Bitcoin and Civil Asset Forfeiture

Bitcoin and Civil Asset Forfeiture

Bitcoin University

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@confidentsage - 12.03.2025 18:13

I’d like an insightful video about whether the potential future could involve banning self custody of BTC using methods like exchange controls - or whether just like gold can be private custodied then similarly self custody of BTC would remain?

@0x07AD - 12.03.2025 18:16

Civil asset forefeiture should be outlawed.

@ivansaric33 - 12.03.2025 18:23

Bitcoin University
That says it all, a university to educate people on the simple ponzi scheme they're calling "digital gold"
It's open source bc the NSA put it out there for the computer geniuses of the world to refine the technology of digital non existent so called money, and at some point it will be made illegal by the government that now supports it

@beateecee5563 - 12.03.2025 18:27

Matthew, bitcoin is now unsafe under US jurisdiction. They recently incarcerated someone for 4 years for not providing seeds to his wallet and now someone in Puerto Rico is being fined $10,000 each day for not providing their seeds.

@ronwest7930 - 12.03.2025 18:29

Many people are kidding themselves, the government will use a centralized coin they can control. Bitcoin isn't that. The fact that they are only planning on using seized coins shows they are not serious. I see Bitcoin as useful, used P2P in a fallen system. Maybe a video on what coins would be considered. Tether is one I know of. The bankers will want a coin they can control. Manipulate.

@LucasSmithplsmithed - 12.03.2025 18:37

As someone who lost BTC to the Bitconnect scam in wasn't until 2021 that the US seized around 3100 BTC, worth $56M at the time. To compensate victims, the gov't chose to pay out by selling the BTC and returning the USD value of BTC at the time of trading for their BitConnect coin. Goes to show the difference a few years have made on the acceptance of BTC by the US gov't, but I agree, seized assets should be returned to rightful owners.

@georgcantor1021 - 12.03.2025 18:39

Thank you, Matthew.
If some of your former colleagues asked you to join them in helping the US government develop the bitcoin policies, would you say yes?

@lookatthetrees7494 - 12.03.2025 18:46

Cold storage.

@iBuyBitcoin - 12.03.2025 18:52

dammit i wanna see countries and the world fighting over bitcoin already 😭lol

@K9H8R - 12.03.2025 18:58

i try to educate people on bitcoin, but someway or another they dont seem to take interest and get on with their same old mundane fiat system without any complaints

@jmbrown3502 - 12.03.2025 18:59

Hi Matt.. I think DOGE savings would be “budget neutral’ to apply to buy BTC for the SBC. What better than to use wasted woke dollars to fund forward looking BTC! 👍

@alainelowell1997 - 12.03.2025 19:09

I learned all about Civil Asset Forfeiture during the drug war, not personally but, but in my studies. The Constitution isn't active in the U.S. Shrinking the government is awesome, but if you look deeper into Musk you will see that he is bringing in the AI control of government and everything else. Thanks for this information!

@ProsperityPoems - 12.03.2025 19:18

Thx Matthew

@joshuamantock4037 - 12.03.2025 19:31

Hey Matt, can you talk about one of the key points I found interesting from Saylor's recent keynote, where he basically states we need both Bitcoin and US dollars? Does that mean that the US govt's plan is to reduce the "bleeding" of the dollar by using Bitcoin to increase its purchasing power? Can you see a world where the US dollar and apex of Bitcoin coexist? From my POV, it seems like the US or perhaps other countries cannot let go of the shackles of fiat (or urge to control people). I do not hate fiat, just to clarify. However, Bitcoin being the global money/currency makes the most sense to me. Would love to hear your thoughts.

@blakebowersphotography - 12.03.2025 19:48

Hi Matthew,
Do you have any videos on how to accept bitcoin as a business with multiple locations and employees, ecommerce or someone who is just setting up at a farmers market? I'm curious what applications you recommend. Thanks!

@MrJaydiction - 12.03.2025 19:49

@STP134 - 12.03.2025 19:52

Thank you, Matthew!

@gavinjohn1728 - 12.03.2025 19:59

Am I missing something or is printing fiat to buy Bitcoin not budget neutral to the American taxpayer?

@nobamamademeghey - 12.03.2025 20:03

Sorry officer I lost my private keys in a boating accident

@NinjaNye - 12.03.2025 20:08

Curious what makes you think Bernie is traitorous & corrupt? Haven’t heard this theory so plz explain!

@MarcSein - 12.03.2025 20:16

Time to seize Strategy's assets, huh?

@lucianorodriguez8300 - 12.03.2025 20:36

why do you consider Bernie a traitor? Is him selling US to russian interest? is him selling the US goverment to billionaries who want to dismantle the goverment to serve their interest? Something is not sounding right from your message!

@quickestlaughs - 12.03.2025 20:46

Bitcoin is King

@vooteimer1234 - 12.03.2025 20:52

They will take all your btc whenever it wants. Once the system if irreversibly implemented, Mathews btc will vanish while zuckerburgs remains unhackable

@MarcIverson - 12.03.2025 21:12

The standard for civil asset forfeiture is far lower than an asset clearly being derived from or used in a crime. Simply having whatever a cop at the time determines is an unusually large sum of money on you can result in that cop seizing your money. For instance, on one of the legal channels here, a case was discussed in which someone had, let's say, $6000 USD in his car because he was going to check out a used car he wanted to buy and pay for it on the spot if he liked it. I've heard of seizure being triggered by as little as $3000 USD, at any random cop's whim.

