensors in iPhone take care of this?

@rowanstrang8072 - 08.08.2017 05:06

how quickly can you go from osmo turned off to connected and ready to shoot? assuming the phone is already in the cradle, less than 10 seconds?

once you have paired the Osmo to the FiLMiC Pro app once does it remember this and pair automatically when the app is open and the Osmo is on?

@Siegi32341 - 02.09.2017 08:01

Danke für das Video 👍🏻

@billoakes9690 - 10.11.2017 00:30

I am looking to edit my videos with 3D tracked text does filmix pro do this?

@hutchrt0596 - 29.11.2017 22:43

Will this also work with the Zhiyun Smooth Q?

@octagamingz2172 - 11.12.2017 21:00

if my, iphone is empty space , how can i export my video from filmic pro to my computer if anyone know tell me please

@yuhooh - 27.12.2017 12:37

I wonder how do I make shot still photo of FilmicPro with DJI osmo mobile . Or this app dedicate only for video recording.

@ChoicesHabitsAttitudeLuck - 29.12.2017 02:40

Does it have active tracking?

@beck4u717 - 14.01.2018 10:34

Is this easier on the phone battery than the dji app? Seems like I can watch my iPhone battery quickly drain when I have am using the osmo with the dji app.

@timminshull2925 - 17.02.2018 15:19

Hi there. With the DJI Osmo and filmic. Are you able to lock on to a person so that the camera will flops their movement. If so how do you do this. As I can do it on the dji app but I want to do it in 4K in the filmic app.

@SharpFitnessLook - 26.02.2018 16:21

It doesn’t work with the Mobil 2 🙁

@Mrdopestar173 - 09.03.2018 16:31

I am Hoping you see this comment.
I have an iPhone 7, paired with the Osmo Mobile 1... i have Filmic Pro and the Filmic Pro Remote on the same phone (Which i havent used the remote yet)... i did a couple of test with different frame rates, bit-rates and Resolutions. I have had the SAME result on all settings which my results come out to be (None Smooth) choppy video while recording and while Playback...

Ive tried 50mbps at 24fps, 1080p..
Ive tried 100mbps (Filmic Extreme)
at 4k, 24fps...

I get the same exact results.. (choppy video recording and playback)..

Am i doing anything wrong?

@sabre100 - 08.04.2018 21:34

Is there a way to pitch lock the osmo without having to hold the trigger on Filmic? DJI app supports this.

@ChoicesHabitsAttitudeLuck - 14.04.2018 04:45

how do you switch between front and rear cameras?

@gastelumproductions - 29.04.2018 06:07

Hello! Great video. I have two questions and it would be awesome if you could help me out. 1. If I have an iPhone 6 will I be able to use the VideoMicro Rode? Can I still connect the cable to the iPhone port while using the DJI OSMO? And 2. Since the iPhone 6 doesn't have the OIS, when using the DJI OSMO, what do you recommend to have the "Image Stabilization" option on or off? Thank you. I am planning on buying one and I would love to know these things before I do.

@jaylewis914 - 09.05.2018 01:33

Filmic Pro& osmo mobile 2 + pixel 2 XL is there a detailed tutorial?

@MikinGarage - 23.05.2018 09:52

can you manually zoom with filmic pro as well?

@swayamgutty8290 - 17.08.2018 08:36

Hi,how to zoom with the osmo mobile while using the filmicpro app?

@ismail06mingo - 17.09.2018 10:49

Hi, I have a question with filmic pro,
1. Do I have to unlock my focus or lock my focus when I shoot moving person in my video? Example while walking or running
2. When shooting action video, what should i do with the focus?


@AdolfoMelilli - 21.11.2018 15:46

I could not find a way to zoom in-out directly from the OSMO with Filmic pro... it seems one has to touch the screen! Can't believe it..
In the DJI App the trigger and the joystick together do the job... Am I missing sonmething?

@AdolfoMelilli - 21.11.2018 15:51

I just installed Filmic Pro... the first time I ran it, the bahevior was as described.. but now something is changed... as I touch the shutter button or the record button, the left LED changes from blue to GREEN (?!) and the VOLUME adjust sign appears on the phone.... can't get out of this situation... with DJI GO app the osmo is still working correctly.... what happened? Please help..

@Herjeczki - 09.01.2019 17:03

Does it have the function when the Osmo follows the selected area, even with turning itself?

@sarajitsil - 26.08.2019 05:35

Can Filmic Pro + OnePlus 6 + DJI Osmo mobile 2 be a good combination for filming videos?

@KKAw49 - 09.09.2020 23:05

The phone does not look balanced on the gimbal? Is this correct?

@massimilianolivis9857 - 28.11.2020 23:59

Is using the Active Track function of the Dji OM on apps like Filmic or Moment possible? It would be really useful for timelapses and hyperlapses. Thank you for the contents you make, super useful!
