James Hansen - Restoring the Earth's Energy Balance

James Hansen - Restoring the Earth's Energy Balance

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James Hansen, the world-renowned former director of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, who put global warming on the world’s agenda through his research in climatology, his development of climate models, his blunt, ground-breaking testimony before the US Senate in 1988 and his book Storms of My Grandchildren.

James Hansen is a world-renowned climate scientist and director of Climate Science and the Climate Science Awareness and Solutions Program at Columbia University’s Earth Institute. In this exclusive Green Interview, Hansen speaks with Silver Donald Cameron about why it is so difficult to mobilize the public around climate change and what needs to be done, quickly, to restore the Earth’s energy balance. Hansen also explains how a system of carbon pricing would jump start the development of alternative energies, reduce greenhouse gases and provide a return to the public all at the same time.

This interview is part of The Green Interview, an archive of resources pertinent to an understanding of the future of life on earth and humanity’s roles and responsibilities in sustaining it. The archive was produced by the late Silver Donald Cameron and Chris Beckett during the 10 years before Cameron’s death in 2020. Through the efforts of family and friends and the generosity of private donors, The Green Interview has been made freely available to all who would find it of benefit. Its permanent home is with the Science, Environment and Economy Archives of Library and Archives Canada.

Books by Silver Donald Cameron: http://www.silverdonaldcameron.ca/writer/books/

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