Prometheus & Alien: Covenant are Misunderstood Sci-Fi Epics

Prometheus & Alien: Covenant are Misunderstood Sci-Fi Epics

Raiders Of The Lost Podcast

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@MaxBarton - 26.08.2024 21:20

Vickers had daddy issues. She wanted him to aknowledge her; thats why she came. Weyland however treated David more like a son, which is why you can see her resentment toward him in the movie.

@antionemartin5698 - 27.08.2024 01:52

Her American English

@MetalDragon5745 - 27.08.2024 08:25

No there not.

@23dannyt - 27.08.2024 09:04

Alien covenant was the biggest piece of trash ever filled Romulus is a good horror film the history of the story is cool but there’s too many nonsense scenes and then the 2 dude robots kiss omg get outta here there robots

@idiot_city5444 - 27.08.2024 12:49

Daniels is possibly the most boring and uninteresting character from any of these films. Waterson is awful, haha, as is her toupee. They also managed to somehow make their cast of characters even more dumb than the Prometheus crew. That's an accomplishment.

@GoranKlintenheim - 27.08.2024 19:18

OMG, the basic ignorance on display here dudes… 😢

The first Alien and Aliens are almost NOTHING alike 😂

Alien is basically a horror-slasher. A group of people killed of one by one by a monster. Aliens is basically an action war-movie. As Cameron himself described it, he wanted an allegory for the Vietnam war. A bunch of soldiers go to another planet to make war on an unknown enemy. There’s basically no horror in Aliens, except for the look of the “enemy”. Could have easily been just an enemy force.

So the fact that you don’t like Prometheus based on it being to big and not alike the first two movies, when they themselves are nothing alike, makes me think that you actually don’t know what you’re talking about. At all 🤷‍♂️

@Brakiri - 28.08.2024 00:12

They are not misunderstood at all and they aren't epic either. They feature the dumbest people you can select for this mission, without their stupidity you wouldn't even have a movie, black goo is boring and unimaginative and the engineers suit demystifies the Spacejockeys. Covenant is even worse, dumb people in space, bro romancing androids and demystifying the Alien.
Ridley proofs directors don't get better with age they just turn senile and destroy their own legacy with crappy prequels.

@Zwachhiee - 28.08.2024 01:11

Why couldnt Romulus be as good as these 😢

@Surgicaldamage - 28.08.2024 13:39

Sewage vs garbage.

@kevinthomas2622 - 28.08.2024 23:48

Yes, they are.

Glad it's not just me who realises this👊

@sonderstudios6675 - 29.08.2024 01:59

You guys understand that something went wrong on the crashed engineer ship right? The engineer was mutated into something new by the black goo. So yeah, he doesn't care about his past buddies, he's changed. No one seems to pick up on this.

@andrewade25 - 29.08.2024 02:55

Great conversation guys!

@JiuJitsuM4 - 29.08.2024 11:30

I loved Covenant. Prometheus was alright, but Covenant takes the cake for me.

@waltermodel6647 - 29.08.2024 12:21

Imagine when they wake that engineer up at the end, he opens his eyes forthe first time in 2000 years, and Shaw is squatting over his face spreading her butt....

Things could have gone differently

@richlisola1 - 29.08.2024 15:27

I think Prometheus was the more interesting premise, but some of the dialogue and casting of Charlie Holloway and some of the minor characters harmed the film.

Covenant to me wasn’t as good. It was a middling Alien movie leaning into Michael Fassbender’s awesome David too much

@josephdarkhelmet9494 - 29.08.2024 15:32

Fu k this movie and the promethious bs.

@curious_gage - 30.08.2024 17:04

You lost me when you said Covenant is actually good..

@lucaspdersolii - 31.08.2024 00:16

Vickers is there cause she has daddy issues, plus she's cynical about alien life but you can tell she's curious even though she acts oblivious about it. Her father was obsessed with attaining immortality (or at least getting a larger lifespan) and I guess she wanted to look him in the eyes as he died and give him a 'see, you are not a god' look.

@mr.blonde5344 - 31.08.2024 01:38

Prometheus is my favorite of the 2. So thought-provoking.

@mr.blonde5344 - 31.08.2024 02:02

Great video. Subscribed.

@mr.blonde5344 - 31.08.2024 02:04

Speaking as a father, that Cove. opening scene hits hard. We all at times feel like we are not the perfect parent in our kids' eyes.

@JeffreyHand-o9t - 31.08.2024 08:01

The two movies are not misunderstood they are just poorly executed! Ridley Scott is not a genius film director, he is in fact a very hit and miss direct, with the emphasis on miss!

