Tajiks Wedding (one of the 56 nationalities in China) 1/2

Tajiks Wedding (one of the 56 nationalities in China) 1/2


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@kohprush - 17.08.2009 04:54


@finestfresh - 30.09.2009 09:30

holy shit, go Tajiks, go CHINA

@-Muhammad_Ali- - 06.10.2009 05:19

Ajoib! ,,,, Tojikoni dar Chin buda Tojiki gap mezanan?? Umri ziyod beniton, barodaron :)

@bahodirsaid - 10.11.2009 02:53

They are not Tajiks, they are Ugurs who speak a little Forsi because the area from Iran until china were forsizabon or spoken Farsi!

@bahodirsaid - 10.11.2009 05:17

So tell us what is the differences between of them.....? What makes them real Tajiks? perhaps their chinese and turkish faces......????

@Spitamen - 20.05.2010 06:11

@harbin88 exactly - Tajiks and Uygurs are different. And these people don't look like ordinary Tajiks. I am sure they may have Tajik ancestors but these people are greatly mixed with Turks and Mongols. It's not even their facial features, look at their cloth and look at traditional Tajik cloth and you will see difference.

@Spitamen - 20.05.2010 06:13

@kadirandme then why their dances and clothes are totally different? Why?

@finestfresh - 22.10.2010 15:36

@harbin88 yes, they are tajiks. relate to persian culture

@NizarAlvi90 - 03.07.2011 18:32

Are these Wakhi People?

@NizarAlvi90 - 05.07.2011 01:06

@harbin88 Thanks for your info:)

@PamiriAriya - 03.08.2011 10:06

They are Pamirian and their language is one of the pamirian languages (sarikoli)

@bornaification - 06.12.2012 08:29

Doesn't matter how you look we still love you in iran.

@TheAntarjad - 23.12.2012 03:08


@camomilleable11 - 03.01.2013 15:13

They're Pamirians. Pamirian has been divided into 5 countries such as Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Eastern China, Pakistan, Afghanistan. At this time they have been registered as a Tajiks in their pasport.

@camomilleable11 - 03.01.2013 15:14

PAmirians in Eastern China forgot their own originally language, most of them speaks Uyghur language.

@leedshadi - 24.02.2013 08:57

long live persian

@MrTAJIK007 - 12.04.2013 14:32

fuck you

@AntiwarAFG - 20.06.2013 16:52

Parsi ra pass bedareem

@henaiyuyun - 22.07.2015 18:25


@fredrikrugby - 22.08.2015 18:08

this is so lovely. :)

@talksolot - 24.04.2016 23:30

Han Chinese, punjabi South Asian pakistanis, Slavic Russains these people are all trespassers in Central Asia. Central Asia is for Turkic and an Iraniac peoples. The rest need to get out and stop destroying and diluting these indigenous people and their cultures.

@harbin88 - 07.05.2016 22:31

Your comment is interesting!

@АкбарРахимов-о9д - 20.04.2018 07:35

be forsi gap zad

@zafarodinaev1104 - 23.05.2018 22:19

zur nekim Shahi man omade navshahe man omade

@avestoariya6574 - 16.10.2018 11:28

Они не таджики они памирец

@Bonitta248 - 06.02.2019 15:10

IT IS interesting to See some Iranian Origin People in China ❤️❤️❤️👍

@tajikistantourism870 - 28.10.2019 15:31

I love taxikurgan tajik😍

@michaeljoyner6470 - 20.11.2019 07:23

Real diversity! Interesting!

@joshjoyner9703 - 27.11.2019 06:50

To Ced. I guess so!

@alienx424 - 10.12.2019 00:17

They are NOT Tajiks at all. They are Wakhi people who are recognized as “Tajiks” in China. As Soviet Union categorized ethnic groups all over central Asia Chinese communist regime also did the same in China, however from appearance, culture and language they speak they are actually Pamiris not Tajiks.

@ivanivanovij1910 - 21.12.2019 02:02


@Bacha58 - 14.01.2020 23:04

Love and Peace to all my Tajiks people , Dyryd from Kabul

@ruzruz5121 - 17.01.2020 11:35

Точикони чахон тифок шавед.!!🙏

@ehsonpersian8299 - 21.01.2020 17:37

zenda bod tojikon.....🇹🇯🇹🇯🇹🇯🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳✊🏻✊🏻✊🏻

@ghulamsakhi14 - 13.02.2020 03:01

Yes they are Tajiks. Love you guys from panjshir Afghanistan

@шералирахматов-ч6б - 21.02.2020 15:48

Китайские Таджики Салом Алейкум

@asq-rl6qg - 12.03.2020 19:36


@Spitamenes007 - 22.03.2020 08:33

These are tajik people , Tajiks who have been influenced to some degree by the uigers and other Asian groups around them genetically as well as other ways . I guess that’s why some look Asian and some look more European and mind you Tajiks who are a collection of eastern Iranic tribes coming together are supposed to have originally looked way lighter

@fredaliev5478 - 25.05.2020 18:58

shohi man omada, bachai man omadaشاه من آمده بچه من آمده -م шоҳи ман омада, бачаи ман омада-my king came, my son came мой принц пришёл, мой сын пришёл. long live all tajiks around the world! zinda bod tojikon jahon!

@АлексСергевич-р6б - 27.05.2020 08:47

Помир бине ки помирё дар руи чахон худшуна точик мегиран лекин шумора нафахм айб вой бар холатон ба хамаатон дахл надорад шерои бадахшии точик бисёранд пешаки узр хафа гашавен

@КиличбекГуломжонов - 28.06.2020 09:18

Тожик боят пайрави тожик боша на душмани тожик тожикои дунё овоз бароред илтимос🇹🇯🇹🇯🇹🇯ман хид ай узбекистоним🇺🇿🇺🇿🇺🇿🇺🇿

@xxxfactory6675 - 16.10.2020 13:24

I Dont understund Some stupid people. If these people think that they are Pamiri they would say to journalist that dont call us Tajik we are pamiri. They say that we are tajik and the place we live is pamir. If you think you are pamiri it is your own opinion no problem. But don't say all people who live in Afghanistan China Pakistan are Pamiri. They are original Tajiks. I know a man who is from Pakistan and he speak very well Tajik language with dari and Persian dialect.

