Corporate Confusion - Square Enix Needs A Corporate Realignment

Corporate Confusion - Square Enix Needs A Corporate Realignment


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@kelseymccormick2331 - 14.09.2023 22:35

'Nobody likes turn based games anymore'
Baldur's Gate 3 laughs in the background

@lastmanstanding7155 - 14.09.2023 23:25

I just like the fun games coming out lately. Liked 16. Liked BG3. I enjoyed 1 and 2 and I enjoyed old final fantasy. Peeps be weird chief.

@Penguin_Tree - 15.09.2023 20:51

Square "turn based doesn't sell". Atlus "Bet"

@RicardoSantos-oz3uj - 15.09.2023 21:35

Frankly they need to go back on making good stories and good music and fire whatever woke writers they got now.

@kathycoleman4648 - 16.09.2023 02:48

Square Enix needed to have the same level of convinction toward Final Fantasy that From Software has shown toward Dark Souls.

@LordofChaosSet - 16.09.2023 05:37

Yeah you'd think you'd just make an action game because you like them. then also make other rpg's just because you like them. All of these genres have been proven to work if you put enough love into them. But I guess making excuses then being surprised when something does sell saves you from disappointment. I love them to but they really need to put the level of effort they put into the 7 series into everything else. If they arent sure out source like you did with ff16. That worked out great but it would be a slap in the devs faces if suddenly they said "yeah ff16 did bad because arpgs suck" would be funny. next you know ff17 will be an fps not because they thought it would be cool, but because money. Sadness

@Capydapy - 16.09.2023 13:05

'Some asshole says..." You can say Yoshi P. It's okay. He only gets away with shit because his fanboy following from FFXIV are a cult.

@ComputerOyyy - 16.09.2023 14:41

You said a point for 30seconds and repeat it for like 12times

@EAchank - 16.09.2023 15:56

They're doing fine lol stop shitting on SE

@eatYoself - 16.09.2023 21:53

This has been Square for a long time. They have great artists but idiotic business men. Final Fantasy Mystic quest is a great a example, although I enjoyed it they gave us a watered down RPG cause they thought we weren't ready for it. The country that created Dungeons and Dragons wouldn't be able to handle the complexity of JRPGS... smh

@TheRyanshamowski - 16.09.2023 22:44

I think it makes a lot of sense. Remakes cost very little to make, and they know the niche fan base for these games exist. It's very low risk and adds a sku to thier portfolio. FF16 cost 711 million dollars to make. They will not recoup even close to that money making a turnbased game. BG3 is an anomoly not the rule. Turn based games are just super niche. I say this as a fan of games like ng2, bayonetta, dmc 5, Burnout 3, these games are also very niche. ff16 was a mistake because it doesnt appeal to action fans like me or rpg fans like you. The thing is square wants a gta level reception, all these triple a companies do. Atleast your getting proper remasters and have thousands of games from the past to pull from. Action fans have like 16 games. And platinum makes about 12 of them. And they can't even make a straight up action game without a bunch of gimmicks tossed in for half the game killing the pacing.

@rickydargence5948 - 16.09.2023 23:59

Man, I just want them to remaster Brave Fencer Musashi and Xenogears (complete).

@hex_gekko29568 - 17.09.2023 00:15

Bro videogames use way more power than nfts. People are such sheep.

@JeremieFriez - 17.09.2023 01:35

The problem comes from players falling for this for years now and also because most players today have absolutely no standards.

@ystevenxu - 17.09.2023 01:51

Not really confusing. Octopath sold 3 million, FF15 sold 10 million.

@pogoacct8611 - 17.09.2023 04:02

Possibilities, possibilities, possibilities.

Final fantasy XVI is a great game by ti the average gamer its a basic game with very little ways to make different things happen.

Elden ring is selling 100 times more because gamers feel like it has infinitely more possibilities to see or fo something amazing AROUND EVERY CORNER

@AlexanderPR2 - 17.09.2023 04:28

The problem is not JRPGs but the terrible executives of this company who think it is necessary to please imbeciles, who don't even play their games.

And at the same time, every effort is made to make this company have a Western look, since its fans want to play good Japanese games.

They need to learn at once that it is impossible to please everyone.

@px223 - 17.09.2023 06:16

the answer is simple , news "innovative" project are unrealistic expectation for the investors ( NFT , ext... is only speech to seduce investors) , old news/classic games are Fast and EZ money because they were already made , so they cost less to produce , .....

@JuaraHippie - 23.09.2023 10:47

I stopped caring after 12. 13 looked good but combat sucked. 15 I noped out. 7 remake wasn't worth imo. I want classic JRPG from them not a mid ARPG.

@stefanssmellsvictory105 - 02.12.2023 07:00

RPGs don't sell. NOSTALGIA sells.
