The Kronos vs Montage: Which One Should You Buy?

The Kronos vs Montage: Which One Should You Buy?

Darrick Keels

3 года назад

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@wilcandou - 03.09.2022 13:54

I do love the sounds of the montage HOWEVER, the lack of actually seeing what you want to edit (notes, clocks, velocity, duration) you can only edit in beats. So you can't drill down into the guts of a sequence. Really SUCKS!!!

@cdanny74 - 19.09.2022 22:41

26 mn before play lol

@fantomandjupiterx864 - 21.09.2022 18:20

Like both had a Kronos about a year ago very nice but Yamaha montage sounds good too👍👍

@TheFaximana - 21.09.2022 23:31

can somebody tell me whats the difference between a synthesizer and a workstation?

@Lainer1 - 23.10.2022 00:16

Kurzweil K2700

@jonathanwillis1143 - 27.10.2022 00:03

You really cannot go wrong with either keyboard. They are both spectacular. It just comes down to how you work, how you perform, and perhaps what you already have. If you are loaded with cash then buy both boards. :)

@karenmoore1788 - 30.10.2022 00:00

Kronos discontinued.

@ericjohnson1811 - 31.10.2022 06:34

Buy the Kronos. I have both and hate the Montage. The Kronos has far more range and is much easier to use. The Montage requires tons of menu diving and doesn't have even close to as much sonic variety as the Kronos.

@elpmettsol - 05.11.2022 21:53

I picked up the Nautilus a few weeks ago, and picking up the Montage sometime this month. The Montage will act as the main board due to how I can use their integration for motion control. This applies to not only for sounds but effects, volume, etc. Basically any parameter on the board.

The Nautilus is the perfect compliment, as I didn’t need the external features of the Kronos, I was mainly interested in the sound engines. Which BTW, can be accessed from the Montage via MIDI AND... be able to use motion control from the Montage for control of all the sounds and parameters of the Nautilus just like it was the Montage itself. More to come. STAY TUNED... 😊

@GeorgeZwierzchowskipianomusic - 09.11.2022 22:49

does the Kronos still sell in stores^^^^ Im going Modx+ and some other analogue synth to make up for the loss of analogue i wont have by not buying the montage. Montage nseems to be out of print also because first we heard it was shipping slowdowns but here is the modx+ arriving no problem. I think something big and new is coming from yamaha. the modx+ is to squeez as mych profit out of the montage as possible.

@danielx40 - 13.11.2022 09:33

The user interface of Kronos is really depressing. I want to cry just looking at it like a windows 95.

@jokumvildmoosehawkfield3176 - 15.11.2022 01:49

It’s a good versus demonstration. Only thing. You repeat what you say quite often. And that irritates me a little when you do that. But Else Way you’re good at demonstrating the Korg Kronos up against the Yamaha Montage. So not that bad. Maybe you though should exercise yourself not to repeat yourself. And okay now I did that twice I should learn that too.

@demian12m - 27.12.2022 08:54

Is it an used, mint condition, Kronos 2 (73 keys) for $2400 a good deal today in 2022?

@bortchy - 24.01.2023 14:40

absolutely Cronos !

@johnjackson4268 - 12.02.2023 17:33

I think, next time is coming a VST Workstation from Native Instruments 🎉

@edwardtheodore1427 - 18.02.2023 19:36

So why ar eyou comparng them they tw different categories of board. The only thing ne should compare is the sound quality of sounds.

@jokumvildmoosehawkfield3176 - 25.02.2023 22:41

It’s stuped on the Yamaha that there is a big rounding down at the back of the synth so you can’t see the text to what the ports are on the rear of the synth.

@j.frankgutierrez3276 - 28.02.2023 17:36

I'm a tech and I'm always fixing lots of Korg hammer action keys. So I go for the montage because is more reliable for the money.

@foru8242 - 16.03.2023 22:27

Hi Darrick, thank you so much for this wonderful information 👍🏻..!!

Please help me.
l am planning to buy a new synthesizer keyboard. Please guide me, i am totally confused.

I am a musician and a key programmer, i use to work in daw logic Pro from strat to mix and master. So Please guide me, i use to work in following Genre's
Soft rock, Pop, Trance, Classical, Dance, Cenimatic, Re Recordings, Blues, Jazz, Heavy metal etc etc.

So which would be better out of these brands (please specify with model).
Yamaha Montage.
Yamaha Modx plus.
Yamaha Nautilus.
Korg Kronos: model ?
Kurzweil: model ?
Nord: model ?
Or any latest New one ?
Or Synth boards like, Aurturia polybrute, prophet 8, udo super 6, Waldorf quantum etc
(I am in dilemma to buy any one or more too).

(the reason i am going for these keyboards are ........ quality and ......... options which cannot be replace by .........).