@KennethKaniff999 - 01.09.2024 05:46

love the repartee

@thescottishgeektwitch7125 - 01.09.2024 20:42

Yall totally lost me when you said Prometheus isn't a horror movie.
Opening scene an Engineer being torn apart from the pathogen.
Fifield and Millburns deaths, death by suffocation on the black goo, arm snapped and then suffocated by the worm.
The Engineer heah exploding.
Charlie's horrible infection and then death scene.
The "birth" scene with Shaw in the med pod.
Fifield coming back as an infected horrifying mix of human and black goo monster.
David's head being ripped off then used to kill Waylend.
The Deacons birth.
So so much gore and horror! It's 100% a horror sci-fi movie and I love it.
Covenant had potential but it just fell a little bit short for me personally. I wish we got more Engineer vs David

@trs8947 - 01.09.2024 22:22

Covenant is like watching paint dry

@skagerstrom - 02.09.2024 01:21

The first 10-15 minutes of Covenant felt like somone had a clipboard with a few bullet points that had to happen in an Alien movie for it to end up in a bad place. And they spent about 2 minutes on each thing. I can imagine someone shouting CUUUT after the landing/crash and then yelling "Allright everyone - into the cave! Mooove it! If we hurry we can be done by 11!". Find signal, land, f*ck up, go into dark hole, (new one for Covenant - be stupid AF), get infected, run, f*ck up even more aaaaand now the main plot can begin.

@Reprodestruxion - 03.09.2024 17:44

Also both in deleted scenes and what was left onscreen, David gave a shorter translation of what the engineer and Peter Weyland said, to instigate a confrontation by omission

@Reprodestruxion - 03.09.2024 17:51

The engineer,as soon as he woke up, wanted to destroy humanity on earth, because in the encounter with Peter Weyland he was confirmed in his species misgivings about their own creation because it had reached a point of mimicking life by creating androids but without the respect for superior civilisations who were once worshipped as gods. As well as they had the means to traverse space and the ambition towards immortality. As well as their capacity for violence, even towards their fellow species. Which made Peter Weyland no different to Tiberius Julianus Caesar, which is when they decided to destroy humanity to begin with.

@D_O_M_A_ - 03.09.2024 21:34

I'm pretty sure there is absolutely no link between origae 6 and lv426. I have no idea where you got that link from.

Adding and edit here to add that I love the show. Just wanted to point that out. Then read other comments that already pointed it out. Sorry

@DanLyndon - 03.09.2024 22:42

It's really annoying when poeple decide to make stupid, clickbait videos with obviously wrong premises just because it seems controversial and will get idiots agreeing with them. No, both of these movies are objectively of obviously bad.

@henryplantagenet219 - 05.09.2024 02:45

What I find silly is that David kills Shaw for research.
Why? David is an Android made around 2080 with surely lots of memory space. What dear G.d should he learn about DNA or so, what is not already known and common knowledge? Even humanities Genom is cracked and known. For what reason kill Shaw then? Think it’s a mistake in the film and not Logik maybe he killed her because he wanted her in another way and she refused. Therefore he killed her and had fun in a different David way.
Another one - the people on paradise are NOT the Engineers. They look similar, but clearly different! They are very small in comparison like humans. Skin is totally different. Their architecture, their clothing is antique somehow and nothing like the gigereske modernity of the Spaceship.
Think as well that Ripley Scott (lol) told that in an interview somewhere.

@thanktink4328 - 05.09.2024 03:36

How can Prometheus with its superior technology be a prequel to Alien? And what happens to David after Alien? You can't have the technology in Alien be surpassed by new tech in its prequel

@CHRISMED2 - 05.09.2024 10:55

Can you just imagine if Prometheus had been a movie about that derelict ship from the original Alien. They could have shown the inter workings of the engineers, how they harvested the aliens & how they were killed off one by one & end it by having the chest burster bust out of his chest. Not having the engineers creating humans or no David storyline just engineers vs aliens. Then again it sounds alot like the movie Alien😊

@balders952 - 05.09.2024 12:31

The problem with Alien Covenant for me was i was expecting so much more continuing from Prometheus. i.e Paradise, the advanced engineers, the goo, the worshipped alien, shaw's story etc. it felt like the directors took a cheap way out killing the population and shaw to to then just give us a scare fest.

@franklinandrews1622 - 06.09.2024 08:45

If you’ve never watched alien and aliens Prometheus is a true sci-fi masterpiece (3rd act a bit mid) the scope is the best part and something we rarely get with sci-fi, the horror and gore aspects are more scary than anything in alien and aliens, which are really more slasher style movies and less scifi because of the limited scope

@sagelight7777 - 06.09.2024 23:31

There are good scenes and performances in both, and visually impressive and facebender is wonderful. However the story is chariots of the gods mixed with a post war biological weapon stories from 50s b movies. It's a hack movie. The engineer idea is interesting but so awfully realised and the idea of the space jockey suit is really ridiculous. They are misunderstood because underneath all the flash and nods to alien these are two very incoherent and poorly written movies.

