Break Down The Breakdown! #bryankohberger #dylanmortensen #idahofour

Break Down The Breakdown! #bryankohberger #dylanmortensen #idahofour

Gray Hughes Investigates

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@AylandWilliams - 10.03.2025 07:34

LE botched this whole thing from the beginning! Including demolishing the house before trial! BK is innocent or an accomplice. Not sure just yet? Never going to believe the surviving roommates didn’t hear anything. I understand being young adults in a party house but a lot doesn’t add up. With 3 DNA found, texts & phone call to 911 being released. Hopefully, LE has more evidence beyond reasonable doubt because IMO I would find BK innocent.

@lorisimon9501 - 10.03.2025 03:06

Im sure yall will just delete my comment just like the FBI did to hide certain info.

@lorisimon9501 - 10.03.2025 03:05

Wow. How can u still think the ROOMATES are not pretending. You seem to be an intelligent person. I just don't understand. I'm not trying to be a troll I'm just concerned with the justice system. And how evidence can be manipulated to fit a narrative that they want simple minded people to believe . I'm sorry.

@user-yi7rc7ny5i - 10.03.2025 01:57

Bravo—spot on.

@kalikoda7648 - 10.03.2025 01:31

the part that confused me is the fact that DM received a "vandal alert" before the 911 call was even made. That is an alert that goes out to all the members of University of Idaho to inform them of an alert for the community. Unless it was completely unrelated, it really confuses me. It also confuses me that DM was calling her roommates from BFs room after she woke up instead of just going to check on them if she was that scared? Clearly the person she saw in all black wearing a ski mask would have been gone 7 hours later. Im not trying to shame her or accuse her off being involved but her actions the next morning are really bizarre. Even if she was blackout drunk, BF was in the same room as her when they woke up and clearly would have remember DM being freaked out enough to come down to her bedroom. Why did BF not go upstairs to check on her roommates? if it was because she was too scared then that just validates that 911 should have been called at 4am or right when they woke up. Again, not accusing them of being involved but at the very least I'm accusing them of being a little slow in the head.

@interman7715 - 09.03.2025 20:58

The place looks like a slaughter house and DM calmly checks the person and says there not breathing.OMG anyone normal would be screaming in horror at the scene. Dylan and Bethany should be in jail .

@greenmanalishi6963 - 09.03.2025 17:14

Think about the screams, how can 1 man do all this

@WilliamCarr-tn5qp - 09.03.2025 01:35


@davidwalker3783 - 08.03.2025 20:52

These texts bring so much more suspicion on DM and BF IMO. It proves they both knew something bad was happening all over the house but were only worried about themselves. And why does BF say Xana was wearing all black without DM saying something about a "man" with all black. Dm also says she's so confused. Almost like she knew something was going to happen that night but didn't realize how outta hand it was gonna get. Like DM knew someone was coming to scare or shake them down but didn't realize that someone was going to hurt them. So confused as to why it was so crazy. I think this throws out the "frozen shock faze" idea. She wasn't frozen enough to understand she needed to get out there or she cud b hurt or worse. I think there are texts missing in these documents.

@michelleellis1270 - 08.03.2025 20:50

Is it not possible that the unconscious roommate is Bethany or Dylan after they saw their friends. ???

@John-hp9mv - 08.03.2025 20:20

Is it possible that after the murders, the killer closed the doors. And maybe the doors were locked. I though i heard something about each bedroom had their own locks for privacy. And if the doors were locked the roomates would not have seen blood.. and outside the rooms looked normal. Maybe they figured everyone was sleeping in and only after no one was answering them knocking, then they called police for unconscious person.. it is possible

@carolynalfonso4548 - 08.03.2025 20:02

Great job!

@jcjust1160 - 08.03.2025 18:34

4 people murdered - 2 people obviously awake, texting, calling and aware enough to be "scared". Then the next day - mid-morning - lots of people around as evidenced by passing of phone - no sign of 4 people and still NO ONE CHECKS on "unconscious" roommate? Upon arrival - police immediately advise homicide yet no one already on scene recognized that, saw that, smelled that, called the dog? Not alleging involved however these are adults not children and their actions or lack there of make no sense.

