Thank You 😇
ОтветитьI love your teaching videos! It is so realistic and beginner friendly.
ОтветитьWhere am I Haman? A powerful question I really need to ask myself often? And random - you are glowing in this video! TY and stay blessed!
Did I miss the live last week? I don't always get the notifications for your channel 😢
Are you doing another one anytime soon?
My application is dwell much on the good things The Lord has done for you, intentionally allow them to give you joy and override the miseries in your life
ОтветитьI needed this.. thank you, melody! 😊
ОтветитьTo anybody who's reading this, I pray that whatever is hurting you or whatever you are constantly stressing about gets better. May the dark thoughts, the overthinking, and the doubt exit your mind right now. May clarity replace confusion. May peace and calmness fill your life. Amen
ОтветитьMelody, thank you for this video and the way you started it off, by saying how you felt when you started reading your bible it’s like you knew how I felt when I first tried reading my bible. Your encouraging words and how you break everything down was a big help for me. I will try and start the SOAP method, I just pray I get it right ❤
ОтветитьThe verse that stood out to me was verse 14. This is not the first time I have read the book of Esther but it is the first time I am noticing verse 14, i.e. that it was not Haman's idea to build the gallows but it was the idea of his wife and his friends. This verse just speaks of the importance of the company that you keep. Who you allow in your inner circle have a huge influence on your life. In Psalms 1 the psalmist essentially says that blessed is the man who does not surround himself with ungodly, sinful and scornful people. As Christians we need to stay watchful who we share our troubles to and seek advice from. Personally, this verse also reminds me to continue to pray over my kids group of friends and who they will marry in the future.
Thank you Melody for the great video and your continued obedience to God.
I choose verse 14.
Application: I will continue to seek God about my choices in friends and husband. It will remind me to choose with discernment and not my flesh(what pleases me; like minded in ungodly ways)
This is confirmation of the Daniel Fast for me. I have heard it multiple times from multiple sources. I feel the Holy Spirit telling me to do it. Also, I need to spend more time with GOD ( Consecrate myself to GOD.) To ask him to reveal things that need to be changed and create in me a clean heart, renewed mind and right Spirit.
ОтветитьI did this right along with you. The scripture that stood out to me was the first one "on the third day Esther pt on her royal robes and stood in the inner court of the palace in front of the king's hall." the observation (O) was 1. the number 3 is meaningful in this verse because of it's significance with the holy trinity being the divine triune and the rising of Jesus on the third day. 2. "Royal robes" the finest clothing were worn in the presence of the king really stood out to me. 3. Boldness, courage, and confidence was shown when Esther stood in the presence of the king. This really helped me break down how much this meant and I found this to be very helpful for bible studies. Thank you for sharing this method!
ОтветитьWow didn’t think I would of loved this as much as I did, this is sooo useful ❤
Ответитьcan you make a whole separate video about what you talked about at the end of the video? about making things are comfort and hiding place! i wanna learn more :)
ОтветитьSooo excited!! Have not even watched it!!!
ОтветитьAlthough Haman had been blessed many things, his obsession with Mordecai the Jew prevented him from being satisfied. Lord help me to focus on You and grateful for the blessing You have given me.
Let not our hearts, minds, or spirits be bothered by the opinion or judgements of others. You know the truth Lord. You know our hearts. Protect me from those who would cause us harm be it intentional or intentionally.
Wow. I also do the SOAP method in my daily devotional.🥰🩷
ОтветитьI throughly enjoying doing the SOAP option of studying the word of God! Like you said it allows you to break down that chapter of your reading without feeling overwhelmed! Thank you for this video 💜
ОтветитьSis, this video is so good! Also, I literally had the same amazing experience doing the Daniel fast in the beginning of the year, and saying in my heart that I will continue to be disciplined (with food and my devotion to God) 😫, gradually though it’s so easy to slip back into old habits.
ОтветитьI love the SOAP method! I first heard of it here with you on your channel; finally I invested in a SOAP Bible study journal & am so glad I did 😊 a great way to unpack & further understand the Scriptures & spiritual texts on deeper levels. Got one for a gift for a friend too who also loves it ❤ question: which study Bible is this that you're using here? thank you for your dedication on your channel & praying for your continued faith on this journey we're on 🙏🏾💫❤️
ОтветитьIf you used my soap, I wouldn't have smelled your lies.😅 You don't know me woman
ОтветитьVerse 5 the excitement of him wanting to whatever she asked. To quickly get Haman so they can do what Esther asked.
ОтветитьWhat stood out for me is to ask God to help me live and not wait. To enjoy my life as it is right now. And not feel like I’ll really be me when certain things I desire have happened.
ОтветитьMy "take away" was Haman had all this "success" but was still needed validation and attention from others. Had he been in a more grateful place, he wouldn't have been so bothered with anyone not bowing. I need to learn to continue to be in a grateful headspace.
