Doomsday Preppers

Doomsday Preppers

National Geographic

13 лет назад

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@ThePower1987 - 26.07.2012 00:50

fucking dumb asses

@monkey50cal - 01.08.2012 09:17

im preparing for black people

@Teij111 - 08.08.2012 16:37

Saying stuff like that? I would be too.

@monkey50cal - 09.08.2012 08:43

yea they aint gonna get my chickens

@DisruptiveHarmony - 09.08.2012 08:49

Supreme stupidity.

@AntiPizza100 - 31.08.2012 06:20

Which is the name of this song?

@elhombrehuevo - 31.08.2012 22:51

please say me the name of the song

@1SSBlade - 02.09.2012 02:36


@juanmorenouct - 04.09.2012 23:45

bored Americans, first was jackass now this?

@kikobatatoe2011 - 08.09.2012 16:34

what the name of the music?

@ivanpb1983 - 15.09.2012 00:44

See? This is what happen when Democrats are in power: no threat at sigh, so let's prepare for ANYTHING.

@Mskyla121 - 15.09.2012 12:57

What is the name of this song cause it is not "it's the end of the world as we know it"? Any one have some ideas?

@jlvyn13 - 02.11.2012 23:45

Get ready for a turrist 'ttack!

@105t50u15 - 12.11.2012 07:02


@IocusProductions - 13.11.2012 23:24

FPS Russia

@URECHEJ - 16.11.2012 04:43

Dumbest show ever.

@onceuponatimeonearth - 19.11.2012 02:18

I feel bad for the children that get dragged into this stupid nonsensical shit by their parents. They're going to grow up paranoid about the world, mentally scarring them from childhood. Childhood is about feeling safe in your environment and enjoying the good things in the world. You don' t get either by being told the world will end and you move away from your friends to live in some shitty shack in the woods.

@rikkipiotrowski7990 - 21.11.2012 00:37

I also feel bad for the poor, sweet, innocent children of these MORONS!!!! I felt that children and youth should've been called on some of these parents!! ESPECIALLY THAT JCKASS THAT WAS MAKING HIS KIDS EAT BUGS N MAGGOTS!!!! They're going to grow up to be PARANOID N HIGHLY DYSFUNCTIONAL JUST LIKE THEIR IDIOT PARENTS!!!! Some of these idiots need commited!

@MsMagicmic - 21.11.2012 23:54

what's the song that big al produced the one that goes "livin in the life of a doomsday prepper"

@onceuponatimeonearth - 24.11.2012 05:30

lol, there is nothing wrong with some preparation. But these guys go way overboard. Every single thing in life is best in moderation. Everything. Being prepared is smart. Being paranoid / obsessed is a mental illness hindering every other aspect of your / their life.

@onceuponatimeonearth - 25.11.2012 06:47

lol, I don't believe the world will end on the 21st of december. Where did you get that idea? I was referring to emergency-type situations in general in my previous comment.

@Lynnfordthegreat - 04.12.2012 05:40

The End is Now

@Enclave2230 - 05.12.2012 02:28

Can anyone tell me the name of the dubstep song used in another commercial from this show?

@jozilife - 15.12.2012 10:30

Its gonna be so fuckin funny when these morons wake up on 22 December and find out their all still alive and nothing happened xD

@PeruvianBobby - 16.12.2012 03:50

I just got my hydroponic BC bud. That's all I need.

@PingkyGunawan - 22.12.2012 01:38

the show title should be 'the paranoids'

@Verradonairun - 31.12.2012 04:21

Aren't you overreacting a bit? It's just eating bugs...

@Scarlomane - 02.01.2013 08:24

I suppose so. If a meteor happens to strike the Earth then what? You will die like everyone else. No amount of preparation or bunker will save you from that. Honestly who cares if the world ends. Let it burn.

@123WildHorses - 03.01.2013 04:08

you are a special kind of stupid if you dont think meteors dont already hit the earth. If something big enough did destroy earth then oh well. But what happens if the economy collapses and you're fighting for food and supplies? Ask yourself that and come back when you have a real answer

@Scarlomane - 03.01.2013 09:03

Yes one does have to be ignorant to not know the earth is bombarded everyday. My question to you is you expect everyone to drop everything and invest thousands of dollars into a "volcano insurance" esqe type scenario where majority of us don't have the resources or money to waste on such a thing. And so what if it ends you'll die eventually. Funny, it's the people who think they'll survive the end of the world who will be the ones killed first.

@chatoXvato - 20.01.2013 08:20

I agree its messed up to subject these children to paranoia but the bug eating can be debated. That is just a cultural misunderstanding from the western world because in Asia, kids and adults frequently eat bugs,maggots & creepy crawlers. Its actually a very healthy part of a good diet and even more nutritional than meat. The guy that did it though is still an asshole.

@ezios4u - 02.03.2013 09:50

Thumbs up for twitch by VideoCopilot for the effects!

@jondanir - 04.03.2013 04:39

thats the difference between the norwegian and the american :p when american are preparing, they are preparing on how to defend themself from each other... here in norway, we would prepare on how to help each other :p

@mariomario8888 - 23.03.2013 06:55

Wouldn't you say he has a point, Chris? And are you saying that you want to eat bugs and maggots? I can understand the guns. That's fun. But all of that other nonsense?

@mariomario8888 - 24.03.2013 01:47

Your comment just appeared on my front page and I noticed the curse, so I read it. These people should not be putting their children and family through this ridiculousness. Who else agrees?

@mariomario8888 - 27.03.2013 21:55

Why do you think the world is going to end anytime soon. Sure America is not doing too great, but still.

@LethalJawz - 05.05.2013 00:31

i just do survival to get in touch with nature, but it is fun to learn skills like that though. btw Millitary career, Hopefully :) ?

@johntom8385 - 15.05.2013 03:31

I'm a prepper I support doomsday Preppers who's with me

@nathanb5835 - 12.08.2013 23:53

You need to consider that people who aren't you are allowed to psyche their kids up for the things that the expect to happen.

@KikeLifestyleAndMore - 12.11.2013 16:35

They forgot to fight agains diabbetus! lol

@mdhoro2826 - 15.04.2014 06:59

Oh hey! Have you tried - Taburg Aggressive Survival System (do a google search)? Ive heard some incredible things about it and my buddy got great survival tips with it. 

@kancharana7116 - 15.04.2014 07:14

Hi hi! Have you considered - Taburg Aggressive Survival System (Have a quick look on google cant remember the place now)? Ive heard some pretty good things about it and my m8 got excellent training with it.

@tomje7024 - 03.02.2015 20:54

What episode is the guy in at 0.06 holding the M4 in the suit and says "terrorist attack"? Would love to watch that episode!

@blairpainter8439 - 29.11.2017 03:38

This amazing survival guide “suvo amazing guide” (Google it) is a really must have guide in a world full of disasters and cataclysms. The author has done great job of collecting and sharing this valuable tips and tricks regarding how to get prepared and survive in critical scenario that can occur anytime.

@paulpresto7346 - 13.03.2020 05:56

Corona virus!!!!

@gamingrex2930 - 07.04.2020 13:57

aged too well

@sinfuldebauchery - 08.05.2020 11:02

Saw some news about 2025 tuberculosis pandemic earlier. Song.

@tone_bone - 11.06.2020 02:35

In 2012 we laughed at them, its 2020 now and they don't seem as crazy.

@bedanta2292 - 14.06.2021 21:24

More episodes

@metallampman - 21.11.2024 06:40

i liked all these people hope they are ok today
