i dont know what method wargaming uses for nerfing ships because the average WR and the average damage for the somers,mainz,colbert,plymouth,ba montana,lushun is for sure balanced and fair
ОтветитьI don’t want the Gdansk nerfed, i’m @ least a month away from getting it 😡
ОтветитьBrother, why do you have 547 crates? 😂
ОтветитьThese ships are extremely dangerous and powerful. Something you overlooked is that the t7 up to LT have similar(and I think maybe even better) HP pools than the German destroyers which is crazy
ОтветитьHaha.. everyone hates the honesty!
Honestly.. I love it! Never compromise your opinion or what you believe to be true just because other people don’t like it.
We love what you do man! Great video again!
I really love this line. I'm surprised you made a video on the tier 8 and how powerful it is. The split tier for tier is stronger than the katsonis no question. Great vid, Derka. Good to see you back.
ОтветитьThat Parseval definitely needs a new controller after the match, as well as anyone spectating him. BTW you and the Saipan are the mvps in any match
ОтветитьHow about we nerf the NON existing Soviet Carrier Instead
ОтветитьNice game you featured.
Interesting how the CV ignored you completely even when you opened fire, telling him EXACTLY your location at the final minute, in favor of going for your ally CV.
What I watch a derka video for can’t be discussed publicly without ending up on a watchlist 👀
ОтветитьGg 👍
ОтветитьIt genuinely makes me sad that you have to explain yourself and your opinions when it’s pretty obvious you know what you’re taking about. Great video regardless tho, i look forward to abusing that ship and skill till they get nerfed.
ОтветитьRemember for every good player in an OP ship there's at least 10 incompetent potatoes using it as well simply because they heard it was OP
ОтветитьIts a fantastic line, and this bote is very strong, but i actually prefer split in use. Just more agile. Either way; great line. If you dont have them, get them.
ОтветитьRadar advantage crazy
ОтветитьIf the ship is not able to be countered by a comparable ship at that tier, and takes multiple ships to take it down, it needs a nerf. Then again, having a really strong ship attainable within the tech tree, is better than an op ship you can only buy once before its gone. Looking at you kamikaze, and jb. 🤨 and no, I don't have either of those, so it's partly jealousy. Both of those ships should be either 1 tier higher, or nerfed.
ОтветитьWhat’s the next tier 7 to get a discount after the Atlantico
ОтветитьLet's be honest. The start and stop speed on these things aren't "kinda sluggish" it's ABYSMAL for a DD. Probably worst in the game if I had to say.
Yes, Fox Flair is broken and should probably only add 15 seconds max to the radar when using your smoke, and the alpha on the guns should probably be toned down a tad considering they gave them ¼ pen. Other than that, MAYBE an HP nerf for the Katsonis only.
It's always a good day when derka post! Thanks for showing another boat I've never heard of, it helps me when I go up against them! 💚
ОтветитьThe new Pan Europe DDs lines has German's quarter pen ? Maybe that explain why they have high HE pens ?
ОтветитьI love the games that go down to the last few seconds too. 👍
ОтветитьRemember when they buffed the Colbert? There's a reason why Wargaming's nickname is WeeGee (Ouija). 😂
ОтветитьWait, when did AL Chap get nerfed?
ОтветитьFacts thanks for sharing your thoughts and opinions 🎉
ОтветитьWhats needed to counter it is a French DD commaner thats all gunboat focused... Or an italian DD commander thats all SAP focused
ОтветитьIt’s going to get nerfed .
ОтветитьEverybody ogling at the avg 2800, while I look at an avg of 2800 and a HIGH of 3100, just pumping out 2700-2900 XP games, because u stomp their Dds and the game is a landslide so u don’t have time to rack up anymore XP
ОтветитьDerka we should play together do some streams. Id love to make some fleet content
ОтветитьIncredibly powerful with Swirski. Wish i could get Fox Flair on my Black😂
PS Don't get my Somers nerfed🤣
5 matches, huge amount if experience...
ОтветитьWhat's the point of having ccs if the devs doesn't cares about you or your opinions?
ОтветитьOpen your god damned crates 😂
ОтветитьI almost always watch the whole vid Derka
ОтветитьGreat video Derka, Katsonis is a powerhouse, I’m so happy I didn’t splash out the extra dubs for the blazing dread, after you sent it to the deep.
ОтветитьI maintain that Metajerk single handedly got the Kleber nerfed and I'll never forgive him for it. But he didn't call for a nerf, he was just too good
ОтветитьNice game dude. I’ve played Split ALOT, (got that juicy game Aron put up, 4500 base, 191k dmg) and i think she’s even stronger, tier for tier.
I’m ”all ears” though, curious to hear why you like Katsonis more? On paper she has 1 more gun but when you can’t use that gun, it’s a Split with a bit slower reload, and all torps on the same side as well.
Gg Wp!
Bro did that batteries low thing pop up in your video? It gave me the biggest Deja Vu. Cause I also have blue as my Xbox color and my batteries have been dying quick too. So funny
ОтветитьIts not like anyone has it yet,the entire line needs removed from the game not nerfed
ОтветитьI maintain that Kamikaze and pre nerf Ark Royal are/were the strongest ships in the game relative to their tier. Ark Royal was (and arguably still is) so broken then had to nerf it and refund a bunch of people. Kamikaze is so broken that, to this day, even as money-hungry and ruthlessly amoral as Wargaming is, they refuse to sell THAT ship in the shop. Some might say Shimakaze but at least shima has to occasionally deal with a radar cruiser and can be ripped up pretty quickly if it gets caught.
That said, it's possible this thing has dethroned them. I have no experience playing with or against this ship.
that new free xp russian carrier definitely needs a nerf.
ОтветитьShout out to Derkaboy601
ОтветитьStop blaming the ship instead of the player. If any ship was OP, you would see every top,player and fleet using it, but we don’t.😂. In fact surprisingly in Hippers legendary plAyer series, every top player within a ship class all used entirely different ship, setups and skills.
Ответить42nd video without Lex (whoopse i forgor)
ОтветитьHell yeah leverage that Opie s*** make them change next patch to adjust gameplay fairness.
ОтветитьI think it's a standard war gaming tactic for new stuff to come out op so that way everybody rushes and spends money to get it and then they Nerf it after everyone has spent their money well, the bulk of the people have at least. World of tanks uses a similar questionable model is my not so humble opinion and exactly why I don't touch anything from war gaming anymore but I'll still watch content if it's entertaining so carry on and thanks for the entertainment.
ОтветитьBro that was a rush! Great fight
ОтветитьI've been testing different builds out and literally just pulled a kraken with this exact build!
Great minds think alike :D
Fun fact: There was actually a ship that was meant to be "Katsonis".
It was ordered in 1914 by the Greek royale navy, along with "Kountouriotis" , from the UK.
Both were based in Town-class light cruisers.
In 1915, the British royal navy bought them , with the 2 ships never coming to Greece
"Witchcraft" is the single most accurate description of what we all feel like thinking about how WG is doing buffs/nerfs.