ОтветитьSo needed!!! I’m trying to get started with the Bible and I don’t know where to start. And been in search of a Bible study
ОтветитьSo timely! I just studied Esther 5 this morning! Many things stood out but one I feel led to mention is verse 4 where it says she had already prepared the banquet even before she went, showing faith!
ОтветитьWow. I actually posted a video about being a good steward of my time and resources. Rather than doing things to appease my flesh, I’m going to be led by the spirit.
ОтветитьI LOVEEEEE it. Whew, I feel so convicted. Recently, I've felt like I'm "lacking" something, so maybe if I bought more clothes, or got this that and the third..I'd finally feel "happy" but God is truly our one source of JOY. A consistent JOY
ОтветитьMy application is to be satisfied with what God has given me and not always wanting 'more' and being content with what I have
ОтветитьNice haul! That was nice of that guy at B&BW!
ОтветитьYour words are weak like a bladder, So the money that you get from my teachings,go get you some help because your mouth is pissing out lies.. the two edged sword. PARABLE Rev 19:15😮
Ответитьhello new subscriber here 👋🏾 which study bible are you using?
ОтветитьI was born Muslim but i want to study the bible❤
ОтветитьNot going to lie I was following your ester bible studies but you stopped posting content and I went else where to finish it. I think the last chapter you posted was 5 months ago??? Hope to see a lil more consistency with the Bible study chapters but I love your content and thank you ❤
ОтветитьLove the lessons.❤️
ОтветитьI've learned a lot, your videos help me,It's amazing how GOD gives us different perceptions of each other.
Key points about what I learned.
First, when we walk with God, we have favor, the favor that opens doors.
Secondly, our identity must be unshakeable and anchored within us so that we do not fear men or tremble before them ( the example of Mardochee did not tremble before Haman).
And finally, we must not rush, but wait for the Holy Spirit ( I think it's no coincidence that Esther invited "tomorrow" and that same "tomorrow" Haman was caught in his own trap, it's very important to be attentive to the voice of the spirit to know the "tomorrow" in order to act....
sooo...are men not allowed here cuz...stop calling me SIS please 😒...🤣
ОтветитьI was obsessed with the sidekick too!! And you dragged my entire life with the pitting all your hope on a perceived success🥲😩
ОтветитьThis study was so so good! My application was 2 fold; comparison is a form of jealousy and selfishness. The second was I need to replace those thoughts and feelings with God and growing my relationship with him
ОтветитьI really appreciate this video, I definitely will incorporate the SOAP method in my bible studies now!!!
ОтветитьThank you so much for this bible study. I don't think I would've been able to receive the message of the word like you have explained. The tips you have given me🙏🙏🤗. The verses that stand out truly reflect the lives we live and how God reminds us of some of our shortfalls. I don't remember when I discovered your channel. Think back in 2020/2021. It was when I was trying to connect with God and find my feet. Thank you so much for your channel 🤌🙂🙂
ОтветитьIs it cheating to use these Bible study resources like looking at other people’s notes? I understand better when I watch videos of others notes
ОтветитьPlease, what bible are you using? Thank you for your response in advance.
ОтветитьWhat stood out to me is How God is showing that hate can cause you to lose everything. You can get so wrapped up that it will blind you from what’s right in front of you. This chapter has showed me that I need to pray more. Especially in times I am not feeling happy and may feel that things aren’t working out because that is the time when hate can set in.
ОтветитьMy application is that I can applybthis by always being mindful of my role and position and this doesn't just entail work or my volunteer status! This applies to my inner being, as a child of God! As a role model to many ( younger generation and older) I am an example whether I signed up for it or not. People are always looking and I need to be like Jesus and show the world who he is through me! So, when I do have extra eyes on me or when God grants me favor I need to be mindful of the effects that the decision may cause to not only me but to others. This is changes me by checking my heart posture and ego!! Am I truly living for Christ how I say I am in person and on social media?!
ОтветитьThe verse that stood out to me was Esther 5:7-8 ( I’m like home girl way you just won’t say what you need to say now and get it over with…) but my takeaway was that in life we need to learn to trust the process… Esther was given all the information that she needed she prayed and she took action all apart of Gods plan obviously so trust the process. And I also got from this an example of how to handle conflict and life changing decisions… Gather your information, seek outside counsel if necessary, fast and pray, take action accordingly!
ОтветитьT-Mobile Sidekick!? You are telling your age sis (which has to be close to mine). You look amazing! He is a KEEPER!!!
ОтветитьLove your Bible study but can you direct me on how to set-up the Notion App, I downloaded it but don’t know what to do next
Ответитьhey, sis!! let's get into our Bibles today and chat. today's question: what was your takeaway (or "application") from our reading today?! AKA what will change in YOU because of what you read?
for me: like I mentioned, it's heart check time!! I will be ask God to search my heart and help me answer the question of "where am I Haman and don't even realize it?" and "Where am I looking to outside things or people to bring me the satisfaction that only He can bring?" 🙌🏽♥