Cider is... Alright  HONEST ShopCider Try on Review • Cottagecore, Whimsigoth, Dark Academia

Cider is... Alright HONEST ShopCider Try on Review • Cottagecore, Whimsigoth, Dark Academia

Dress Me Up Scotty

2 года назад

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@kylenebrender8611 - 14.12.2022 08:32

I don't know if anyone else has said, but if you do return for store credit, you don't have to send the items back. I just recently did this because the items didn't fit as I had hoped.

@sverigeismyhjarta7830 - 14.12.2022 21:20

I live in Sweden and never heard of Cider or the other company you list so I can not speak of them. Forever21 was in the EU and had very good quality stuff, but it was a totally different part of the company than the USA side and in 2018 ceased in the EU. Anyway the red dress is cute, I would just say it is not good for your body type but we all go threw that. The mustard dress looks like the same as your photo to me! He hee. That said it does suck it is so short! I am 5 ft 9 inches and ware a US size 6 so it would be super short on me and I would be really let down! The Dr Who dress just did not work, once again I think that is for a certain body type also. The black bell bottoms were super cute on you!

ASOS is big here in EU and they pretty good as they many times have a video of the item worn by a real person. That said they are hit or miss at times also.

@overallsandivy - 15.12.2022 23:18

I so appreciate you mentioning the seams that might bother people with sensory issues!!! 👏🏻 that’s such helpful info

@cpt_eleanore - 18.12.2022 23:50

I love your videos and I’m so glad I discovered your channel! You seem to take to speaking on camera so naturally. It’s been great watching your channel grow knowing how important it is to you 😍

@daniellelucy6056 - 05.01.2023 15:28

This vid is extremely helpful since we have nearly identical measurements. Also, just found Cider for the first time in Nov and caught their $11 sale (picked up only 2 tops out of caution haha). Your opinions about quality are spot on 😆 Just so you know, you are a 💎. Glad to have found your channel ❤️ Subbed!

@EllisFern - 13.01.2023 09:15

I've seen loads of Cider ads myself and some of the things look SO cute. But as a plus size person I've been very doubtful anything would fit me, and now I'm even more dubious. You really shouldn't be spilling out of a medium when you're a size FOUR. 🤦‍♂️ That just makes me furious on your behalf! The cat dress is really, really cute though. 🥺

@karathewolfsfanficchannel933 - 22.01.2023 03:54

Thx for this review! That one thing I got from cider is probably the last one I’ll get.

@shuniena - 22.01.2023 11:26

Heyy. First of all you are really pretty and this is one of my favourite cider reviews!
Most of the pieces look nice in the photo but looks semi cheap in the real life.
Would you recommend any other online brands of this style>

@FairyRosee_ - 01.02.2023 01:34

Thank you for the review. I'm so so picky about fit and I have sensory issues with many cheap fabrics. You just saved me boatloads of $$

@cozysweetpotato - 03.02.2023 22:30

That red dress you could cut off the top and add elastic so its off the shoulder and it would give the same vibes!

@abbiemummert - 19.02.2023 10:41

I just need to say thank you so much for giving your measurements while giving sizes you’re trying on! I see so many videos where knowing their measurements would’ve been so helpful. So thanks (:

@brookiecookie250 - 21.02.2023 04:15

I can’t love this video enough, thank you!

@Oleanderlullaby - 24.02.2023 08:27

Goth clothing prices have officially broke my brain because I was gushing to hubby about how amazingly low the prices on cider are 😂😢 they have some really cute goth stylable stuff. We have the exact same measurements except I’m 5’3 and my bust is a tad bit bigger so this is PERFECT for me before I make my first order lol

@emilylaverty3145 - 11.03.2023 19:32

Omg where did you get the celestial belt?! I loooove it!!! With the chains! 🥰

@daniellegillett4801 - 23.03.2023 19:56

I just recently found you and have been binging your videos since. Love you, love your content, love your style, love it all. You make me feel warm and safe and inspired ❤

@brookiemara1295 - 31.03.2023 05:59

The red dress fit is not fine - it is TERRIBLE . run girl run you are worth more than that

@xAlbinopiratex - 02.04.2023 16:22

You got a new subscriber from this video, can't wait to see the rest of your content! 😊

@Sour_Lychee - 09.04.2023 12:17

So listennnnn, I've placed my first order from Cider earlier this week. It wasn't too expensive but I hope I like what comes in the mail 😅. I'm a 38F. So I'm worried the dress and tops won't fit. We shall see!

But, I wanted to pop in and say your content is right up my alley. I'm 29, and I think I'm finally discovering what I like to wear. I've watched your 2 Lacemade videos and I plan to look at more of your videos for more reliable places to get cute clothes. 🌷🍃🌻💐

@nannoreul - 24.04.2023 17:57

I love a lot of cider aesthetically, but I’ve never ordered and I’m scared to because sizing can be difficult for me. Thanks for the insight!!

@bunkertons - 24.04.2023 22:54

I love the self-awareness at the start!