@Sherinthia7 - 08.03.2025 13:25

Excellent work Gray!

@falcosirrus8620 - 08.03.2025 13:04

Does anybody have a link to the documents site?
I'm in the UK and was always able to just Google Bryan Kohberger court documents and it would bring up the Idaho gov site with the list of documents. However, since this latest drop the site does not come up with a Google search. Is anybody else having that problem?

@Alien_Observer_ - 08.03.2025 12:41

The more information that comes out in this case the less sense it all makes.

@dogmomma4019 - 08.03.2025 12:30

I swear, I hear that murphy, the dog, was in the other room or in a closet? Obviously.
I could be wrong and I could swore.That was discussed very early on and from a reputable source like this channel

@interman7715 - 08.03.2025 11:42

These texts actually put more suspicion on DM and BK .DM "frozen in shock" but still is able to go into BF's bedroom ,spends half the night texting but still can't call 911.DMs story has changed so much any evidence she presents is irrelevant. Half the students new about the killings by 8.00 am and many were at the house not long after !!! House would have blood from arsehole to breakfast time, yet 911 call was for unconscious person !!! Dylan and Bethany are the key to this crime and should have been interrogated until they told the truth .

@RandomBogey - 08.03.2025 11:13

“Stop passing the phone” immediately passes phone. lol

@cheryl4823 - 08.03.2025 09:34

It’s chilling just thinking about how these poor girls must have felt 😢. No one should judge how people react to emergency or terrifying events

@payno6643 - 08.03.2025 09:08

The volume is in and out it's awful to listen to

@payno6643 - 08.03.2025 09:05

Did you watch this intelligible awful video before you posted it? It's incredibly frustrating

@terripetre8159 - 08.03.2025 08:46

Dylan was very believable in 4 interviews with police. She didn’t change her story, was honest about being under influence of alcohol and was gave a great description of killer. Lean athletic build, bushy eyebrows, 5’10” mask covering nose, mouth and forehead. Boom!

@Robin-i5f - 08.03.2025 08:44

Thanks Mr Gray

@matteoedwardes2876 - 08.03.2025 08:39

Evan is Ethan I take it. I still don’t understand how they see this as a passed out roommate. Both are bloody and dead.

@er070559 - 08.03.2025 07:41

Those texts confirm that the horrific sounds that night which Dylan heard were loud enough for Bethany to also hear. They were both freaked out by the noise, so it had to be very loud to be heard down in Bethany's room. We also know that the mind-blowing epic lapse of judgment as to why the police weren't called immediately was caused by their severe intoxication. I can only imagine that they both had one of those extreme 'Oh Shoot' moments people have when they wake up after being drunk the night before. Im sure everything they should have done then became very clear.
As for Kohberger, this confirms for me that he was wearing a balaclava and likely zip-up coveralls and boot covers that could be quickly peeled off and disposed of. Preventing the transfer of evidence from the crime scene to his car would have been something Kohberger would have made every effort to insure. However the Dickies receipt and his Amazon orders and now these texts gave him away. Not to mention his phone, his car on video, and the knife sheath... there is a ton of evidence against him.

@don1985don - 08.03.2025 07:04

All the blood at scene and they aren't even mentioning it wow

@MrsWild29 - 08.03.2025 06:50

Super appreciate the synopsis!

@susanb3251 - 08.03.2025 06:46

Always insightful and factual. I appreciate you. Thanks for putting this information out.

I feel terrible for Dylan and Bethany. What a horrifying thing to live through only to be thrown to the wolves by the first judge by placing absolutely everything under a gag order that made them look guilty. I hope this brings clarity for those addicted to this story.

@mistameanor1 - 08.03.2025 05:58

Can you imagine first responders showing up thinking they’re dealing with some drunk college kid and walking in to this?

