Why trade fun for cool (& size)?  | IDW Don Figueroa Optimus Prime | Lego 10302 Alternate Build

Why trade fun for cool (& size)? | IDW Don Figueroa Optimus Prime | Lego 10302 Alternate Build

Ransom Fern

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@chrisnavasatis6461 - 10.07.2022 21:51

So the beauty of YT of me seeing TommyCBricks video a few weeks ago about his 5 mods the the new 10302 set and talking about his "dream" look to this set. Then fast forward to yesterday and me seeing his new vid review on your alternative build mod for the set...this morning, I purchased your instructions, was at the door waiting for the Lego Store at my local mall to open at noon, and got the 2nd to last OP set they had to build your Alt build moc!

I do have 1 questions starting off is: "do your instructions go with the Numbered Bags OR just open bags, sort part, then build?"

Awesome job on the build and looks sick! I wasn't planning on purchasing this OP set but once I saw what you did with it... I had to purchase and build it myself! This is my second alternative build set I've done for the first one was the new 2022 version of the Batmobile you had to buy the Lego 1989 version set to build it.

So I'm looking forward to building this!

@robertj.3383 - 10.07.2022 22:14

IDW is 💩

@robertkolb2288 - 11.07.2022 05:20

Back in 2019 I built a 3ft tall Optimus Prime based off the version seen in the Bumblebee movie. I submitted my design to Lego, but they said it would be too much to get the licence. At the time, I believe Mega Blocks had the Transformers licence. It's nice to see they finally obtained it and put out a model, but it woulda been really cool to see my massive model as like a UCS set.

@MaximalScrapMetal - 11.07.2022 16:29

Hidden features? I guess you could say... he's more than meets the eye.

@PraetorGix - 11.07.2022 20:57

That thing is made from the Prime kit parts alone? Amazing job dude!

@liammellem3269 - 11.07.2022 22:00

Im gonna be honest this is my all time favorite creation made of lego ever
( including mocs and real sets )

@beastmanreview009 - 13.07.2022 19:47


@pavlara - 15.07.2022 02:44

I was on the fence about getting another set to build this until I found out I had 2 baby blue quarter round pieces laying around. It was meant to be.

@_GeneralMechanics_ - 15.07.2022 23:39

Well that's just PRIME.

@FnafKing-dp6ks - 18.07.2022 17:08

Wow just wow 👍👍👍🤖🤖🤖

@exch-psyklone5813 - 19.07.2022 02:47

What I would like is for someone to figure out a method to allow the original Optimus to have working knees.

@Lumenadducere - 20.07.2022 03:17

While this version does look cool, half the fun of the original IMO is that it can transform. This one unfortunately can't.

@WholeWheatDough - 20.07.2022 21:59

The real challenge is making an alt build of the Fender Guitar set

@2dbeats3d - 21.07.2022 18:18

I might get the OP Lego Set simply for this

@nightmarelyoko - 21.07.2022 18:35

Idw designs are god awful

@cashrichter7303 - 22.07.2022 08:54

I need more videos from you I’ve built both your iron mans and the Optimus I need more

@AlexLorentzenloganjamesalex - 22.07.2022 20:55

I see someone doesn't like stickers lol

@kyleyuen245 - 25.07.2022 11:42

It's very much a, touch with your eyes, kind of build

@sazabi888 - 28.07.2022 07:31

Still waiting for video instructions

@MCKeterSCP - 28.07.2022 12:54

How you do that?!

@maku175 - 01.08.2022 10:41

I was considering doing this to my optimus! What pieces would you suggest to help "finish" the rest of this build to help him be more sturdy?

@lunch2102 - 06.08.2022 02:06

Just finished building mine, honestly if it wasn't for this alt, I wouldn't have got one, this looks so much better

@Somethingtheguy - 09.08.2022 18:48

Aaaaaaa pls do video instructions

@vassa1972 - 15.08.2022 19:36

Good stuff

@grymlock13 - 24.08.2022 09:04

Awesome alternate build!! Do you plan on filling it out with additional pieces? I'd love to see instructions and a parts list if you ever do! ^_^

@kingkongthadon2151 - 25.08.2022 00:58

Look's way better🤌

@chrispepoy278 - 25.08.2022 00:59

😌 I purchased your instructions on rebrickable and I have to say… you’re a genius!

@Somethingtheguy - 14.10.2022 16:59

Pls make video instructions

@tomnguyen6819 - 14.10.2022 17:19

Next do a power master Optimus Prime

@lydonjacobs9632 - 31.12.2022 00:09

Tutorial of how to make it?

@jamesarnold1809 - 11.01.2023 17:58

Awesome, is this build using all the parts already in the box / set from purchase please? Tempted to do this your version.

@69XarikukatoX69 - 23.01.2023 05:12

How tall is this moc?

@briyahsmommy - 05.07.2023 00:02

How do you find a pin comments?

@thetapperhatz_laboratories2574 - 06.07.2023 12:11

Sooo … Bayverse Prime next?

@ltrstudios5373 - 21.07.2023 05:01

Dude i freakin loved Idw transformers phase 2 and 3 so this is pretty cool. Is this from phase 1? I never read phase 1

@fatimahussain4348 - 06.08.2023 19:34

Do you need extra peices

@at0mic_zomb0y - 14.08.2023 05:21

Can someone please be a bro and upload the instructions to somewhere public

@thepopwizard - 18.08.2023 21:35

That looks cool but no thank you legos version is perfect basically

@ahmadmuhammad4617 - 16.11.2023 13:37

Tell us how to make PLEEEEEAASSSE!!!!

@ericenone6908 - 23.12.2023 19:05

why do you make the instructions cost money some of us can't pay becuz we got it for are b-day or x-mas

@Scotty-Z70 - 08.02.2024 14:26

"two Optimuses" or "two Optimi"? I am a huge Transformers fan, but i pass on this. i still have nightmares of the movie Kre-O Bumblebee being so annoying to assemble.

@jasonskinner9064 - 08.03.2024 02:05

I failed on building it, it got destroyed and I couldn’t find the right pieces

@isaiahrivera3132 - 23.10.2024 20:12

does it have knee joints

@ironhero3694 - 25.10.2024 02:35

I went to the website and bought the $15 book instructions. Does it come in a book in the mail or does it come digitally as a download?

@SebastiánCastañedaPalomares - 31.10.2024 02:39

Una pregunta tiene articulación en las rodillas

@FimbulWinter-ed1ff - 03.11.2024 05:22

You got the touch and the power

@Jeremy-ek6hj - 20.12.2024 14:04

How tall is it?

@nuriplaychanneljr - 28.02.2025 21:02

it's hasbro