@jessicamou - 07.09.2024 19:08

The way I see is that David craves human emotions but couldn’t have it, he can analyze and mimic but could not generate real love or true sympathy like human, which I perceived as an excellent character setting unlike many other AI characters whom despise human emotions, so he’s very much like a psychopath in many ways 😂 for someone who’s as self important and has a severe god-complex as David, he won’t accept there’s something a mere human can understand but he couldn’t, that’s why he’s imitating it. Fassbender totally nailed the character.

@dealerdave69 - 10.09.2024 00:28

A third ridley film would have made both prometheus and covenant stronger and wrapped it all up. Including the story of the engineers plus David

@JAYFLATLDN - 10.09.2024 14:44

The disk jockey lol

@willblizard3610 - 10.09.2024 17:09

Great pod, y'all brought up some great points a lot of the "Alien Explained" type videos glossed over a little

@kyjo72682 - 12.09.2024 13:53

I'm glad you guys enjoyed the movies but I just couldn't, especially not Prometheus. You said it had likeable characters but I can hardly think of another movie with such unlikeable characters. Unproffessional crew. Scientists disregarding basic protocols (or even common sense). Everybody doing what they want instead of following orders. Characters acting stupid lacking basic survival instinct and exposing themselves to obvious danger. When that happens in a horror movie I just can't empathize with them, I wish they'd be killed off asap. And I don't really care how famous the cast are.

This - a, what is supposed to be a proffessional crew of a spaceship, acting like a bunch of teenagers - is unfortunatelly a common problem in modern scifi writing. I think this is because as opposed to the older movies the writers don't have any actual experience with service in the military/navy/etc. and don't have any actual science or engineering training. Which is really bad for someone who wants to write scifi.

As for the whole creation myth / directed panspermia thing - I think that's a great idea for a scifi but it just doesn't fit well in the Alien universe, imo. It might be good in a separate universe.

I thought Covenant was notably better - especially in how the characters behaved - but also the set pieces were more realistic and practical.

@KingMadeMusicClayBlack - 14.09.2024 10:35

Prometheus was a great classic sci fi film! This is not subjective and up for debate, it is an objective hard truth lol. Anyone that says otherwise, I’m sorry, but your taste in sci fi is now under extreme scrutiny and I don’t think I can trust your judgement with ANYTHING else in life lol!!!!

@DarthTingleBinks - 14.09.2024 17:55

I never really saw the Engineers as the creators of humanity. That's always felt like misinterpretation of the film that comes the characters themselves who are misinterpreting things. The opening scene is clearly not one of creation, but one of the beginnings of life on Earth. Evolution still occurred, it just may have been guided a little due to the Engineer DNA that was broken down by and infused with the black goo.

There was a cut scene that heavily implied Jesus was directly created by the Engineers, but unlike the deleted scenes of Covenant that were released as official canon short films, in addition to actual canon short films (not the 40th Anniversary ones), I'm not sure if that scene is to be taken as canon.

@wavertone - 14.09.2024 21:37

i took the opening engineer to be a religious faction that goes around creating life, he drinks something that is rainbow metal goo and not the black goo. the engineer david finds looks like a soldier class on a mission to end that factions unsanctioned life creation, armed with weaponized anti-life goo.

@thenoob_artist0586 - 19.09.2024 19:56

I prefer David not created Xenomorph. Prefer Xeno Eggs already exist and David simply wanted replicated then. The say was part of the scrip that scrapped that Original Xenomorph murder the other Alien (Forgot the name).

@whateverDoesnt_matter - 21.09.2024 01:42

Prometheus and the following movies would be the origin of the Xenomorph it couldn't be in the first one and instead we got alien covenant instead of the creation of the Xenomorph (cause in covenant the black "Xenomorph" is actually a preatomorph) or maybe the queen in a 3rd movie explaining how it and the ship got to LV-426

@MegaMK13 - 25.09.2024 14:23


@jackhynds175 - 05.10.2024 21:29

Regarding your final analsys of Vickers - Others have said this better than me, but she appears to be written as a synthetic - perhaps an earlier revision than David, perhaps a separate side project alongside David in a similar way to how in Blade Runner (canonically same universe) there are commercially available Nexus 6 replicants, but then there is also Rachel, who is a Nexus 7 and personally serves Eldon Tyrell. The strongest argument in favor of her being a synth in my opinion is just look at the crew as they come out of hypersleep - They're basically all half dead except for Vickers who is immediately at 100% and doing pushups right next to her capsule.