@saraha5847 - 08.03.2025 05:57

People here saying the actual 911 calls are fake. This society is absolutely hopeless holy 💩

@johuck3504 - 08.03.2025 05:49

Hi again.

@Selaithify - 08.03.2025 05:14

You did this great, Gray!! I knew you would.

@kamhart - 08.03.2025 05:06

Wonder if BK heard the calls & texts to K & M from DM ..& he got nervous?

@kj9093 - 08.03.2025 04:57

In light of the 911 transcript, this call is not at all suspicious. Unfortunately, all of the weirdos and Probergers, and A$$clown watchers have to make something out of it before they even have the facts!

@myFavoriteClass - 08.03.2025 04:34

Wow wow 😮😮

@ronaldodonaldo8425 - 08.03.2025 04:13

Lol...they're so scared they can't call the police? Some folks are really reaching here making excuses for these two young women. A whole bunch of questions with this release that don't have anything to do with BK.

@lisakohfeldt6924 - 08.03.2025 04:07

Great job. Really gives you a feeling of how in shock and scared they must have been. 😢

@bettyir4302 - 08.03.2025 04:07

"We saw... They saw a man" So, did Bethany see K?

@valeriebehrendt9380 - 08.03.2025 03:42

I’m scrwed tho seems to mean I’m screwed rather than I’m scared. Possibly referring to her being scared if she left her room she too would be attacked -or encounter this guy.

Odd that all the concern revolves around what’s going on with Xana rather than the other three also deceased roommates. Hours with no one answering the phones ringing but the call to 911 is for an unconscious girl.

@JenFL5 - 08.03.2025 03:35

Those poor girls, such a scary situation. The 911 operator should have stopped and just let them tell the story of what they saw. I feel like no one was really listening to them, that's why it got reported as an unresponsive person.

Thanks for sharing, Gray! Great work, as always, on this case!!

@danecrawford2658 - 08.03.2025 03:33

How on earth can they say she is passed out when there is blood everywhere? I would think it's obvious at first glance she is dead????

@kw8501 - 08.03.2025 03:29

If I’m on the jury and I see the evidence of his dna on the knife sheath under a victim which matches the size of the knife wounds…GUILTY. It’s not even circumstantial it’s direct dna. Common sense! Then you add in his locations near the house…even more GUILTY! I hope I’m never in a court where I am being judged by some of these people who can’t use common sense. It’s not a soap opera with high drama. It’s simple murder with dna.

@lynetteeades9010 - 08.03.2025 03:23

Oh my gosh, this scared me to listen to this. 🥹🥹. Great job Gray 💯‼️

@theresekaufman1343 - 08.03.2025 03:14

How did the cop know it was a 20 year old?? All staged.

@vanpaul147 - 08.03.2025 02:56

So ...Dna on the Hand rail Dna under the finger nails and no investigation into the owners if that Dna. Kohberger is being FRAMED and SLANDERED. Also the 911 call is SUSS AF

@alicake9753 - 08.03.2025 02:38

Thanks Gray! I really appreciate watching the videos before the show, you help me to understand exactly what happened.

@letaadcock1239 - 08.03.2025 02:25

Gray would have made an excellent teacher! He continuesly strives to make educational videos that even the most dim whitted people can finally understand. He covers the material over and over again with visual, audio, and oral review. He uses a variety of learning tools to help those with learning disabilities. I highly enjoy your videos and wish I could become a member. I am extremely busy taking care of my youngest son, who is on the autistic spectrum, as well as my husband. He has an inoperable tumor. Autism does not excuse you from murder. My son is just as smart if not smarter than BK. These types of people can be near impossible to be around. They are socially inept. I ought to know. I live with it daily with my son, and the struggle is real! BK has good parents. They taught him right from wrong. He knows it's wrong to take someone's life even if he feels no empathy. No excuses. Not drugs, not autism, etc. It's time to face the jury. I'm sorry, but he is guilty of everything I have seen so far until other evidence is presented to change my mind. Great work, Gray!