@boglarkabota7613 - 12.05.2023 01:35

I've never bought cider because I intentionally try not to support fast fashion and I was afraid of how the garments would actually look in real life. So thank you for the review, it helps a lot to decide what to support and what not to support! 🌿

@KimiPetri - 24.05.2023 02:54

Ciders’ return policy, when I did it, was to keep the item you don’t want and you are given store credit.

@yaelbegel3357 - 28.05.2023 17:46

"omg she's going to give us her sizes !" proceed to give it in inches and i dont know what the f it means

@emziemz - 05.06.2023 03:55

thanks for this, as I guessed they are low quality for that price!!

@leahkallixto5288 - 21.07.2023 21:47

Lmbfao you be so hilarious and witty and crazy boo. First when chu open your video with "welcome to my channel where I make horrible financial decisions and I take you a long" I said to my self oh this sounds like it's a channel for me. N when u said the quality of cider is between shein and forevah 21 and the bar for shein was on the floor 😂😂 lol I literally hit the floor started rolling and hollering 😭😂 be my friend please we would hilarious and crazy togethah

@hannahstars1373 - 14.08.2023 23:56

i put boxers on under sort dresses that way i feel more covered

@hannahshark8080 - 27.09.2023 04:00

Thanks for showing us these, I've been targeted on fb for Cider whimsigoth dresses and i decided to buy the goth Stevie Nicks velvet dress because i fell in love. And i ordered that moon belt you tried on, I'm very excited for it to arrive <3

@Inbaroush - 07.10.2023 06:22

I love almost everything I've gotten from Cider, although, I do wish they'd make things in cotton or other natural fibres that breathe.

@OlivineCorg - 19.10.2023 16:57

I'd love a video of you altering all of these items. Like a fast fashion flip.

@jacquelinejanewashere - 22.10.2023 11:29

Ty u just saved me money and time because I'm 5'11 and if their dresses are too short on you than ain't no way in heck they will fit me properly

@Miztivin - 26.10.2023 20:03

I think the brown/orange/mustard (lol) tunic would look a lot nicer shortened and worn as a top!

@tovah8841 - 09.11.2023 23:16

Don’t order polyester fabrics from cider, order knit/wool sweaters/cardigans from cider..They have beautiful cardigans..

@KatherineRoseArt - 29.11.2023 00:35

It's not mustard... its not orange... it's pumpkin. I love it.

@NatKhach - 04.01.2024 02:54

The seams thing is VERY USEFUL INFO! There's no way you'd see that in the pics on the website, and I have kinda chonky legs. Can foresee buying and wearing exactly once, then cutting the seam intending to make them more comfy and falling entirely!

Ответить - 09.01.2024 01:04

random but i really love the shirt you have on at the end with the little embroidery details, where'd you get it?

@Slimegreengal - 30.01.2024 13:59

My main issue with Cider is they just cannot decide if plus size people have very large chests or not, some things will be impossibly tight but then othjer things (like the dress you used for the autumn fairy shoot) will have way too much room, I know fitting for plus sizes in harder in RTW pieces but if it was consistant it would make shopping a lot easier.

@emmawatson4178 - 04.03.2024 05:42

Sorry but in what world is a size 4 “midsized”

@brooklynrena4599 - 05.03.2024 16:51

I’ve gotten a lot of good things from shein that are still good today. SHEIN is great. Super cheap. The clothes LAST. You have to read reviews. It does not all come from the same place. I’ve gotten shoes that are still kicking today. Pants. Shirts. Dresses. Hair accessories. People want to hate on shein so badly. Here’s some tea sis, high end brand make their clothes the same way. Yeah the prices tag doesn’t mean shit.

@courtneywilliams2751 - 05.03.2024 18:53

Bingeing some of your older videos! Love this review. Thank you for your honesty!

@n.d.7931 - 30.04.2024 23:07

Totally off topic but i love your room and that yellow chair😊 Also i feel like ive seen that first dress pattern on a pillowcase somewhere lol

@DeadKehoe - 26.05.2024 11:15

Thank you so much for this review

@Hi-zg4nw - 21.07.2024 16:06

subscribed immediately because how do we have like the exact same measurements

@Self-ActualiseManifestElevate - 21.08.2024 17:16

So glad I didn’t order from Cider 😅

@ArcticFoxxyProfessional - 23.09.2024 16:13

if anyone here orders from cider, take my advice and size up if you’re 5’6” or taller. i’m 5’8” and can tell you they do not respect tall women.

@bostonredsox357 - 23.09.2024 19:47

@RanaKatana - 24.10.2024 18:20

Thank you ❤

@dortken - 20.11.2024 19:14

Bought nr. 2 aswell and i had the same problem with it!, so sad :C

@pomelovanille - 09.02.2025 07:41

I don't know if someone suggested it already, but one thing that might help with the red dress would be sewing the parts at the extremities that flap up down onto the chest part. This way it would fit more naturally and maybe it would pull the neck piece forward and let you breathe a little easier! :)