@ahmadkabul3275 - 17.11.2020 20:19

Long live Tajik

@vayz7335 - 05.04.2022 08:00


@ШафикАхмад - 18.09.2023 23:17

سلام برای تاجیک ها که در چین زندگی می کنند . خداوند کمک تان کند .
Greetings to Tajiks who live in China. May God help you.

@abduraim61 - 17.01.2024 23:29

One should not ignore the existence of the Pamir languages:<< H ow to determine nationality is a person’s belonging to an ethnic group, characterized by their native language, characteristics and way of life, traditions, customs, culture, religion, kinship and other characteristics that allow them to identify themselves.History of the Pamirs!!! One of the earliest descriptions of the Pamirs can be found in the diaries of the Chinese Xuan-Tsang, who passed through it as a Buddhist pilgrim in the summer of 642. But Europe learned about the existence of the Pamirs much later - in the 13th century, after the publication of the diaries of the Venetian Marco Polo, who visited it in 1270, traveling along the Silk Road with other merchants. His memories seemed so incredible that they were questioned for a long time. And only now can one be surprised with what amazing accuracy he described everything that he saw. The very interpretation of the word “Pamir” still causes numerous disputes: some believe that it came from the abbreviation of the words “upa-Meru”, that is, “the country above Meru”, the divine mountain of the Indians, the habitat of the god Shiva, denoting the center of the Universe (it mentioned in the Indian poem "Mahabharata", 6th century BC); others from “Poi Mehr”, which means “foot of the sun”; the third - from the Chinese “Po-mi-lo”, that is, “land of the rising sun”. But recent historical and linguistic studies are inclined to believe that the word “Pamir” should be translated as “Country of the Aryans” (as well as Iran and Kashmir). In the legends of the Iranians, this is the legendary country of Aryana-Vaija, at the source of the Oxus (Amu Darya), from where Zarathustra came and from where they began their settlement throughout Western Asia in ancient times. In the Indian tradition, this is the mystical center of the universe, where the earth connects with the sky, the source of knowledge and world order. According to legend, a person burdened with sins does not dare to approach him, and a righteous person who sets foot on this earth never returns back. The Pamirs have long attracted the attention of scientists, but many of the secrets of its history have remained unrevealed. Despite the fact that for a long time small groups of related tribes from neighboring territories penetrated into the Pamirs, over the past centuries little has changed in the material culture, social structure and folk beliefs of the local residents.The closeness and unity of the ancestors of various Indo-Iranian tribes is evidenced by their common self-name <<Arya>> It was widely known both from the most ancient Iranian and Indian texts, and from other sources. The modern <<Iran>> comes from the same name - from the ancient Iranian <<Aryanam>> (Country of the Aryans); Indian <<Aryavarta>> (Country of the Aryans) - Northern India or part of it with its center in the interfluve of Jammu and Ganges t i.e. one of the oldest Aryan centers in India) Avestan <<Aryanam-vaichah>> (Aryan expanse) - the legendary homeland of the Iranians; names of a number of Iranian tribes of fiery groups: the Median tribe of the Aryans (tribe of the Aryans), the Sarmatian tribe of the Aryans, the tribal union of the Alans (as well as the self-name of the Ossetians in their Nart epic - allon - from the ancient Iranian Aryan and shagni (shugni) Wakhi people Pamir tribal union, etc.History of the Pamirs!!! -Part 2. Due to its inaccessibility, the Pamirs have preserved not only ancient Aryan beliefs and way of life, but also a dozen relict East Iranian languages, the ancient Persian language - originating from ancient Aryan dialects (they were aptly defined at the beginning of the 20th century by the largest scientist from St. Petersburg, linguist and philologist Professor I .I. Zarubin as a “tangle of languages”) The Pamir languages ​​include: 1) the Shugnan-Rushan language group, including: Shugnan with the Badzhuv subdialect, Rushan with the Khuf subdialect, Bartang and Roshorv, 2) Yazgulyam language, 3) Wakhan language, 4) Ishkashim language, 5) Munjan language, 6) Sanglich language, as well as recently extinct languages: 7) Sargulyam and 8) Old Vanj. Along with these languages, the so-called Inter-Pamir Farsi is also widespread in the Pamirs (this term was introduced into scientific use by I.I. Zarubin and his student A.Z. Rosenfeld), which serves for communication between all nationalities. Religious rituals and folklore works are performed on it, poetry is written, rock inscriptions and epitaphs are created. Based on historical and linguistic research, many of the largest Indologists and Iranianists of the past were inclined to consider the Pamirs as the cradle of all Indo-European peoples. Starting from ancient times, the Aryan tribes, exploring new territories, settled in several migration waves and were in close contact with each other for a long time, finally dividing only towards the end of the 3rd millennium BC. e. on Indo-Iranians and ancient Europeans. Naturally, contacts between them occurred later, in the form of constant migrations of individual tribes. By the middle of the 2nd millennium BC. e. The Aryans are already invading much of Greece, Iran and India. Moving through the mountainous territories of the Pamirs and Hindu Kush, many nomads settled down, adopting the related culture of the local people who had lived here since Neolithic times and whose early migrations may have formed the first centers of Indo-European civilization. Their primitive - natural and harsh, but at the same time fair life, personified their own past for passing peoples.
