"The Spirit of Christmas" Living Strings 1963

"The Spirit of Christmas" Living Strings 1963

Christmas Records

2 года назад

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@johnpolhamus9041 - 24.11.2022 03:14

This is what we all have to hold on to. Real team effort by real people producing a real, beautiful result! Merry Christmas 2022!!

@petersonglen - 24.11.2022 05:34

Oh my goodness, what a treasured find. This album was one of my favorites growing up in the late 60's. Thank you for uploading it. I used to stack it on the 6 record LP record player. Soothing and nostalgic!

@gregsimmons694 - 25.11.2022 12:40

Have this album. So relaxing. God bless. JESUS SAVES

@maguffintop2596 - 26.11.2022 18:41

We had the 101 Strings Collection lol- fun times! Subbed 😊

@lindacook8819 - 27.11.2022 00:29

Thank You

@pysankar - 28.11.2022 09:46

This album was among my father's collection of Christmas music. When I was a kid this is what would be playing in the background as we opened our gifts.

@galcomom - 28.11.2022 19:27

Most beautiful music ever! Brings tears to my eyes every year. Sweet memories!

@Kgio-2112 - 29.11.2022 01:37

Some of the songs on this album are on the 1974 Kmart in-store Christmas music

@patriciakalili2433 - 29.11.2022 19:38

No, not too early!!! The reason for the season should prevail thought out the year. Yes, many thx for this beautiful music. As a senior, my era of music as well.

@rebeccaorr3958 - 01.12.2022 19:08

Such fond memories...always takes me back to my childhood...this can't be beat
Merry Christmas to us that reach back to the 60s.

@edithildiko3125 - 03.12.2022 02:49


@debeslinger4641 - 03.12.2022 20:58

Was nine years old in '63. Album was a big part of Christmas every year. We played it on our new stero! What special memories it brings back. I remember the cover and the writing on the back. ☺

@alison2649 - 05.12.2022 18:24

Wish we had a list of all their names. They deserve some recognition. At least to those of us actually interested.

@allie1953 - 06.12.2022 15:20

This is beautiful and reminiscent of my childhood (I was born in '53) but it is best listened to via a browser (like Brave) that filters out the ads. The ads ruin the flow and the spirit. (If I recall correctly content creators have little or no control, if YT wants to insert ads).

@mirror-reflection - 07.12.2022 01:54

This album was a treasure from my childhood. All the memories it brings back from a time when life was simpler. Looking back, it is all like gold to me now. Thanks for sharing!

@sergiomorales638 - 07.12.2022 03:07

Súper excelente 😊

@PhilemonChan - 08.12.2022 17:09

Oldies bring back fond memories of Christmas season. Soothing and nostalgia.

@kellieturner7322 - 09.12.2022 11:29

I love this orchestra plus the Living Voices

@patriciaoreilly8907 - 09.12.2022 14:18

Beautiful Album . Thank you for sharing it as first time I have listened to this beautiful magical piece of music . Very classic & traditional .

@jnabors1254 - 09.12.2022 22:30

I have this LP. Words cannot describe how lovely this album is and I highly recommend purchasing a copy as it is one of the most beautiful Christmas albums ever made.

@jaycorby - 10.12.2022 01:15

Amazes me that I can still sing every word of these beautiful songs by heart at age 77. I was 18 the year this was recorded, my freshman year of college. I guess we learned these lyrics by osmosis - no one ever sat me down and taught them to me. That's how culture is transmitted generation after generation.

@greldaiselachavezvelez9460 - 10.12.2022 02:52

Thank you for sharing. Blessings. December the 9th, 2022. from Mexico. Please, have us is your Holy Prayers as we do for you

@Reta-GUM-GodsUnicornMinistry - 10.12.2022 23:20

This record is a part of our record collection and it is one of my favorites. Thank you for putting it on You Tube.

@JustPassingThrough2 - 13.12.2022 03:44

It reminds me of the walking through the beautiful department stores, all decorated and full of beautiful things

@kellieturner7322 - 14.12.2022 08:57

These records can be found in antique stores unless you are blessed like I was, I found this recording at a flea market for 1.00. Happy holidays everyone

@unasperanza9803 - 14.12.2022 18:19

AAh this is what I have been looking for !!

@aprilswenson - 15.12.2022 05:57

It has ads, so no thank you

@PBC2520 - 15.12.2022 21:33

I’ve been looking for this for a long time. My dads favorite record, he would play it Christmas morning. Traditions for years! Thanks

@buckeyefangirl1976 - 17.12.2022 06:24

I love the holidays and music of the past. Thank you for sharing. Merry Christmas.

@erwinrommel172 - 18.12.2022 16:57

Estas melodías remueven miss recuerdos.

@anasofialulo7808 - 18.12.2022 16:57

Muy hermoso🎀🎁🎹🏮🇩🇴

@rawbacon - 19.12.2022 03:13

I put The Living Strings up on YT about 7 years ago and now has about 2.5 million views (I can see on the right side of my screen). At the time I got it from an online friend who had recorded it himself off of his albums, you can hear the cracks and pops from the needle.....It's certainly Nostalgic but not having the record noise is kind of nice.

@sallykohorst8803 - 21.12.2022 16:30

Lovely music thanks for sharing. Please have a great Christmas and new years too!

@lydialangfordjoiner765 - 23.12.2022 21:38

I love, love this album Thank you for sharing!!! Merry Christmas!

@jetclntn - 24.12.2022 05:41

Sacred music from Heaven

@ferencwagner4768 - 24.12.2022 06:50

Ez nagyon meghato es szep❤️

@eddiehambrook4786 - 24.12.2022 08:07

Hermosa música. Felíz Navidad para todos!! 😉🌲🙏👍

@MOORE1975 - 29.12.2022 22:00

Thank you. My favorite since 1963!

@susanmacdonald4288 - 03.01.2023 20:23

I love the Living Strings/Living Voices albums!

@nicoleh5468 - 08.01.2023 14:29

Thank you so so much !!!!

@holgerhansen7078 - 07.05.2023 02:34

Even in May, Christmas can be a lovely feeling. The Living Strings can do that.

@frankrizzo4460 - 12.11.2023 15:52

Brings back memories of when I was a kid we would put this album on and decorate the Christmas tree also when we had Aunt's and Uncles coming over. Most of them are no longer with us but this music will always instantly put me back to those days. Thanks 🎄

@kielbasaglen6843 - 15.11.2023 22:35

I just found this today... so relaxing and enjoyable...

@steverippe1151 - 21.11.2023 23:10

Listening to it now, November 21, 2023, this album came out 60 years ago. Merry Christmas.

@petermichaelketcham4407 - 11.12.2023 00:28

Beautiful, just what I needed right now.

@jbridge08 - 11.12.2023 09:31

I not only love the music you bring us but the Vintage Album covers Just the style of them spark so many memories of decorating styles through the decades. I have personally hunted down the LPs to buy just for their covers. Thank you for your channel..oh and Merry Christmas to us all.

@sergiomorales638 - 21.08.2024 15:14

Música hermosa 😊😊😊

@LadyJaneJolene - 23.12.2024 23:56

Ahh… as a 4 year old… my parents would put this kind of record on… then sit in their respective living room chairs after supper for their reading selections. I would be transfixed by the magical glow of the dim colored lights shimming through the silver Christmas tree tinsel. And I might occasionally dance around the room to this peaceful, joyful music…a charmed childhood indeed. Thankful. 🎄❣️🎶