And of course it can take many months to get your money back, if you get it at all. In addition, the process is so cumbersome and full of delays that people often settle for getting a mere percentage of their money back just so they can get SOMEthing and not have to wait any longer.

At any rate,it's truly evil and can be enacted for far less reason than you mentioned.

@xvillin - 12.03.2025 21:22

If they're not going to sell the bitcoin, why hold it at all? This just means that they're going to keep it with the intention of changing the rules later. This is what the government does. This is what it's for. It's basically a bank that they mandate that you use so they can steal your money when they want to change the goal posts.

@Adam-zd2bk - 12.03.2025 21:31

bro is so far gone he thinks countries will be going to war over bitcoin

@xvillin - 12.03.2025 21:51

Just curious. Is Bitcoin is so secure than how does it get seized? Why isn't anybody just able to seize any Bitcoin?

@BecamePneuma - 12.03.2025 21:54

HODL the line, soldiers. BTC holders are holding up the entire global economy.

@Chainreactiongrandmaster - 12.03.2025 22:05

Question: was the BTC seized was it from cold wallets or from exchanges? If it from wallets, how is it possible?

@intenzityd3181 - 12.03.2025 22:15


@fusion9619 - 12.03.2025 22:15

Police are the criminals.

@M3LTUP - 12.03.2025 22:29

Income Tax needs to be abolished. That way the Govt. doesnt need to "return" my income each year.

@taqeelawrence897 - 12.03.2025 22:34

So that statement “Bitcoin will end all wars” is some BS

@jacksonhill7552 - 12.03.2025 23:06

The government can take my bitcoin when they pull my cold storage wallet from my cold dead hands

@bitcoinqueen9895 - 12.03.2025 23:10

This is a great video, however I'd like to point out that although the intention is not to sell Bitcoin, the executive order does not explicitly say they will not.

There is a clause in Section D that specified "Government Digital Assets" all crypto including Bitcoin can be used for 1- returned to victims 2- used for law enforcement 3- given to states.

@patrickkalin4437 - 12.03.2025 23:25

Finally dumped the small remaining amount of ETH for BTC just recently. Unlikely I would've done that without watching this channel

@myeviljewels6539 - 12.03.2025 23:30

Not your keys, not your coins.

@jds5788 - 12.03.2025 23:38

Love your btc knowledge however you're beyond naive. This sets up confiscature. Not to mention the abandonment of NATO for Russia. You're ass backwards.

@alexp.6406 - 12.03.2025 23:59

Cop: we are taking your BTC! You: a friend of mine owns a boat….

@_idiot - 13.03.2025 00:02

uhhh coin join before 2033???

@marleyavie8519 - 13.03.2025 00:09

What the best exchange and wallet to use in the USA for buying Bitcoin

@robhoward6047 - 13.03.2025 00:30

You think that Bernie Sanders is corrupt , but don’t mention that Trump is the most corrupt politician is US history??😂😂😂 Apparently a person’s stance on bitcoin determines their level of corruption. Try getting some news outside of your right wing propagana channels.

@travisthompson1679 - 13.03.2025 00:54

I think trying to prevent the government from ever doing anything at all is valid and not weak. I just think it's too impossible. You are far more likely to get some legislation or something that hamstrings what it can do. It's going to give itself the power, you can't stop that, but you can put some limits on it at least temporarily. That's my read of history anyway. Until we have enough people who understand what true freedom is, I think putting some limits in is the best we can do.

@jad1497 - 13.03.2025 01:11

Matthew, do you think Saylor is painting the biggest target on his back by (perceived) alignment with the current administration. I would be extremely wary of advertising how much Bitcoin I have or am buying to the world. Seems like the most cost-effective way to get more government held Bitcoin is to confiscate the biggest known fish. MSTR might end up taking the arrows for us all.

@BTC_21M - 13.03.2025 05:22

Thanks for the sound reasoning Matt! — Request: Will you please explain CTV + CSFS BIPs? And do a video on Jason Lowery's Softwar?

@rmondave - 13.03.2025 05:51

In the late 60s it was obvious to many including myself that the government had grown way past the size of its need and efficiency, So why did it take over 50 years of Ballooning deficits waste and fraud to take any effective action😅? We truly are like sqirrels in a boiling pot, finally however jumping out!😅 thanks elon thanks donald!

@Fudmottin - 13.03.2025 09:46

It will be very interesting to see how the bitcoin custody arrangement plays out. I'm guessing it will be a multi-sig cold wallet. But who will hold the keys, and will it require enough signers to prevent collusion without endangering the loss of the so called stockpile due to signers becoming unavailable. Hopefully there will be more than one wallet address as well.

@joseluisvazquez5126 - 13.03.2025 09:56

I was reminded of the "expropiese" video with Hugo Chavez pointing what they were going to steal. You start like that, you end the way Venezuela did.
After all the state is a pack of organized bandits.
If Bitcoin manages to separate money and state, even partially, it would be great. Whether the state uses Bitcoin themselves or not.