@SaverGC3 - 13.04.2023 17:00

I have a question about power pack backups. Do you professional musicians carry power backup batteries when gigging? I know you guys hate extra weight. 😅

@flowmaka - 16.04.2023 05:36

Great in depth review of both keyboards.

@jonathanosborn4800 - 24.04.2023 23:22

Why not the Forte?

@jonathanosborn4800 - 24.04.2023 23:25

I thought the Montage had some addition that makes it now more technically a workstation? Regarding the organ, though, the Montage doesnt actually have an organ engine

@dy6682 - 29.04.2023 21:00

Like them both but cannot afford any ! Not nice . Great presentation bro!

@Anbupaul-pn3yz - 15.05.2023 14:36

Kronos is geniune but Yamaha is good 👍

@Tanstaafl1976 - 17.06.2023 00:47

This is a very informative and enlightening vid, Darrick - thank you. What a trip that Yamaha workstations died with the Motif XF! I have a Motif ES which I still love and am very glad that I also own a Kronos 2-61. Liked and subscribed.

@IrvingMartinez-e9x - 25.06.2023 07:12

I don't know about that but does it really matter I don't think so the Kronos is a full sampler is use to create sounds because I'm a sound creator and have friends that worked with the Kronos in addition I have to correct you but the Fantom 07 falls on the workstation category however you do a pretty good job in explaining the features on the Keyboard.

@patriciozazzini3182 - 01.07.2023 20:31

genos vs Kronos would have been the right comparison.

@mar1132-z6t - 25.07.2023 01:19

The montage is the way to go.

@danwentz - 28.08.2023 23:34

Montage sounded great while playing, but there was no comparison to Kronos in terms of interface and depth, for me. Hard to believe the 2011 Kronos is based on the Korg Oasys which came out in 2005! If I recall they originally came out for around 9k… Korg learned a lesson by streamlining things a bit for Kronos.

@SerkiMüzik - 06.09.2023 21:11

definetly montage🤟🏼

@RickyPerson-g8q - 09.11.2023 19:20


@MendelisSound - 11.11.2023 01:16

This might be the most long winded keyboard/synth video I've ever seen. I couldn't even get through the first 5 minutes, which could have been 2 minutes. Like, you don't need to say "Yamaha Montage" and "Korg Kronos" every time. You can just say "Yamaha" or "Montage" and "Korg" or "Kronos". And you don't need to say the same thing 5 times in slightly different ways. This video could have been as long as it needed to be in about 40 minutes probably. There's probably some useful information in it, but it's so spread out and repetitive that it's really hard to watch. If you put in the time to edit down your thoughts to a more manageable length, people will get a lot more utility from these types of videos.

@rompepale - 12.11.2023 08:57


@aristotlekumpis7095 - 14.11.2023 00:03

Good info on the whole workstation/synthesizer concept. I imagine that the next big keyboard by Korg will also follow the same concept.

@DutchKC9UOD - 29.11.2023 19:44

I use a UPS battery power supply in my house wouldn’t think of not using one live?

@dwaynecladd - 02.12.2023 15:15

You do know that the crow has 16 channels of midi individual sounds capability.

@dwaynecladd - 02.12.2023 15:54

That is 16 channels via USB to DAW. I use it all the time.

@ytpremium7649 - 15.12.2023 00:39

The crazy thing is you don't need a Kronos or Nautilus

If you know how to play, a 1999 Korg Triton will sound absolutely fantastic and out of this world. The pianos on the triton are still fabulous

My $300 Korg N5EX is still rewarding

@dhpstudios2009 - 18.12.2023 20:39

Hahhaaaaa, that’s not a qs😂.K offcourse

@robinsonramirez1324 - 20.03.2024 03:19

In my opinion: As Main Keyboard (For Piano specially) i like Montage; As second key (Speaking about versatily) i lile Kronos.

@Matthew-iy3oe - 29.03.2024 04:46

Yamaha, no se diga mas

@DrJacob-z6l - 01.04.2024 06:05

Hey which is he best keyboard I could buy to play in church ?
I already have a Yamaha Psr sx600 and I’m looking to buy one more keyboard I have looked at modx6 plus

@rrrrrrtt1 - 28.04.2024 08:55

Depends on the individual's or band's goals. :)

@Realworld-w7d - 30.04.2024 07:15

hello whats the name of the piano piece you was playing on the montage when testing the cfx piano sound ????

@quincymedex - 31.08.2024 18:55

I have modx, Kronos x, and fantom 06. Love all three of them. They are all their own individual machine.

@jjptech - 30.09.2024 22:16

The world looks emptier without the Kronos around. My plan was to some day be able to purchase one 😞

@MrYoMoMusic - 11.01.2025 06:58

thank you!!
